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Showing posts from February 4, 2013

Hemorrhoids Bleeding Piles Non Bleeding Piles Causes Symptoms Cure Remedies Treatment Therapy Diet

HEMORRHOIDS Varicosity of the around the anus is called hemorrhoids. Thee swollen veins are of the size of a pen con or even bigger. They are commonly known as piles. Hemorrhoids are either inside or outside the anus. External hemorrhoids keep dangling near the opening of the anus. So long as they do not get chaffed or infected they do not cause pain. When they get chaffed there is unbearable pain in them. Inner hemorrhoids start bleeding.  There can be one or several hemorrhoids. When the inner hemorrhoids come out of the anus, they strangulate the opening. Until they are pushed inside, they keep causing pain. In this way, internal hemorrhoids cause bleeding while the external ones do not bleed. Symptoms : Bleeding while passing the stool, acute or shooting pain, itching and burning in the anus are some of the symptoms of hemorrhoids. They are caused by exerting pressure while passing the stool because of constipation. Causes : Hard stool, frequent use of laxatives, eating hot and spi