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Showing posts from May 1, 2013

Biotite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Biotite activates the metabolism and helps relieve constipation and regulates the stool. This stone also diminishes diseases of the joints, like rheumatism and gout, and protects the veins. Biotite may also be used to heal ailments of the eyes. Next to that Biotite diminishes sleeping disorders, insomnia and depression, put a slab of Biotite underneath your pillow and you will awake rested and refreshed the following morning.  

Beryl White Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

White Beryl is a soft healer, use in case of gastro-enteritis and haemorrhoids. Take Beryl with you on vacations because this stone is an excellent aid in case of motion sickness, diarrhoea and homesickness. Against biting nails and thumb sucking. Beryl protects on trips, especially on sea voyages it protects against storms. Also Beryl protects its wearer against drowning. In the 16th century Beryl was prescribed to win debates. In magic Beryl is used for spells involving health, love, energy and psychism. Also this stone is used against gossip.  

Band Onyx Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Bandonyx is the black and white variety of   Onyx   and is also called Layer stone. This stone contains a good balance in itself and will promote this in its wearer as well. This stone may be used to heal diseases of the liver like yellow fever and hepatitis, but also liver cirrhosis may be treated by wearing this stone. This stone helps its wearer to find the truth and may be worn in court cases where one has the law on his/her side. Bandonyx promotes tolerance and accepting others as they are, which is why this stone can be very useful treating xenophobia.  

Azurite Malachite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Azurite-Malachite strengthens the liver, gall bladder and all glands. Diminishes diseases of the stomach membrane. This stone gives its wearer a beautiful and natural radiance, health and well being. I'm sure you understand now why I wear earrings with this gemstone   Azurite-Malachite contains all the positive properties of both   Azurite   and   Malachite . For magical use please check out the descriptions of both stones.  

Azurite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Azurite has a good influence on the central nervous system. Protects against inner blockages, constipation and a weak concentration. When used with Clear Crystal Quartz and Rose Quartz it shields against rays emitted by computers etc. Azurite is used in magic to promote psychism and is also used in healing magic.  

Aventurine Blue Brown Orange Green Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Blue Aventurine is a stone that positively influences the entire body and mind: in other words this stone is an all-round healer. It opens the third eye chakra and the throat chakra, Blue Aventurine stimulates creativity, communication and expression. It also diminishes blockages in the third eye chakra and may be used to stimulate visions. This stone is also called Vivianite. Brown or orange Aventurine stimulates vitality and positively influences ones state of mind. This stone is also called Aventurine- Sunstone , because of its appearance and also because of its influences on the human psyche. brown or Orange Aventurine provides happiness for its wearer and gives one independence and originality. This stone is connected to the second chakra and may be used to dissolve creative blockages and also to find and work through sexual traumas. The green variety stimulates unexpected adventure, luck in love and games and makes one independent and original. Use Green Aventurine against eczema