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Showing posts from October 9, 2013

Kandapidasana Sole-on-navel Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Kandapidasana (Sole-on-navel Posture) Sit down on the ground stretching the legs in front of you. Hold the toes with the hands and bring them up near the stomach. Now, go on twisting the toes slowly till the soles face outwardly. The knees should remain firmly on the ground. In the beginning you will have to keep holding the toes but after some practice it becomes unnecessary. Benefits:-It cures various disorders of legs and feet. Pain in the thinghs and knees relieved.

Bhadrasana Full-ankle-twist Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Bhadrasana (Full-ankle-twist Posture) Sit in Yoni-Asana (Soles-opposite Pose). After twisting your feet, place the toes of your feet under the buttocks and the heels under the perineum, though visible in front. Keep the palms on the respective knees. Exhale and retain the breath out. If desired, you can do Nauli. Benefits:- Prevents disorders of knees, toes and perineum as also gonorrhea,  urinary diseases, piles, fistula, etc. Keeps sexual urge in check and thus helps in maintaining continence.

Yoni-Asana or Bhagasana Soles-opposite Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Yoni-Asana or Bhagasana (Soles-opposite Posture) Sit down spreading so that the big toes of both the feet are placed on the ground near the genitals and the heels come below the navel. Now, place the hand on the respective knees in Jnana Mudra.                                                                                              Benefits:- All parts of feet become strong. All urinary disorders, piles, fistula, etc. are cured.

Dvipada-griva-asana Feet-on-neck Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Dvipada-griva-asana (Feet-on-neck Posture)         Sit with your legs straight in front of you. Now, with the help of both the hands, gradually take the legs behind the neck and place them one over the other it. Sit on the buttocks and place the palms together in front. Benefits:-The joints and nerves of legs, waist and neck become strong. The body becomes symmetric, elastic handsome and radiant. Digestive power is increased and fat reduced.

Vistritashasta-padachakrasana Heels-on-head Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Vistritashasta-padachakrasana (Heels-on-head Posture) Lie down on the ground on your belly. Keep the arms straight at the sides, palms on the ground. Now, first raise the legs and gradually the knees, waist and back so that the body is supported on the chin, shoulders and arms. No bend the legs further towards the head and try to touch it with the heels. This is a difficult posture. Try to master it gradually.                                                        Benefits:-The neck, chest, spinal cord and other limbs of the body become flexible, healthy and strong. It brings the body under control : it can be turned, bent and twisted almost like a rubber doll.

Januprishtha-badhapadmasana Locked-lotus Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Januprishtha-badhapadmasana (Locked-lotus Posture) Take the posture of Padmasana (Lotus Pose-1). Lie down on the ground on the back and, pressing the knees on the chest, take both the arms, across the legs, below the hips. Make a finger-lock, retaining the breath in. Benefits:-It removes obesity, improves digestion and prevents piles, hernia and kidney troubles.

Tittibhasana Tittibha Bird Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Tittibhasana (Tittibha Bird Posture) Lie down on your belly. Bend your legs back and place the heels on the hips. Inhale and remain the breath in. Place the palms on the back and join the fingers. Now raise the head like the hood of a cobra. While exhaling, resume the normal position. Benefits:-Spinal cord, chest, waist, stomach and neck are strengthened.

Shayanottauasana Waist-bending Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Shayanottauasana (Waist-bending Posture) Lie down on your back and take the hands back over the head and keep them straight. Exhale. Raise the head, neck and hands and sit on the buttock. Then, continue to bend forward from the waist and place the head on the knees. Now, inhaling slowly, lie down again on the back to resume the original position. Repeat it fifteen to twenty times. Benefits:-It reduces the belly and improves digestion

Hastashirsha-chakrasana Head-and-hands-circle Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Hastashirsha-chakrasana (Head-and-hands-circle Posture) Lie down on your stomach on a soft cloth or blanket, and, keeping your head and palms fixed on it, move round on the feet in a circle. As in the previous posture, turn the body up when you are half-way through the circle and again down when you  are about to complete it First make a few rounds in one direction and then in the reverse. In this posture also, the hands and head must remain fixed on the ground during the entire round. Benefits:-The whole body is exercised, especially the neck; digestion improves and the face gains lustre.

Supta-Ekapada-Urdhvasana Pole Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Supta-Ekapada-Urdhvasana (Pole Posture) Sit on the ground with the legs in front. Bend your left leg at the knee and place the heel on the left side of the hip or under the anus. Lie down, inhale and raise the right leg. Hold the big toe with the right hand and stiffen the leg and the arm. Keep the left hand on the ground. Repeat it on the other leg also. Benefits:-The nerves of the legs are strengthened

Sarangasana Saranga Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Sarangasana (Saranga Posture) Fix your palms firmly on the ground with the fingers turned backwards. Keep both elbows together and place the navel on them as far as possible. Raise the legs up touching the ground with the chin. Bend the knees and take the legs backwards; try to touch the head with the feet. Retain the breath in.                                     Benefits:-All the limbs of the body are exercised and strengthened. Improves digestion as also appetite.

Urdhva –Eka-pada Asana Palms-balance Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Urdhva –Eka-pada Asana (Palms-balance Posture) Place your palms on the ground about a foot and a half apart and put the head between them. Now rest the knees on the elbows. Raise the right leg up. The head should remain on the ground. Remain in this posture for some time, resume the normal position and then repeat it with the other leg. Benefits:-It helps in maintaining continence and increases strength and vigour.

Urdhvapadma-asana Inverted-lotus Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Urdhvapadma-asana (Inverted-lotus Posture) Technique 1:-Adopt the posture of Shirshasana (Head-stand Pose).  Make Padamasana with the raised legs. Technique 2:- Adopt the posture of S a r v a n g a s a n a (Shoulderstand Pose). Then doing Padmasana (Lous Pose), remain in the inverted position. Benefits:- It relieves constipation; improves digestion; cleanses the intestines and tones them up.