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Showing posts from December 6, 2011

Buy Ajwain / Carom Seed Online

CALL US NOW:- +91-9811535600 Buy Ajwain / Carom Seed Online For queries email us:- Ajwain is a seed or fruit from an annual plant related to fennel, caraway and dill. Its growth habit is similar to parsley and, like parsley, ajwain plants put out several flat flower heads that produce the fruit. It is believed to have originated in Egypt where it is still widely cultivated. Ajwain is also a common crop in Iran , Afghanistan and India where it is valued for cooking and medicinal use. Ajwain is also known as ajowan, carom, and wild parsley. Ajwain In Cooking Ajwain seed has a strong thyme flavor due to the presence of thymol. Actually, the flavor is quite a bit stronger than thyme. It is classified as hot and bitter. If used in its raw form, ajwain can overwhelm the flavor of a dish. In most dishes ajwain is roasted or fried, usually with other spices like cumin, before it is added to the dish being made. Roasting or frying ajwain tempers the flavor, releasing