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Showing posts from May 20, 2013

Shilajit Shilajeet What Are Benefits Health Remedies Online Side Effects Best Quality Buy Online

Shilajit is a blessing of god to the mankind. Shilajit is an Amrit of God to the human being to lead the youthful life. Shilajit is found in Himalayas in India in kumaon region, from Arunachal pradesh to Kashmir. Shilajit is also found in Himalayas of Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet. Shilajit is the decomposed plants in the mountain rocks since centuries ago. It is preserved in the rocks due to pressure and sunlight. Shilajit oozes out of the rocks due to the heat of sun. The color of this resin is pale brown to blackish brown and slimy to touch, pure and heavy. Shilajit is having more than 85 minerals including trace elements. The quality of the shilajit also depends on the species of the plants decomposed. The best quality of shilajit is found in India. The other names of shilajit are asphaltum, girij and mineral pitch. Shilajit possesses hot potency and have minerals and bio chemicals including trace elements in the form of fulvic acid, humic acid, uronic acids, hippuric acid, benzopyrones,