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Showing posts from June 12, 2013

English Medical Terms Glossary

Abrotifacient : Causing abortion. Abscess : Local inflammation of body tissues with deep suppuration caused by bacteria which destroy the cells in the centre of the area and leave a cavity filled with pus. Acidity : Excess of hydrochloric acid found in the stomach. Acne : Skin condition, found usually in adolescents, in which glands of skin get infected. Allergy : Abnormal Sensitivity to any substance. Anemia : A decrease in the volume  of blood or some of the normal constituents of blood vessels and induces sleeplessness. Anesthetic : A substance which produces loss of some from of sensitivity or entire of sensibility. Anthrax : Disease of man from animals; two forms exist, one of the skin and the other of the lungs. Appetite-loss : Aversion of food. Arthritis : An abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. Ascorbic acid : Vitamin C, occurring in fresh fruits. Asthmatic problems : Periodic attacks of difficulty in breathing. Bacteria : Single-celled organisms which bring