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Showing posts from March 23, 2011

Cure / Remedies for Osteoporosis

Remedies for Osteoporosis If Osteoporosis has been diagnosed in the early stages one can follow a simple routine to regain health naturally.   Here are some simple tips to tackle osteoporosis sans medication:   -Exercise to build strong bones: Exercise for atleast thirty minutes comprising of weight-bearing exercise such as walking or jogging, three times a week. This regime has been proven to increase bone mineral density, and reduce the risk of falls by strengthening the major muscle groups in the legs and back. -Water Walking: is another suggested exercise to combat osteoporosis. Walking in chest-deep water for about 30 minutes at least three times a week is a suggested remedy as water helps support the body weight and take stress off bones and joints. -Dandelion Tea: Drink dandelion leaf tea to help build bone density -Higher intake of Soy products: As Hormonal imbalances can contribute to bone loss, eating more soy products or taking a supplement that contains soy isoflavones, the