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Showing posts from January 31, 2013

Tonsillitis Cure Remedy Treatment Therapy

TONSILLITIS There are two small glands situated on each side of the  throat. Sometimes one or at time both of them get swollen which makes eating and drinking difficult. Swallowing becomes very painful, one also gets fever. The Hindi word for tonsillitis is tundika-shoth. The  patient  suffering from tonsillitis should not be given chilled or cold thing to eat or drink. Tonsils are a vital part of the body. As far as possible avoid surgical operation. They can be cured by taking homeopathic treatment of through Food therapy. Baryta Carb is the best medicine in homeopathic for the treatment of tonsillitis. Its potency can be from 30 to lakh. The food items mentioned below are helpful in treating this disease. Whichever treatment you may take, taking the food items recommended for patients of tonsillitis will be beneficial in providing relief from the problem.  Basil : Wearing a neck band made od basil beads prevents tonsillitis and other throat problems.  Pineapple : Pine Apple is benef

Stomatitis Cure Remedy Treatment Therapy

STOMATITIS Banana : In case of the stomatitis of the tongue take a banana with curd made from cow milk in the morning. Mulberry : Mix a tsp. of mulberry syrup in a cup of water and gargle . It will be beneficial in stomatitis of the mouth and tonsillitis. Coriander : In case of stomatitis of the mouth, Application of the fine powder of  coriander seeds mixed with borax or baking powder is quite beneficial .Application of coriander powder alone is also is useful .  Salivation is also beneficial Also apply the juice of green coriander. Boil coriander seeds in water and gargle with this water.  Glycerine : In case of stomatitis of the mouth, application of the mouth, application of glycerine is beneficial. Basil : Chewing basil and jasmine leaves cures stomatitis . Tomato : Those who suffer from stomatitis frequently, should eat plenty of tomatoes. hey act as a medicine for stomatitis. Bitter gourd : In case of stomatitis of the mouth, rinse the mouth with the juice bitter gourd. You may

Dysuria Painful Urination Cure Treatment Remedy Therapy

DYSURIA / PAINFUL URINATION Dysuria is characterized by pain and difficulty in urination It is either frequent and show or is  obstructed altogether. Its major symptom is an acute pain at the time of urination. It is caused by gonorrhea, stones, worms, inflammation of the urinary gland, disorders of the placenta or kidney, amoebiasis, eta. In order to get relief, these problems should first be treated. This way, dysuria will get automatically cured. Amoebiasis   was suppressed by a patient by taking opium. When he got amoebiasis again, he also developed dysuria once again.   Water : Drinking hot water is beneficial in all types of dysuria Hot water has purifying property. Lukewarm water should be taken. It  is useful in painful micturition.   Carrots : Drinking a glass of carrot juice daily clears the  flow of urine. It provides relief from painful, Burning and difficult micturition.   Ginger : If urine is characterized by pain and blood, mix fine and sieved powder of dried ginger in m

Ischuria Urinary Retention Cure Remedy Treatment Therapy

ISCHURIA / URINARY RETENTION Coriander : Take 20 ml. Of the juice of green coriander leaves mixed with 10 gms. Of sugar. Repeat it if one dose does  not work. Onion : Boil 45 gms. Of onion pieces  I n 1 litre of water.  Strain it, mix honey and take it thrice a day. It will clear the flow of urine without any pain. The frequency of urine is checked. If urine has stopped, its secretion will restart. Milk : Taking hot milk  jiggery is tackling urinary problems. It clears the flow of urine. There is no hesitan-cy. Take a glass of milk with jiggery every day. Radish : If the  secretion of urine stops due to kidney problems, take a dose of two ounces  of radish juice . It will facilitate the secretion of urine. Taking 2 ounce of radish juice will check Burning micturition and pain.   Lemon : Grind lemon seeds and put the paste on the navel and pour  cold water over it It will remove the obstruction and clear the flow of urine Cumin seeds : Grind cumin seeds and sugar in equal quantity and