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Showing posts from January 8, 2013

Cure for Catarrh, Coryza, Nasal Congestion Remedy

CATARRH, CORYZA, NASAL CONGESTION In medical books, there is no treatment for catarrh for catarrh or coryz. The medicines prescribed by a doctor simply give you a feeling of relief but they do not shorten the of the disease. They suppress the disease temporarily but it appears again at any time. Catarrh is marked by inflammation of the mucous membrane. It is not advisable to use inhalers or nasal drops to open up a blocked nose. It increases the blood pressure and there is a narrowing of blood vessels.   Catarrh is a common problem. Given below are a few food items which can catarrh . If you are taking some other treatment, even then you can use them. An analysis of these items will show that treatment through food is easy and harmless. Causes (1)Accumulated Disorders : Breathing disorders, constipation, tonsillitis, nasal problem, debility and sensitivity to cold. (2) Immediate stimulating causes : Getting drenched in the rain, catching cold, walking in the hot sun and immediately af