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Showing posts from July 5, 2013

Dvihastachakr-asan Dvihastachakr-asana Arms-revolving Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Dvihastachakr-asana (Arms-revolving Posture) Stand straight with the legs about a foot and a half apart. Hold the arms in front a little loosely and move them quickly in a circle to the right and left alternately. Benefits:- It makes the shoulders elastic and strong, prevents gas-troubles and broadens the chest.

Urdhwotthan-asan Urdhwotthan-asana Three-lock Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Urdhwotthan-asana ( Three-lock Posture) Stand erect. Keep both feet together. Exhale and take both arms up over the head. Hold each elbow with the other hand. Do all the three bandhas-Jalandhar, Uddiyana and Mool. Then, stand on the toes and stretch the whole body upwards. Repeat it several times.                                                                                                                        Benefits:- Increases the height and develops various limbs of the body.

Mahavirasan Mahavirasana Hanuman Posture 2 Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Mahavirasana (Hanuman Posture 2) Stand straight, put the right foot forward at a distance of about three. Feet. Inhale and retain the breath. Clench the fists and bring them a little above the chest. Expand and stretch the chest. Continue to remain this posture as long as you can. Repeat the posture with the left foot also. Benefits:- It develops the chest; strengthens the Prana; Invigorates arms and lungs; prevents disorders caused by phlegm and wind in the chest; imparts lustre to the face.

Ekapadadvihastabaddhasan Ekapadadvihastabaddhasana Hands on foot Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ekapadadvihastabaddhasana ( Hands-on-foot Posture) Stand with your feet about four feet apart. Now, turn the body and the feet towards the left so that the toes are now in front and the heels at the back. Then bend the left knees and hold the left ankle with both hands by bending down. Stretch the chest up and remain in this posture for some time. Repeat it on the other side also. Benefits:- The joints and nerves of the whole body become strong

Trikonasan Trikonasana Triangular Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Trikonasana (Triangular Posture) Stand straight, keeping the feet about three feet apart. Inhale and raise the hands straight up. Stretch your shoulders and bend towards the left so that you can hold the left ankle with the left hand to form a triangle. Straighten the right and raise it towards the head, touching the right ear with it. This process may be repeated on the right side also. The complete posture may bo done three or four times. Benefits:- The circulation of blood improves ; spine, neck shoulders and arms become strong.

Konasan Konasana Angle Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Konasana (Angle Posture) Stand erect. Place the left foot at a distance of about three feet in front. Inhale and bend your left knee. Place the right hand on the arch of the left foot. Now stretch Your left arm forward, touching the left ear. Fix the gaze on the tip of the thumb. Repeat it on the other leg also. Benefits:- The joints of the feet, legs and shoulders, the nerves and muscles become strong.

Vajrangasan Vajrangasana Hanuman Posture 1 Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Vajrangasana (Hanuman Posture 1) Stand straight with your feet placed together. Place the left leg forward at a distance of about three feet. Inhale and bend the left leg and bring the chest forward. Retaining the breath in, raise the arms, bending them at the elbows. Stand in this posture as long as you can and retain the breath. When exhaling, resume the normal position. Benefits:- Chest and lungs develop, body becomes healthy and Prana strong.