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Showing posts from January 8, 2012

illness And Diet

ILLNESS AND DIET Three sips of water before meals will cool down the heat in the esophagus and stomach. The ill effects of the heat in the food and the pungency of  spices will also subside. The mental state in which we eat affects our thinking also. While eating, our thoughts should be pious and satvik. The food we eat shapes our mind. Every man has in him a bio-clock which plays an important role in controlling his physical activities. That is how we have a cycle of eating, sleeping and waking up.           These days man has alienated himself from natue.human body has a built in mechanism to keep itself healthy but the man’s alienation form nature has a damaging effect on this mechanism.           A disease cannot be totally cured with the help of medicines. But those who exercise and restraint in matters of food do not fall sick. If you have wrong food habits no treatment can keep you fit. Food and health are closely related. The more a man knows about foods the healthier he will b

Diseases Caused By The Deficiency Of Vitamin C & A

DISEASES CAUSED BY THE DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN C Paleness of face, debility, body ache, swollen gums, bleeding gums, loose teeth, foul breath, bleeding from skin and phlegmatic sources are the diseases caused by the deficiency of vitamin C. Teeth become irregular and defective. The patient suffers from pyorrhea. He loses appetite and dose not get full nourishment.           Bones, cells and arteries get damaged or the wounds do not heal easily and even small hurts and slips cause fractures in the bones. The deficiency of vitamin c causes the terrible disease ‘scurvy’. One becomes debilitated and irritable. One can also suffer from anaemia. Red blood corpuscles become weak and deficient. The blood vessels contract and the heart also becomes weak. The immune system too gets weakened. As a result, the patient is unable to fight infectious diseases. Common cold or severe cold, pneumonia, etc., afflict the body frequently. One suffers from lack of stamina and gets tired easily and even in you