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Showing posts from January 21, 2014

Aniseed Benefits Remedies Origin Nutritive Value Medicinal Virtues Uses Saunff

ANISEED (Saunff) Description Aniseed (pimpinella anisum), one of the oldest spices, is an annual plant, which grows to a height of 50 cms. It bears white flowers in summer. The fruits are small. The seeds are ground-grey to greyish-brown in colour, oval in shape and 3.2 to 4.8 mm in length. Five longitudinal ridges are visible on each pericarp. They have an agreeable odour and a pleasant taste. Aniseed has often been mistaken for fennel, as common Indian name sauf applies to both. In European countries also, aniseed is sometimes mistaken with another spice ‘Star-anise’ which is, botanically different and is known as lllicium verum. Star-anise is indigenous to Southern China and TongKing and is extensively cultivated in those parts. Origin and distribution Anise is a native of the East Mediterranean region. The ancient Egyptians, who valued its medicinal properties and culinary uses, cultivated it. It was also known to the early Greeks and Romans. It is now wid