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Showing posts from July 3, 2013

Uttan Uttana Mandukasana Raised Frog Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Uttana Mandukasana (Raised Frog Posture) Sit straight. Bend the knees and take the feet back. Now spread the knees wide enough bringing the big toes together. Take both arms above your head and hold each elbow with the other hand. Inhale and retain the breath. Stretch the chest and gaze in front of you. Benefits:- Lungs become strong blood is purified and Prana comes under control by retention of breath.

Utkatasana Knee Support Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Utkatasana (Knee-support Posture) Sit on Your toes. Raise the heels to rest your buttocks on them. Sit in this posture as long as you can. Its uses:- Sit in water and exhale forcefully. Insert a tube in the anus. Draw in air so that the water enters the intestines through the tube. After some practice even the use of a finger will serve the purpose of a tube. After doing Nauli throw out the water through the anus which is known as Basti. After some practice, water can be taken in and thrown out without the help of either the finger or the tube. In like manner, a catheter can be inserted in the penis and Vajrauli can be performed in this posture.

Tulasan Tulasana Balance Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Tulasana (Balance Posture) Sit in Padma Asana ( Lotus Posture No.1). Place your palms on the ground to your left and right. Inhale. Put your weight on the fingers and raise the body up. Keep the posture for some time. Gradually increase the duration.  Benefits :- It strengthens the arms and palms, Chest and shoulders, and cleanses the stomach and intestines. It also makes the neck strong.

Dhanushakarshanasan Dhanushakarshanasana Bow Pull Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Dhanushakarshanasana (Bow- pull Posture) Sit straight with your legs stretched in front of you. Hold the right toe with the left hand firmly. Taken the left foot from under the left arm to the right side. Now draw the left toe with the right hand towards the right ear. Thus the body takes the form of pulling an arrow on the bow. Practise in on the other side as well. When you draw the foot towards the ear, inhale and retain the breath in. Release the foot when exhaling. Benefits :- Arms, shoulders, knees and thighs are strengthened and become flexible. The prana becomes strong due to the breath being held in.

Parvatasan Parvatasana Hill Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Parvatasana (Hill Posture) Sit in Padmasana. Inhale to fill your stomach with Prana and expand your chest. Raise the hands up fully stretched. Retain the breath as long as possible. Return to the normal position while exhaling. Benefits:- Prana becomes strong, chest broadens and lungs are cleansed.

Virasan Virasana Warrior Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Virasana (Warrior Posture) Technique 1. Place right foot on the left thigh, left foot under the right knee, keep your body straight and the hands on the knees in Jnan Mudra. Technique 2. Bend your left leg and place its heels near the left hip in such a way that the toes of your foot and knee touch the ground. After this, place the sole of your right foot on the ground quite close to the left knee in such a way that it is raised upwards. Keep the body straight. Place the left palm on the left knee. Make a fist of your right hand and put it on the right knee. This posture is very useful for the Kshatriyas (warriors). Benefits :- It help in overcoming indolence and enables one to sit comfortably for a long time.