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Showing posts from January 29, 2012

Cure Severe Constipation Remedy Online Treatment

CAUSES & CURE OF CONSTIPATION Constipation is a more common problem than any other disease among the intellectuals. Constipation means not being able toe ease the bowels at fixed hours, insufficient evacuation of the bowels, hardening of stool, persistent non clearing of bowels, not passing the stool dialy, non clearance of digested food, not feeling relived after visiting the toilet, etc.        What cause constipation  : Frequent meals  eaten and different times do not facilitate assimilation of food, as a result there is no full clearance of bowels in a single visit to the toilet. After partial clearance of the bowels the remaining faeces get deposited in the intestines. In this way there is lot of retention in the bowels. Even though there should be no formation of mucus during a fast, t there is lot of excretion during of usual call of nature or when enema is taken after the fast.        Diseases caused by constipation :  the stool deposited in the stomach rots because of the