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Showing posts from February 16, 2012

Dyspepsia cure remedy online remedies treatment

DYSPEPSIA (DYS = HARD, PEPSIN = DIGEST) Weakness of digestion or indigestion leads to pain in the parts related to digestive system and there is flatulene which causes heaviness, restlessness, nausea and vomiting. Loss of appetite, indigestion, feeling of surfeit and stomach derangement all mean that the food eaten is not being digested. The diarrhea caused by dyspepsia is known as sprue. Lemon : (1) Cut a slice of a lemon, heat it, sprinkle salt on it and suck on it to get relief from indigestion. It will improve the digestive system. Lemon is useful in all ailments of the liver. (2) Take half glass of lemon water with sugar daily in case of loss of appetite, indigestion and sour burps. (3) Squeeze a lemon in a glass of water, add salt and a tsp. of ginger juice to it and drink it. Guava: It is a good medicine for dyspepsia, loss of appetite and flatulence. The patient should eat 250 gms. Of guava fruit after meals. Others should eat it before meals. Cauliflower : Taking mixed juice o