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Showing posts from February 25, 2013

Strong Teeth Gums How to Cure Causes Symptoms Diet Remedies Treatment Therapy

STRONG TEETH The fact that they should remain strong throughout life comes next to cleanliness of teeth. They should not get loose, there should be no cavities and no decay. Eating pungent, hot and cold things like ice – cream or taking only soft things weakens the roots of the teeth. It is, therefore, necessary to be careful about diet. If the teeth are loose and painful, do not get them extracted unless there is no alternative. If there is a cavity, get it filled. Munching  on roasted gram given an exercise to the teeth which makes them strong. Given below are the recipes for making the teeth strong: Mango : Chew fresh mango leaves and spit them out. After a few days, the teeth will become strong. The gums will stop bleeding. Burn dry mango leaves and  turn into ash. Use it as a tooth powder. It will strengthen the teeth and  brighten them. It will also check bleeding. Sesame seeds : Eat 32 gms. of black sesame seeds by chewing them well in the morning on empty stomach after brushing

Cleanliness Of The Teeth How to Cure Causes Symptoms Diet Remedies Treatment Therapy

CLEANLINESS OF THE TEETH Given below are the recipes for homemade tooth powders which not only clean the teeth but also cure some general ailments of the teeth. Cassia leaves : Grind dry cassia leaves in to a fine powder. Use this powder to massage your teeth with, every third day. It will make the teeth bright. Turmeric :Mix 5 gms. of roasted alum salt with 50 gms. of turmeric powder. Massage your gums and teeth with it daily. It will prevent bleeding and toothache. It will cleanse the teeth and make them strong. Lemon : Grind dry lemon rind into a fine powder and use it as a tooth- powder. It will cleanse the teeth and check foul breath. Massage the teeth with lemon juice mixed with salt and mustard oil daily . It will make them strong and cure almost all dental ailments. Cleaning the teeth with small pieces of lemon rind will make them bright. If the teeth have become yellowish and the gums have become weak and blackish, apply on the gums and teeth half tsp. of salt mixed with 5 dro

Dental Diseases How to Cure Causes Symptoms Diet Remedies Treatment Therapy

DENTAL DISEASES People these days develop problem of the teeth at early age. The main reason is that man in the initial stages used to eat hard substances which gave ample exercise to the teeth and gums. But today’s man eats easy to chew, cooked and soft food which does not require much dental exercise. These days the use of sugar, biscuits, toffees, chocolate, ice- cream and ice has increased a great deal. These items are responsible to some extent, for the decay of the teeth. The teeth of some children are very and yellowish from childhood. The chief reason is during pregnancy the mother did not get full nutrition. Pregnant women should take milk and calcium regularly. The child will have healthy teeth. For the protection of the teeth it is essential to clean them well after eating something so that the food particles trapped between the teeth can be cleaned out. Meals should be taken with patience and after thorough chewing.  The health of the body depends upon the health of the tee