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Showing posts from February 15, 2013

Headache Migraine Tension headache Cluster headache Migraine headaches Stress How to Cure Causes Symptoms Remedies Treatment Therapy

HEADACHE Headache can be felt in the forehead, temples, the back or the upper part of the head or anywhere in the head. Headache may just be a symptom in a few diseases as fever, flue, small – pox, etc. Sometimes headache is not the result of any other disease. Such a headache in itself is a disease. Causes of Headache: (1) When blood accumulates in the veins of the brain, it causes headache. (2) Constant headache can be a symptom of increased blood pressure. When the blood pressure is low it also leads to headache, because the brain does not get enough blood – oxygen. (3) During fever headache is caused by the expansion of brain arteries. (4) Headache can be caused by the dilatation of arteries in the head because of extreme anger or severe mental tension. Anxiety causes tension in the muscles of the face and head leading to occipital headache. (5) Lack of sleep or sleeplessness causes headache. (6)  Toxins in the blood because of urine problems, Constipation, dyspepsia, etc. also cau

Angina Pectoris Pain How to Cure Causes Remedies Symptoms Treatment Therapy

ANGINA Severe pain in the chest arising from an inadequate blood supply to the heart is called angina.  Any obstruction in the artery obstructs the blood – supply to the heart and it calls for the open heart surgery, in which the veins from the hands and feet are taken out and transplanted in the heart. However, even after this kind of major operation, some patients re – develop the same problem, resulting in another operation.  The second operation becomes more risky and complicated as compared to the first. The Experiment and its method : Take one medium size Bottle gourd and grate it after washing and without peeling it off. Add 8 basil leaves and 6 mint leaves. Grind the mixture and strain through muslin cloth. Prepare the juice of approximately 150 gms. Add equal quantity of pain water, powder of 4 grains of black pepper and 1 gram rock salt. This becomes one does for an adult. This diluted juice should be taken 45 minutes after each meal, i.e. after breakfast, lunch and dinner, t