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Showing posts from October 21, 2013

Poorna vishram Asana Complete Rest Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Poorna vishram Asana (Complete Rest Posture) After practicing asanas, lie down on the back fully relaxed in every limb. Breathing may be deep and slow. Make the mind devoid of thoughts. Relax fully for 5-6 minutes. Benefits:-After practicing hard-exercises or when you are tired, physically and mentally, this asana will relax you. It refreshes the body, brings vigour and freshness to the mind by relieving tension.

Hasta-sthits-urdhva-pada-vakra Asana Balance-on-hands bent-raised-legs Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Hasta-sthits-urdhva-pada-vakra Asana (Balance-on-hands bent-raised-legs Posture) Lie down on your abdomen. Place your palms on the ground near chest. Place chin on the ground. Raise the legs, waist and keep the posture like Vrischikasana. Come to the normal position. Benefits:-It exercises the nervous system. Body becomes healthy and radiant. Spine and waist become flexible and strong. It cures acidity, gripe and other stomach troubles. Body becomes vigorous and active.

Supta-pada-vakra urdhva-mukh Asana Rest-on-feet face-up Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Supta-pada-vakra urdhva-mukh Asana (Rest-on-feet face-up Posture) Sit on your toes and knees, heels up. Take both the hands back and place the palms on the ground. Place your head on the ground, hold the elbow on the chest. Balance the body on toes, knees and head. Come to the normal position. Benefits:-It exercise the waist, spine, back, thighs and toes Joints and waist becomes elastic. Ribs becomes strong and flexible. It removes pain in stomach, cough, phlegm.

Udarapidasana Abdomen compression Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Udarapidasana (Abdomen compression Posture) Lie down on the abdomen. Place both the arms on the sides near waist. Balance your body on navel and stomach .Raise legs head and chest. Make the body as stiff as possible. Then comes to the normal position. Do it a few times. Benefits:-It cures kidney and stomach troubles. Waist becomes strong. It improves blood circulation. It cures urinary troubles.

Supta-eka-padajanu-shir-samyukta Asana Rest-on-leg-head-knee joined Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Supta-eka-padajanu-shir-samyukta Asana (Rest-on-leg-head-knee joined Posture) 1. Lie down on the back. Raise your right leg and hold the toes with both hands. Raise your head and touch the right knee with the forehead. Come to the normal position. Repeat it on the other side also. 2. Lie down on the back, raise both the legs and hold the toes with both hands and bens them. Touch the knees with forehead. Come to the normal position. Repeat it on the other side also Benefits:-It exercises legs, thighs and stomach. They become flexible and healthy. It removes pain in the waist.

Eka-hasta-pada urdhva-chakra Asana Hand-rest up-leg-circle Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Eka-hasta-pada urdhva-chakra Asana (Hand-rest up-leg-circle Posture) Lie down on the back and perform chakrasana. Raise your left leg up balancing the body on right leg and left hand. The raise your right hand up. Come to the normal position. Repeat it on the other side also. Benefits:-Spine and waist become strong and flexible. It removes disorders of the spine. The whole body becomes elastic.

Eka-hasta sthits-urdhva Asana Balance-on-hand raised leg Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Eka-hasta sthits-urdhva Asana (Balance-on-hand raised leg Posture) Stand straight, bend forward and place both the palms on the ground. Balance your whole body on the palms. Keep balance on your right palm only and place your left hand on left thigh. Come to the normal position. Repeat it on the other arm also. Benefits:-Shoulders become strong and healthy. Blood is purified. Body remains young and healthy. Rest of the benefits are like shirashsana.

Pada-vakra-viparita-hasta-sparsha Asana Leg-bent-incerted-hand-touch Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Pada-vakra-viparita-hasta-sparsha Asana (Leg-bent-incerted-hand-touch Posture) Stand straight. Keep some distance between feet. Bring back your right leg and bend it, place the right instep and knee on the ground with the heel up. Bend your left leg, raise both the hands and bend backward to touch your right toes with hands. Come to the normal position. Repeat it on the other side also. Benefits:-It exercise the whole body, circulation of blood quickens and the blood is purified. Stomach and waist become healthy. Paralysis is prevented.

Poorva Asana Leg-arms-stretched Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Poorva Asana (Leg-arms-stretched Posture) Stand straight with feet some distance apart. While inhaling raise your hands upward and join the palms. Bend forward. Then bending left leg and stretch your hands to left side. While exhaling come to the normal position. Repeat it on the other side also. Benefits:-It exercises shoulders, arms, thighs, legs and waist Intestines become strong.

Hasta-gumphita-janu Asana Arms-locked-knee-rest Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Hasta-gumphita-janu Asana (Arms-locked-knee-rest Posture) Stand straight. Place your right leg on left thigh. Bend left leg and place right knee on the ground out side the left ankle. Stretch both the arms and wind the right one around the left and make a finger-lock. Hold the posture for sometime. Come to the normal position. Repeat it on the other side also. Benefits:- It removes the pain in the joints and legs, arms become healthy and strong. Thus they becomes flexible.