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Showing posts from January 18, 2012

Benefits of Cold Water Bath Ice Water Bath Cold Water Showers

TAKE A COLD WATER BATH Doctors suggest that we should not take a hot that even in winters. We should bathe everyday in winter with cold water, i.e. ordinary tap water. It is not necessary that the water should be ice cold. We can see that most of our fairs and holy bathing festivals fall in winter. In the beginning, most of us would begin to shiver at the very sight of cold water but once you take to bathing with cold water you would overcome the fear. How to bathe:   The easier way to take a cold bath is first to pour water on the head. You might have watched that people first immerse their head in water while bathing in a river. If  you wet your head, while taking a bath the heat from the head travels down the body and escapes through the feet. But if you wet your feet and legs or the lower portion of the body first, the body heat escapes through the head. This should not be allowed to happen form health point of view. You should not hurry through your bath. Rub with your palms the d

Golden Rules For Health Protection Benefits

RULES FOR HEALTH PROTECTION After you wake up in the morning rinse your mouth and drink fresh water. Get up before sunrise, get yourself free and sit down quietly and meditate. This way you will lead a cheerful day. To continue sleeping even after sunrise is not good for health.        Take your meals before sunset:   Food is digested by the heat from the sun. While you are asleep the digestive system gets weakened. Therefore, you should not go to sleep three hours after the meals during the day or at night. People from Jain community and some others take their meals before sunset. This way food gets digested before you go to sleep. It is indeed a good practice. Eating late at night does not allow the food to be properly digested. If you indulge in it before that, it upsets the stomach. Before going to sleep, offer joint prayers and worship God. Do not sleep straight on your back. During summers, wash your hands and feet with cool water before going to bet. It will induce good sleep an