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Showing posts from June 14, 2013

Rhodochrosite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Rhodochrosite enhances creativity, intuition, helps meditation and gives mental rest. The stone calms restlessness and confusion and promotes a good energy flow. This mineral has given excellent results when used on Parkinson's patients and Multiple Sclerosis patients, relieves in case of arthritis, against spiritlessness. Helps its wearer to get started in the morning and strengthens the whole body. Against asthma and stuffy nose, threshold fear and other fears, strengthens the memory. An excellent stone for children, they become lively and optimistic when they wear this stone. Because this stone has a soothing nature it can be used for a bath to relieve stress, put a piece of Rhodochrosite in the tub or wear the stone while you bathe. Rhodochrosite attracts love and therefore can be used in love spells.  

Quartz Cat's Eye Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Quartz Cat's Eye is usually referred to as Cat's Eye, but this name is not entirely correct. The only stone that has the 'right' to call itself just Cat's Eye is the Cat's Eye variety of   Chrysoberyl , all other stones that display the cat's eye effect should be preceded by the name of the gemstone. This stone is also called Bull's Eye or Red   Tiger's Eye . Quartz Cat's Eye is suited for school going children because it activates concentration. Next to that this stone may be used, just like all 'eye' stones, to ameliorate the eyes and to dispel and heal ailments of the eyes as well. Quartz Cat's eye is a stone that stimulates courage and gives one a sense of safety. It may also be used to heal diseases of the bronchial tract, like asthma, pneumonia and tuberculosis. This stone positively influences the muscles, nerves and motor skills. Quartz Cat's Eye may be used to heal and diminish neuritis, neuralgia and cramps. This stone a

Pyrite Sun Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

The Pyrite Sun contains all healing and magical properties of Pyrite and next to that it positively influences the organs and glands, it makes sure that gall is produced and distributed throughout the body. Next to that this special stone also purifies the blood. This stone regulates the metabolism and protects its wearer against inflammations and colics. Also ailments of the lungs and bronchial tract may be cured by the laying on of this stone. Pyrite Suns strengthen the immune system and protect against all sorts of radiation. You may wish to place this stone on your computer to protect you against the radiation it emits, just like   Schörl , black Tourmaline.

Pyrite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Pyrite is a stone that enhances psychic powers, increases the energy flow and positively influences the thinking and understanding process. Strengthens the nervous system, the immune system, good for the respitory tract. The stone is grounding, against head colds, makes one happy and optimistic, against epilepsy. Against anemia, and for recovery after illness, use when you have abnormal and painful menstruation, regulates the metabolism, against high fevers, for the intestines. Pyrite is used in money magic and it will bring you luck when you wear it!

Prehnite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Prehnite positively influences the bladder and kidneys, the stone strengthens these organs and makes sure that all toxins are disposed of as soon as possible, this beautiful green stone has a similar influence on the blood. It also makes sure that minerals and vitamins are absorbed into the body faster and it also aids in sexual problems, especially with potency problems. Prehnite diminishes depressions and neuroses and gives its wearer more energy. This stone is particularly suited for meditation and it is also a stone that promotes clairvoyance and stimulates spiritual growth.