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Showing posts from January 14, 2011

Abrasion Cure Remedies Treatment Therapy Diet Symptoms

ABRASION An abrasion is a superficial damage to the upper layer of the skin, the epidermis. It may cause slight bleeding. In general, abrasions do not leave a scar but deep abrasions could cause tissue scarring. Usually, abrasion injuries happen as a result of skin coming in contact (as in scraping) with a rough surface. Grazed Skin Grazed skin that appears pinkish or reddish that may or may not bleed. Some part of the 2nd layer of skin may be exposed. Falls,Sports,Accidents Abrasions could be caused due to innumerable reasons. Some of the common causes are - Falls - Young kids are often victims of this. A scraped knee is an excellent example of a common skin abrasion. Sports - Sportsmen also are likely to get abrasions. Accidents - Accidental falls etc can often result in abrasions.  Cleaning an Abrasion Treating an abrasion Cleaning the wound and keeping it infection-free is very important. The common norm to treat an abrasion is to clean th