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Showing posts from July 6, 2013

Ushtrasan Ushtrasana Camel Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ushtrasana (Camel Posture) Bend the knees and rest them on the ground. Take the legs back and hold the heels with the hands. Turn your face towards the sky. After this, bend from the waist forward, touch the ground with the mouth and then resume the formal posture. This posture. This posture can be practiced also with the breath retained in. Benefits:- Neck Becomes strong. The fat on the stomach and waist is reduced; digestion improves and all stomach diseases are cured; ribs are strengthened. The disorders of the three humours are prevented.

Shayanapadasanchalanasan Shayanapadasanchalanasana Legs-movement Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Shayanapadasanchalanasana (Legs-movement Posture) Lie down on your back. Raise the right leg straight up without bending at the knee and immediately bring it back. Repeat with the left leg. Practise eight times with each leg. Continue to lie down on the back and raise both the legs together and immediately bring them back. Practise, eight times. Raise both the legs up without bending at the knees. Spread them on either side and bring them together. Practice eight times before bringing them to the rest position. Raise both the legs straight up. Take them towards the head and bring them back to the ground. Do it at least eight times. Continue to lie down on your back and raise both the legs about two feet. Do not bend at the knees. Now raise one leg and lower the other in quick succession eight times. Continue to lie down on the back. Raise the legs and mover them as if cycling for eight times. Continue to lie down on the back. Raise both the legs vertically without bending at the knees.