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Showing posts from February 14, 2012

Cure allergy remedies diet causes

Allergy An allergy or an allergic reaction is an abnormal immune system response to certain stimuli, like food ingredients or dust. Our immune system normally functions to protect the body against infections and any other threats, but under certain circumstances our immune system can malfunction. Individuals who suffer from allergies have certain abnormalities in their immune system response, causing it to mistakenly react to certain substances as if they were harmful to you. This defensive reaction that is triggered by exposure is known as an allergic reaction, and the substance that triggers the immune response is known as an allergen. There are various allergens that could produce such reactions and they could include certain ingredients in your diet, dust or smoke, pollen, chemicals in certain drugs or certain resins, oils and cosmetics. Before turning to any natural allergy remedies it should be kept in mind that the most important step would be to eliminate or minimize any exposu