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Showing posts from May 14, 2013

Diamond Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

For eyes, blood plasma, against blood poisoning, epilepsy, helps in case of poisoning and for concentration, brain, pituitary gland, blood circulation, cartilage, throat, skull, shoulders, reproductive organs and vitality, against gout, yellow fever, addictions, fear, insecurity and jealousy. Diamond is used as a meditation stone, this stone enhances spirituality and is seen as the highest form of transformation because Diamond consists of pure carbon, a substance that also makes up coal. Diamond is the embodiment of peace and cures insomnia and nightmares.  

Desert Rose Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

The Desert Rose is a variety of Gypsum and positively influences the reproductive organs, and also oedema may be cured when one wears this mineral. Desert Roses stimulate the metabolism, the stomach and intestine function and also the vegetative nervous system is positively influenced by this mineral. The Desert Rose stimulates vitality and creativity.   Please note!   A note is in order never   try to cleanse this stone with water! Because the Desert Rose is a Gypsum variety, this may harm the stone!! Also one should be careful with this stone, because of its scanty hardness it can easily be scratched.  

Danburite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Danburite is a gemstone that sends out very high vibrations and may be used to stimulate the crown and third eye chakras, and also to cleanse and stimulate the chakras in the etheric body. This stone stimulates lucid dreaming and also stimulates the intellect. On the physical level Danburite may be used to heal diseases of the gall bladder and the liver and also to remove toxins from the body.