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Showing posts from February 14, 2013

Heart Burn Acid Indigestion Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease How to Cure Causes Symptoms Remedies Treatment Therapy

HEART BURN Tamarind : The juice of ripe tamarind mixed with sugar candy provides relief from heart – burn. Potato : Potato juice is beneficial in hear – burn. If it is difficult to extract its juice, a piece of raw  potato with your teeth and gulp the juice and spit out the pulp. It provides relief from heart – burn. It has a cooling effect in heart – burn. Garlic : When it seems that the heart is going to fail, immediately chew 4 -5 cloves of garlic. It will prevent heart failure. Subsequently the patient should be given garlic boiled in milk. Garlic expels gas from the stomach and thus relieves the heart from pressure and provides strength to the heart. Garlic is very effective in reducing cholesterol level and thus preventing heart disease. It does not allow the arteries to harden. It even expels the clogged cholesterol from hardened arteries and makes them normal again. Garlic is a preventive medicine. Cloves : Grind three cloves in cool water and mix in a cup of water, add sugar c

Pain In The Heart Attack Angina Stress How to Cure Causes Symptoms Remedies Treatment Therapy

PAIN IN THE HEART Banana : Eating two banana with 15 gms. of honey is beneficial to patients who develop pain in the heart. Caraway seeds : Caraway seeds relieve pain and stimulate the heart. Grapes : Grape juice provides quick relief from pain in the heart.

Palpitation Abnormal Heart Beat How to Cure Causes Symptoms Remedy Treatment Therapy

PALPITATION Onion : Those who have quickened action of the heart in which it beats too rapidly, to safeguard against heart disease, should eat a raw onion daily with their meals. It will normalize the heartbeat. The research shows that the right quantity of onion juice is helpful in the flow of blood and protects one from several heart – related problems.  Grapes : If the patient lives only on grapes, he can quickly recover from heart – disease. The palpitation can be normalized with the help of grape – juice. The patient gets quick relief and the emergency situation is averted. Pistachio : It  normalizes the palpitation. Soak five pistachios overnight. In the morning discard the water and eat pistachios followed by two draughts of water. Milk : Drink a glass of fresh milk with sugar candy or honey added according to taste and 10 soaked and ground raisins every – day for 40 days. It will normalize the palpitation and provide strength to the body. Carrots : Carrots are beneficial for pa

Heart Diseases Problems Cardiovascular How to Cure Causes Symptoms Treatment Therapy Remedy

HEART DISEASES Women live Ionger   than men. Usually they don’t have the problem of clogged arteries before the age of 50. Even after 50, the incidence of heart disease is lower in women than in men. The tender and compassionate nature of women does not let their coronary arteries harden up. Men should also cultivate the virtue of compassion and their face should reflect love and tenderness instead of demonic anger.   Men are destroying themselves with over – ambition, tension and a lifestyle which is full of challenges. Even at an early age of 30-40 a men’s coronary arteries are clogged. The lack of exercise and physical labour arteries are clogged. The lack of exercise and physical labour results in his becoming idle and obese. The misleading slogan of “eat, drink and be merry” has led him to smoking and drinking and the path of self – destruction. He likes good taste and rich food only. The lack of fiber in his diet affects his health. Fried food items and sweets harden up our coron