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Showing posts from February 27, 2013

Throat Pain How to Relief Cure What are Causes Symptoms Remedies Diet Treatment Therapy

THROAT PAIN Pin in the throat is caused by rating hot and spicy food, the use of medicines, cold, flu and swelling in the throat. Do not take cold drinks if you have pain in the throat. Coriander seeds : Chew 2 tsp. of coriander seeds every three hours. It is beneficial in all types of throat pain. Salt : Gargling with hot saline water is beneficial. Tamarind : Rinsing the mouth with tamarind relieves throat pain. Lemon : Squeeze a lemon in a glass of water and rinse the mouth and gargle. Drink hot water lemon juice. Spinach : Boil 250 gms. of spinach leaves in two glass water and strain. Gargle with hot spinach water. It will relieve pain. Mulberry : Taking mulberry syrup removes dryness of throat and relieves pain.

Dryness Of Throat How to Cure What are Remedies Causes Symptoms Treatment Therapy Diet

DRYNESS OF THROAT Dried dates : In case of a dry throat sucking a stone of a dried date is beneficial. Plum : Eating plums relieves dryness of the throat.

Health benefits of grapes

Health Benefits of Grapes Grapes are rich in polyphenolic phytochemical compound resveratrol. Resveratrol is one of powerful anti-oxidant, which has been found to play protective function against cancers of colon and prostate, coronary heart disease (CHD), degenerative nerve disease, Alzheimer's disease and viral/ fungal infections. Resveratrol reduces stroke risk by altering the molecular mechanisms in the blood vessels. It does so firstly by reducing susceptibility of blood vessels damage through decreased activity of angiotensin (a systemic hormone causing blood vessel constriction that would otherwise elevate blood pressure) and secondly, through increased production of the vasodilator substance, nitric oxide (a beneficial compound that causes relaxation of blood vessels). Anthocyanins are another class of polyphenolic anti-oxidants present abundantly in the red grapes. These phyto-chemicals have been found to have anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, as well as an

Hoarseness Aphonia How to Cure What are Remedies Causes Symptoms Diet Treatment Therapy

HOARSENESS, APHONIA Hoarseness is caused by swelling in the vocal cords, too much of shouting, catarrh, coryza, excessive coughing, wounds in  the throat, etc. Cancer of the throat, hysteria and paralysis also make the throat hoarse. If the throat remains hoarse for a prolonged period, great care should be taken in treatment. Specialists should be consulted.      The following recipes remove disorders of the throat and make voice clear. Even if the patient is taking some other treatment, e.g., homeopathic or allopathic, the use of above  recipes will expedite relief and will not have any harmful effect. Also use the recipes mentioned in Catarrh and Coryza. Clarified butter : Mix 1 tsp. each of clarified butter and sugar candy with 15 ground black pepper corns and lick in the morning and evening. It will provide relief from hoarseness. Do not take water for water for a few hours after licking it. Amla : A tsp. of amla powder take with hot water clears the throat. The voice also becomes

Do Not Brush Wet Hair

Do Not Brush Wet Hair Never use a brush on wet hair, and do not over-brush wet hair. Wet hair is more easily damaged than dry hair (when hair is wet, its hydrogen bonds have been broken and the hair is therefore in a more vulnerable state).   On wet hair, it is best to use either a wide-toothed comb or a wide- bristled brush with rounded tips..

Foul Smell Bad Breath Mouth How to Cure What are Causes Symptoms Remedies Diet Treatment Therapy

FOUL SMELL/BAD BREATH Pomegranate : If foul smell emanates from your mouth and there is too much of salivation, take½ tsp. of ground pomegranate rind with water twice daily in the morning and evening. Boil the rind in water and rinse the mouth. Cumin seeds : Eating roasted cumin seeds removes smell. Basil :Basil leaves provide relief from all types of foul smell. Chewing basil leaves after meals checks bad breath. Lemon : Gargling with fresh lemon water is beneficial. Also drink a glass of it. It will remove bad breath. Mint leaves : If you suffer from bad dissolve ground mint leaves in water and rinse the mouth with it twice or thrice daily. It will freshen up the breath. Coriander : Eating coriander leaves freshens up the breath. Ginger : For freshness of breath mix a tsp. of ginger juice in a glass of hot water and rinse the mouth. Cardamom : Chewing cardamom or liquorice removes bad breath. Water : Whenever you drink water, wash hands if water is available and rinse the mouth repea

Unclean Tongue How to Cure What are Causes Symptoms Remedies Diet Treatment Therapy

UNCLEAN TONGUE Tomato : Eating red tomatoes with rock salt cleanses the tongue.

Pyorrhoea How to Cure What are Remedies Causes Symptoms Diet Treatment Therapy

PYORRHOEA Salt : Grind finely rock salt and sieve it through a muslin cloth. Mix one part salt and four parts mustard oil ad massage the gums daily to cure pyorrhea. Continue with this treatment for a prolonged period. Besides curing pyorrhea, it will also provide relief from general dental problems like toothache and hyper sensitivity of the teeth. Also eat carrots or drink carrot juice. Avoid sugar, tea and coffee. It will keep your teeth healthy. Oranges : Eating oranges is beneficial for the patients of pyorrhea. Grind dry rind of oranges and massage the teeth and gums with it daily. Mango :Grind finely mango kernel and massage the teeth and gums with it. It will cure pyorrhea and other diseases of the teeth. Cabbage : Eating raw cabbage provide provides  relief from pyorrhea and other diseases of the teeth. Camphor : In case of pyorrhea, apply camphor mixed in clarified butter four times daily and let the saliva drip out. Then rinse the mouth. Castor oil : Mix castor oil and camph