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Showing posts from January 16, 2011

Allergy Allergies Cure Treatment Remedies Therapy Symptoms

Allergy / Allergies The word 'allergy' means an altered or abnormal tissue reaction after exposure to an antigen (also called an 'allergen'). The allergic reaction occurs if the body tissues are sensitive to the allergen. The allergen may reach the tissues by direct contact with the skin or various mucous membranes of the organs or through the bloodstream after absorption. Almost any part of the body can be affected by allergies. Allergic reactions are caused by a wide range of substances and conditions. These include pollens, dust, cosmetics, and animal hair; poisonous plants, serums, vaccines, and drugs; physical agents such as heat, cold and sunlight, as well as a variety of foods. The foods that commonly cause allergic reactions are oranges, milk, eggs, wheat, fish and other sea foods, chocolates, tomatoes, and strawberries. Symptoms of Allergies Recurring headaches, hay fever, Vomiting etc Allergic symptoms are manifested in various forms in different organs. These

Cure For Alcoholism

Signs of Alcoholism (alcoholism symptoms) Bloodshot eyes, rapid pulse Alcoholics can be easily recognized due to their puffy face and bloodshot eyes. Their voice is hoarse and pulse rate is very rapid. They are prone to be irritable, suspicious and over-emotional. Alcoholics are likely to suffer symptoms such as bouts of vomiting, delirium, disturbed sleep and impaired judgment Alcoholics eventually land up with the disease called cirrhosis of liver where the liver is damaged due to heavy drinking. The bowel movement gets disturbed and other complications like, stomach disorder, weak and flaccid heart and damaged brain cells render the person unfit.   Vomiting, delirium Alcoholics are likely to suffer symptoms such as bouts of vomiting, delirium, disturbed sleep and impaired judgment Alcoholics eventually land up with the disease called cirrhosis of liver where the liver is damaged due to heavy drinking. The bowel movement gets disturbed and other complications like, stomach disorder,

Cure For Acne Scars

Acne scars are one of the most common skin disorders among young people. Acne rears its ugly head mostly between 12-24 years of age and is known to cause a great deal of concern and embarrassment to young people at an age when they are most concerned about their physical appearance. Acne and acne scars are a common chronic skin disorder which can be treated naturally.   Acne is an inflammatory condition of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles appearing largely on the face, neck, chest and shoulders. Acne problem may also result due to hormonal disturbances during puberty. Acne Scar Symptoms Acne scars are a result of acne which appear in various forms Acne appears in various forms and most of them are concerned with sebaceous glands or glands connected with hair follicles. Acne commonly affects areas on the face such as: forehead, cheeks, chin and temple. The chest and back are equally prone to acne. Acne is characterized by the appearance of: - Comedones or blackheads - Pimples - S

Acne Treatment Home Online Remedies Causes Types How To Get Rid Of Acne

HOME REMEDY FOR ACNE Acne treatment (naturally at home or otherwise) is the most sought after treatment among the younger generation. Acne is a common and chronic skin disorder. It is an inflammatory condition of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. The lesions are usually found on the skin of the face, neck, chest and shoulders. Nearly six out of ten young people between the ages of twelve and twenty-four suffer from some degree of acne. Acne causes a great deal of embarrassment at an age when people tend to be sensitive about their personal appearance. Read about how yoga can cure acne.  Yoga poses for acne and pimples are poses that help to increase blood circulation and this ensures that your skin receives the oxygen rich blood it requires. It also induces perspiration which the body’s natural method of flushing out the pores of the skin. When this is done on a regular basis, the debris, sebum, and dead skin cells within the pores of an individual’s skin are rem