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Showing posts from July 9, 2013

Ekapada-An-gushtha Asana One-foot Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ekapada-An-gushtha Asana (One-foot Posture) Sit on your toes. Place the left heel between the anus and the testicles and put the right leg on the left thigh or the knee. Balance the whole body on the left toe. Place the right hand on the right thigh and the left on the right foot, in Jnan Mudra. Repeat it on the other leg also. Benefits:- It is a great help in maintaining control; strengthens nerves of feet and makes them elastic.

Latasan Latasana Creeper Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Latasana (Creeper Posture) Lie flat on the back. Do Halasana (Plough Pose) and stretch your legs and arms as wide as possible on either side. Both the arms should rest firmly on the ground. Legs should be kept as wide as the arms. Benefits: Arteries and intestines are cleansed and strengthened Skin diseases and diseases of nose, ear, mouth and eyes are cured; back and waist become flexible; appetite increases.

Kurmasan Kurmasana Tortoise Posture 1 Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Kurmasana (Tortoise Posture 1) Sit erect on the ground. Bend the knees. Take the feet back. Touching the ground with your ankles, keep heels near the hips. Lean forward, place the elbows near the knees and put the hands with fingers stretched wide on the ground close to the knees. Technique2:- Press the left side of the anus with the right ankle and the right side with left. This technique of posture has been given in Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Benefits: Moolbandha ( Contraction of anus) is automatic. It quickens the upward movement of Prana and awakens Kundalini; prevents piles and fistula.

Guptasan Guptasana Celibate Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Guptasana (Celibate Posture) First place the toes of the left foot under the testicles so that the ankle rests on the ground and the sole is turned upwards. Then, placing the right sole on the ankle of the left, keep the heel of the same foot between the anus and the genitals. Keep the hands on the respective knees and sit straight. Practise this posture also by changing the posture of feet. Benefits:- This is beneficial for all except the house-holders. It helps in subduing the sexual urge.  The above sixteen Posture are performed in sitting position and are employed for meditation. The posture that now follow are primarily ment for physical strength and health.

Yogasan Yogasana Yoga Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Yogasana (Yoga Posture) Sit in Padmasana. Cover the soles of both the feet with your palms in such a way that the wrists are in front and  the fingers towards the stomach. With semi-opened eyes ( unmani mudra), fix your gaze between the eyebrows. Some authors advise to fix the gaze on the tip of the nose. The breathing should be natural.

Mandukasan Mandukasana Frog Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Mandukasana (Frog Posture) Sit normally. Bend the knees and keeping them wide apart, turn the legs backwards and place the buttocks on the heels so that they are fully covered. Place the palms on the respective knees, keeping chest, neck and head stretched. This posture is more beneficial when practiced with the breath retained in. Benefits:- The Apana Vayu ( The breath in the region from navel to toes) is directed downwards, thus helping the movement of faecal matter in the bowels. Prana begins to move up entering in the Sushumna and makes the body healthy.

Halasan Halasana Plough Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Halasana (Plough Posture) Lie flat on the back. Keep the hands at the sides with the palms on the ground. Keep both the legs together and lift them slowly straight and then lower them down behind the head until the toes touch the ground. The legs and thighs should be straight and close together and must be in one straight line. Make a finger-lock at the back. Benefits: Spinal nerves and muscles of the back are toned up. Improves circulation of blood, increases appetite and digestive power, reduces obesity and relieves backache and intestinal weakness.

Sashtangadandawatasana Prostration Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Sashtangadandawatasana (Prostration Posture) Lie down on your belly. Stretch your arms fully towards the head and put one wrist on the other. Touch the teacher’s left foot with the hand and the right foot with the right hand. Benefits:- This posture is used in paying respect to preceptors and to the Gods in temples. It engenders humility, destroys arrogance and enhances respect, devotion and affection.   

Vamadakshina-parshwasanagaman-asana Hands-on-one-foot Posture 2 Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Vamadakshina-parshwasanagaman-asana (Hands-on-one-foot Posture 2.) Stand erect with legs about three feet apart. After inhaling, place your left palm on the right and join the fingers. Bend towards right and touch the knee with head. Place the fingers on the toes of the right foot. Then rise and exhale through both the nostrils. Do on the left side also. Benefits:- This posture is very useful for developing physical strength.

Ekapadotthita Ardhabaddha Padmasana Dhruva Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ekapadotthita-Ardhabaddha-Padmasana (Dhruva Posture) Stand erect with feet placed together. Place your left foot on the right groin with the sole facing upward. Then, place the left hand palm upwards just below the navel. Now inhale and retain the breath and raise the right hand above the head. Repeat it on the other leg also. Benefits:- I had seen a saint at Saptasarover practicing austerities in this posture for several years. The hand which he had kept raised had become very thin and the foot on which he was standing was swollen. After some years he went to Allahabad where he continued his austerities.

Dhruvasan Dhruvasana Dhruva Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Dhruvasana (Dhruva Posture) Stand straight with feet placed together. Bend the right knee and put the right foot on the left groin with the sole facing upward. Bring the hands near the chest and join the palms. Benefits: This posture is useful for doing jap of Onkar, Gayatri or Ishta Mantra on the banks of Ganges, In this posture, one does not feel lazy while doing jap. Dhruva, a great devotee, preferred this posture and hence this posture has been named after him.

Utthitakumbha-kasan Utthitakumbha-kasana Twist round waist Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Utthitakumbha-kasana (Twist-round-waist Posture) Stand erect, keeping the feet a little over two feets apart. Take both hands to your back and hold each elbow with the other hand. Inhale to the maximum so that you fill the whole stomach up to the neck. Move the body around at the waist slowly and carefully so that you do not feel giddy and do not fall down. Move the body in a circle in one direction with one Pranayam and in the reverse with another. First, practice without Pranayam and then with it. Benefits:- This is the most useful posture for removing the disorders of the stomach. It reduces the belly, Strengthens the chest and improves appetite.

Ekapadaviram-asan Ekapadaviram-asana One leg rest Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ekapadaviram-asana (One-leg rest Posture) Stand with feet together. Lift the leg, bend at the knee and place the sole firmly on the right thigh. Raise the hands over the head and join the palms. Benefits:- This posture enables one to rest; chest, thighs and keep are strengthened.

Gajasan Gajasana Elephant Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Gajasana (Elephant Posture) Stand straight Bend from the waist and place the palms on the ground. Keep the legs and arms absolutely stretched. Move about in this posture. Benefits:- Keeps the stomach healthy, relieves constipation and increases appetite.

Padasantulanasan Padasantulanasana One leg balance Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Padasantulan-asana (One- leg-balance Posture) Stand straight with feet placed together. Raise the right leg up and keep the right foot on the arm, bend with the sole facing in front. Then, raise the left arm and turn it, over the head, to the right to make a finger-lock. The posture should be performed with the breath retained in. Repeat it on the other side also. Benefits:- It makes the legs, feet and arms strong and the body supple.