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Showing posts from February 5, 2013

Abscess How to Causes Cure Symptoms Remedies Treatment Therapy

ABSCESS Guava  : If you have  got an abscess, whelks, blood disorder and itching, eating 250 gms. Of guava daily   in the afternoon for four weeks will be helpful. It will cleanse the bowels, remove the head from the blood, also cleanse the blood and solve the problem of abscesses, whelks and itching. Harad : In case of suppuration of the abscess, burn a harad and grind it into a fine powder, mix it with Vaseline and prepare an ointment. Boil a tsp. of ground harad in a glass of water, strain and foment the abscess with the water when it is lukewarm and wash it. Also wash the spot where there is itching with that water. It will be beneficial. Bathua : Mix dried ginger powder and salt with pounded bathua, put it in a piece of wet cloth , make a little bundle, wrap it with wet clay and roast it on live coal. When roasted, dress the wound with it when it is hot. The abscess will subside and burst. Masoor daal : Prepare poultice by using masoor daal and apply it on the abscess. It will soo

Leucoderma Vitiligo Cure Remedies Therapy Treatment Symptoms

LEUCODERMA / VITILIGO ‘Leuco means ‘white’ and ‘derma’ means ‘skin’, thus leucoderma means abnormal whiteness of the skin. This disease is usually very difficult to treat. If the patient and the physician treat this disease for a long time with patience, it is possible to cure it during the treatment very small blackish spots appear in the white patches. These   spots keep spreading and the skin gradually becomes normal. The abnormal whiteness disappears. In this way, the disease is cured. It is not an infection disease. Only the skin becomes white. Causes : Why do white patches appear ? So far it has not been possible to find out what causes this problem. However, there are certain things which affect the human body and can cause white patches in the skin, which spread rapidly. (1)When the quantity of melanin in the blood is reduced, the skin becomes white , (2) chronic constipation, (3) malfunctioning of the liver, jaundice, (4) ailments of the stomach, (5) worms, (6) diseases like t