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Showing posts from October 17, 2013

Pada-tala-samyukta-eka-parshwa Asana Joints-sole-side-bend Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Pada-tala-samyukta-eka-parshwa Asana (Joints-sole-side-bend Posture) Sit on the ground. Bend left leg and hold the toes on the right side near waist. Then bend right leg backward, place its knee on the ground hold its toe, bring both the toes close. Join both the soles. Remain in this posture as long as you can. Repeat it on the other side also. 2. Assume the previous posture, bend the head and touch both the toes, with your nose. Return to the normal position and repeat it on the other side also. Benefits:-It exercises waist, thighs, legs and soles. It cures pain in the waist and joints. Invigorates the intestines. Body becomes flexible.

Janubadha-eka-parshwa Asana Knee-locked-side-bend Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Janubadha-eka-parshwa Asana (Knee-locked-side-bend Posture) Sit on the ground and stretch both the legs in front of you. Then bend your right leg and place the sole on the ground outside the left knee. Insert the left hand under the right knee. Join the hands at the back and make a finger-lock. Turn the head towards right side. Hold the posture for some time and return to the normal position. Repeat it on the other side also. 2. Sit on the ground, bend right leg and place the heel near the left hip. Then bend your left leg and place the sole on the right side with right knee up. Insert left hand under your left knee. Bring your left hand on back side and make a finger-lock behind the waist. Turn the head on the left side. Hold the posture for some time and return to the normal position. Repeat it other side also. Benefits:-It exercises waist, stomach and other organs together with both the intestines. It cures diabetes, indigestion pain in stomach, etc.

Janusthita-ardha-chakra Asana Knee-rest-semi-circle posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Janusthita-ardha-chakra Asana (Knee-rest-semi-circle posture) Sit on your toes and knees like a camel posture. Then raise both the hands and bend your waist backward to place the palms on the ground. Remain in this half-moon posture for some time, then return to the normal position. Benefits:- It exercises spine, waist, arms, shoulders, thighs and knees. Regular practice makes the joints supple.

Badha-padma-janusparsha Asana Lotus-locked-knee-touch Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Badha-padma-janusparsha Asana (Lotus-locked-knee-touch Posture) Sit in baddha-padmasana and do it like previous posture. Sit in padmasana, then take your arms back and hold each elbow with the other hand. Inhale and hold it in and bend your head and touch left knee with the chin. While exhaling return to the normal position. Repeat it on the other side also. It can also be practiced without retention of breath. Benefits:-It cures pain in the waist and other troubles. The navel center organs around navel become strengthened. Those who are suffering from hernia and blood pressure, they must not do it.

Kati-badha-pada-tala Samyukta Asana Waist Locked-sole-joints Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Kati-badha-pada-tala Samyukta Asana (Waist Locked-sole-joints Posture) Sit on the ground, stretch both the legs with shoulders. Raise both the knees and bend your chest forward on the knees. Insert both the hands under the knees and bring them back to make a fingerlock. Look straight in front of you and maintain the posture for some time. Return to the normal position. Benefits:- It cures joints troubles and stiffness in waist. Muscles and neck are strengthened. If you practice this posture after drinking a little cold water, it cures stomach pain.

Eka-pada-greeva-namaskar Asana Legs-on-neck hands folded Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Eka-pada-greeva-namaskar Asana (Legs-on-neck hands folded Posture) Stand with both the feet together. Keep the left leg straight, raise the right leg up; place the right ankle on the neck. Join the palms in front of the chest. Repeat it on the other leg also. Benefits:- It exercises joints of the legs and muscles become flexible. It makes the whole body vigorous.

Janu-pada-nitamba-sthita Asana Hips-on-heel-rest Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Janu-pada-nitamba-sthita Asana (Hips-on-heel-rest Posture) Sit on your toes as in utkatasana. Then place your left sole on the ground, turn thigh and try to touch right knee to left ankle. Repeat it on the other leg also. Benefits:-It helps in the practice of shankhaprakshalana kriya. Some people call it ‘Udara-Akarshana.’ It strengthens legs, knees, toes and ankle.

