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Showing posts from June 21, 2013

Yoga Principles Ten Fundamentals Learning Diet Food Sex Sleep Breathing Relaxation Pratice Living Discipline Meditation Hatha Asanas Benefits History

Ten Principles of Yoga DISCIPLINE To succeed in yoga one must have discipline. Regular, systematic practice is essential. Discipline also means yama and niyama - restraints on behaviour through universal moral commandments and self-purification through spiritual discipline. Swami Sivananda says “To achieve the goal of yoga one must have constant spiritualization of all activities and cultivation of virtues such as non-violence, truthfulness and celibacy.” If you are not religious try to maintain mindfulness and constantly be in the present moment aware of all actions and thoughts. FOOD Eat a nourishing and well balanced diet, based on natural foods. Avoid over-eating. Avoid fasting too much. Avoid over-processed foods. Eat only foods that are easily digestible. This keeps the body light and supple and the mind calm, giving a high resistance to disease. It is essential to drink plenty of water between meals, especially during periods of intense practice. Take natural remedies for illnes