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Showing posts from January 30, 2013

Polyuria Cure Treatment Remedy Therapy

POLYURIA Excessive secretion of urine is called polyuria. It is caused by nervous disorders. Some serious problem like diabetes, swelling in the kidneys can also cause polyuria. After fever also there is excessive urination for some time. There is frequent urination in excessive quantity. This disease can be treated by regular use of the following food items. Turmeric : Taking a tsp. of turmeric powder twice daily in the morning and evening with cool water can cure polyuria. Grapes : Polyuria is not good for urinary bladder. Eating grapes cure the problem of polyuria. Amla : Mix the juice of three amla with water and take it twice daily in the morning and evening for four days. It will provide relief from polyuria Banana ; Eat a banana followed by amla juice mixed with sugar. It will check polyuria. Eating bananas alone also reduces the frequency of urination. Pomegranate : Taking five gms. Powder of pomegranate rind with water reduces the frequency of urination. Take it twice daily fo

Burning In Urine Remedy Cure Treatment

BURNING IN URINE Cauliflower : Cauliflower is useful in this disease. Petha : Two pieces of Agra ke  petha taken daily for a few days or drinking petha juice is very useful in burning micturition. Lady finger : It provides relief from burning micturition. It increases the flow of urine.  Ridged gourd : It relieves burning sensation and clears the flow of urine. Rice : Add sugar to half a glass of cooked rice water (maand) and drink it.. It will relieve burning in micturition. Wheat : Soak overnight  12 gms. Of wheat  in ⅟ 4  litre of water. Strain it the following morning, add 25 gms. Of sugar candy to it and drink it. Will relieve burning in micturition. Maize : To relieve burning in micturition, boil fresh maize corn in water, add sugar candy to the water and drink it.  Milk : Drink unboiled  milk with water added to it.  Almonds : Grind five soaked and peeled almonds with seven cardamom and mix in a glass of water, add sugar to taste and drink it twice daily in the morning and eveni

Kidney Gall Bladder Stones Cure Remedy Treatment

KIDNEY & GALL BLADDER STONES The presence of oxalate, calcium, phosphate and purine in excess in the food cause stones. The flour of grains without  fibre is the main source of phosphate. Oxalate is found in plenty in green vegetables. Milk is the main source of calcium and phosphate. Therefore, The above mentioned things and Milk should not be taken by those having a stone problem. The patient should take food which contains very little of oxalic acid and purin.  Coconut : Taking coconut water remove stones. Spinach : Some people think that spinach causes stones. but you can take it for certain that the juice of raw spinach does not cause. Take spinach juice and get totally transformed. Bitter gourd : It breaks the stones into pieces in the kidney or bladder and flushes them out with the urine. The patient should take the juice of two bitter gourds daily and also eat them as a vegetable. It will check the passage of blood with the urine. Rice : Patients suffering from stones in th