Urdhwa-hasta-vakra-Bhu Naman Asana Raised-hand-forward-bend Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Urdhwa-hasta-vakra-Bhu Naman Asana (Raised-hand-forward-bend Posture) Sit in Vajrasana. Raise both the hands make a finger-lock above the head. Then inhale, slowly lean forward and place the chin on the ground. Hold the position for some time. Then raise the head and exhale. Repeat it several times. Benefits:-Shoulders and arms become supple. Heart becomes strong. It breaks accumulated wind

Urdhwa mukha-supta-padma Asana Up face-lotus-rest Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Urdhwa mukha-supta-padma Asana (Up face-lotus-rest Posture) Sit in padmasana. Lie down on back. Place the elbows on the ground and support the waist on the both the palms. The posture is similar to the fish posture. Remain in this position for some time. Come to the normal position. Benefits:-It cures the asthma and other breathing troubles. It removes the disorder of pranas. It exercises nose, throat and lungs; the spine becomes elastic.

Supta-pada-peedan Asana Leg-press-rest Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Supta-pada-peedan Asana (Leg-press-rest Posture) Lie down on your abdomen. Bend both the knees backward, hold both the toes of each foot with the respective hands. Try to bend the soles towards the ground. Raise the chest and chin up the ground. Repeat it several times.                                                                                                                               Benefits:-Waist and chest become strong and elastic. It improves blood circulation.

Eka-pada-Urdhwa-Nakul Asana Leg-raised-mongoose Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Eka-pada-Urdhwa-Nakul Asana (Leg-raised-mongoose Posture) Lie down on your abdomen. Placing both the palms just below the shoulders on the ground. Support the legs on the toes. Inhale and balance the whole body on hands and toes. Then raise the right foot as much as possible. While exhaling place right toes on the ground. Repeat it on the other also. Practise it 4-6 times on each side. Benefits:- It cures the pain in the waist, develops the chest Improves blood circulation.

Pada-vakra-eka-pada Shayan Asana Leg-bend-side-rest Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Pada-vakra-eka-pada Shayan Asana (Leg-bend-side-rest Posture) Lie down on the left side. Bend the right leg and hold the toes with the right hand. Bend the left knee keeping it on the ground and place the sole on the right. Place left elbow on the ground and support the head on the head on the left palm. Try to touch the right toes on right shoulder. Repeat on the other side   Benefits:-It removes the pain in stomach, waist and back. It strengthens legs, knees, toes and ankle. It helps to cure the pain in joints.

Supta-hasta-pada-Vama-Parshwa Asana Rest-on-hand-foot-left-bend Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Supta-hasta-pada-Vama-Parshwa Asana (Rest-on-hand-foot-left-bend Posture) Lie down on the back. Turn of left side, bend the left knee and placing the near hips. Then bend the right knee place it on left instep. Place the left elbow on the ground, support your head on some time. Repeat it on the other side.                                 Benefits:-Joints and thighs becomes flexible. It strengthens intestines and removes the pain in the waist.

Udarjarankush Asana Abdomen-reform Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Udarjarankush Asana (Abdomen-reform Posture) Place your hands flat on the ground. Bring elbows together. Rest your navel on them. Place your forehead and knees on the ground. Raise your feet and heels. Then come to the normal position. Benefits:-It is good exercise for the stomach and navel. It cures chronic gastritis. Enlargement of stomach is arrested. Kidneys work more efficiently and digestion improves.

Makar Asana Crocodile Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Makar Asana (Crocodile Posture) Lie down on the stomach. Stretch the legs backwards. Place the hands at your sides with palms resting on the ground, near the shoulders, and elbows raised. Now, balance the body on the palms and toes and jump about on the toes and palms like a lizard or move about on the toes and palms bringing them forward in order. Take care that the body remains balanced only on the toes and palms and stiff like wooden plank. Benefits:-The whole body is exercised, perspired and fatigued. Circulation of blood quickens and it is thus purified. It strengthens especially arms, finger and legs.

Hasta-adhar-urdhva-pada Asana Hand-stand-raised legs posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Hasta-adhar-urdhva-pada Asana (Hand-stand-raised legs posture) Sit down, placing your palms firmly on the ground and carefully raise the body on them. Bend the knees and take the legs backward. Now, walk on the palms, keeping the head raised. After a little practice, you will be able to walk a longer distance. Benefits:-Regular practice of this posture makes chest, shoulders and arms strong; Prana is strengthened and body becomes light slim, active and radiant; appetite improves as also capacity for work.

Tolangula Asana Balance-on-fist Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Tolangula Asana (Balance-on-fist Posture) Sit in Padmasana (Lotus Pose No.1) Make fists of the hands and place them firmly the hips. Now balance the body on the fists. Stretch the knees forward and the head backward; knees and head must be raised to the same level. Retain the breath in. Benefits:- It strengthens fingers, keeps stomach in order and relieves constipation.

Viparita Pada Mastak-Sparsha Asana Feet head-touch Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Viparita Pada Mastak-Sparsha Asana (Feet head-touch Posture) Liw down on your belly and hold the toes with the hands over the head. Raise the head, chest and thighs and pull the toes towards the head and try to touch it with them. The whole body should be balanced on the navel. This is one the difficult postures. Benefits:-It exercises the whole body which becomes flexible symmetric, strong and handsome.

Ekapadautthana –chakra Asana Leg-raised Circle Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ekapadautthana –chakra Asana (Leg-raised Circle Posture) Lie down on your back. Raise the body with the help of the hands and legs so as to assume position similar to Chakrasana (Circle Pos-ture). Place both the elbow firmly on the ground, hold the right heel securely and stretch the left leg straight. Hold the position so long as comfortable. Repeat with right leg stretched out. Increase duration of holding of the posture as the practice progresses.

Hastapada merudanda Asana Four limbs-spine Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Hastapada merudanda Asana (Four limbs-spine Posture) Lie down on the ground on the back and take the legs behind the head as you do in Halasana (Plough Pose) and touch the ground with the toes. Now take both arms over the thighs and place them one on each side of the body. Remain in this posture as long as possible. Benefits:-It prevents accumulation of fat on the belly and strengthens the joints of hands and feet.

Ardha chakra Asana Semi-Circle Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ardha chakra Asana (Semi-Circle Posture) Lie down on your back. Bring the heels under the hips and raise the knees. Now hold the legs firmly near the ankles and support the body on the head and feet. Rise the trunk in the form of a semi-circle. Benefits:- The benefits are the same as those of Chakrasana (Circle Pose).

Chatushapada Asana Lizard Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Chatushapada Asana (Lizard Posture) Lie down on your belly. Spread the hands apart in front and the feet at the back. Inhale as much a possible. Now balance the body on the toes and palms. Lie down while exhaling. Repeat it several times. This is a difficult pose. Try to master it gradually by practice Benefits:-It makes the body strong; increases the Prana energy and purifies the blood.

Paryankasana Bed Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Paryankasana (Bed Posture) Sit on the ground with the legs stretched in front. Lift the right leg and bend it at the knee to place the right foot at the back of the head. Now raise the right arms and rest the temple on the palm. Lower your back resting the right elbow on the popliteal space of the right knee and the right thigh on the ground. Left leg should remain on the ground with the left hand on it. Repeat the posture on the other side also. Benefits:- Stomach, heart and intestines are strengthened and cleansed. Yogis make use of this as posture for taking rest and changing of breath from one nostril to another.

Padangushtha-shikha-sparshasana Toe-holding Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Padangushtha-shikha-sparshasana (Toe-holding Posture) Stand straight and keep the feet together. Raise the right leg towards the back and hold its big toe with right hand over the head. Pull the big toe and try to bring it close to the middle of the head. Keep the left hand raised in front. Breathing should be natural. Do it with the other leg also. This is a difficult posture and as such it should be attempted gradually. Benefits:-It makes the chest strong and spinal column and waist flexible.

Urdhva-vajrasana Inverted-bolt Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Urdhva-vajrasana (Inverted-bolt Posture) Fix your palms firmly on the ground and raise up the body on the hands. Bend the legs and place the heels close to the hips. Inhale and retain the breath. Stay in this posture as long as you can and then exhale. Do it several times. Benefits:-The chest, heat, waist and arms are strengthened; chest broadens.