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Showing posts from August, 2013

Kalyanasana Happy Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Kalyanasana (Happy Posture) Stand straight. Place the feet together. Then, spread the feet, keeping the heels together. Bend forward, pass the arms through the legs and bend the arms round the respective thighs and bring them over the back to make a finger-lock. The head should be brought between the legs. Maintain this posture as long as you can. When feeling tired, release the hands and feet and after some time repeat it again. Benefits:-It is best exercise for those who suffer from disorders of the stomach; improves digestion and prevents gastritis and impurities of blood.

Vistritapada-urdhvanamaskarasana Spread-legs Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Vistritapada-urdhvanamaskarasana (Spread-legs Posture) Stand erect. Stretch the legs on either side slowly so as to sit, in the final position, on the buttocks. Raise both the hands over the head and join the palms. Remain in this position as long as comfortable. This is a difficult posture and should be mastered in stages with patience. Benefits:-There is a considerable stretch on the veins and arteries around the perineum. Keeps the testicles in efficient condition. Disorders of sperm and ovum are cured. The veins and arteries of feet and legs are kept in healthy condition.

Chakravakasana Chakrabird Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Chakravakasana (Chakrabird Posture) Sit on your toes. Place the forearms and palms firmly on the ground. Put the knees in respective armpits and raise the body on the forearms. Bend the legs so that the heels come close to the hips. Benefits:-Colic pain and constipation are cured. Shoulders and arms become strong.

Shakuni-Asana Parrot Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Shakuni-Asana (Parrot Posture) Lie flat on the ground on your belly. Bend the legs at the knees and bring them towards the back. Stretch the arms to the sides, placing the underside of the elbows on the feet. Now stretch the neck, head and chest up and spread the arms to the sides in such a way that they look like the wings of a bird. Maintain the posture as long as you can. Benefits:-It improves digestion and tones up the intestines.

Vistritapada-hastaparshasana Legs-stretched-Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Vistritapada-hastaparshasana (Legs-stretched-Posture) Sit down with the legs stretched on either side as wide as possible. Now spread the arms also to the sides and keep them straight. Then, turn from the waist to the right so that the hands and straight. Then, turn from the waist to the right so that the hands and the face are on the right side. Similarly, turn to the left side. Thus, turn to each side alternately a few times. Benefits:-It improves digestion and tones up the intestines.

Padagumphita-utthitasana Legs-entangled Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Padagumphita-utthitasana (Legs-entangled Posture) Bend your legs at the knees and stand on them. Wind the right leg around the left. Keep the knees firmly on the ground and the neck, back and waist straight. Place the palms together near the chest. Maintain the posture as long as you can. Repeat the posture on the other leg also. Benefits:-It makes the joints of the feet elastic and strong, prevents enlargement of the testicles and keeps the kidneys healthy.

Dvihasta-utthita-padaprasaranasana Palms-balancing Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Dvihasta-utthita-padaprasaranasana (Palms-balancing Posture) Sit on your toes. Place the palms on the ground firmly between the legs. Now, raise the legs and put the lower part of the thigh on the respective arms so that the body is balanced on the palms. The feet should be about four feet apart. Benefits:-This posture cures all the ailments of the body and makes it healthy and strong.

Yanoddiyanasana Flying-place Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Yanoddiyanasana (Flying-place Posture) Bend your legs and stand on the knees so that the toes touch the ground and heels are up. Fix firmly the right knee on the left heel and raise the right heel up. Now stretch your arms to both sides and maintain the posture as long as possible. Repeat it on the other leg also. Benefits:-It relieves rheumatic pain in the knees; waist is strengthened and limbs become well-proportioned.

Parshwakakasana Crow-side Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Parshwakakasana (Crow-side Posture) Stand erect. Bend forward and rest your palms on the ground. Then taking the legs towards the right side, intertwine them by the feet. Place the knees on the right elbow and balance the whole body on your hands. Also do by changing the intertwining of feet. Repeat it on the other side also.   Benefits:-The blood is purified since the circulation quickens; arms and waist becomes strong and flexible.

Viparita-pada-prasarana-asana Legs-stretched-opposite Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Viparita-pada-prasarana-asana (Legs-stretched-opposite Posture) Stand straight, then spread your legs gradually to the right and left so much that the legs, thighs and hips touch the ground. Now place the hands on the respective knees. This posture is difficult and, therefore, perfection may by attempted gradually. Benefits:-This posture exercise the nerves of the testicles and strengthens them; gives relief in hernia and enlargement of prostate glands; prevents kidney troubles, flatulence and the growing weakness of the genital organs.

Matsyendrasana Matsyendra Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Matsyendrasana (Matsyendra Posture) Sit erect and stretch your legs. Fix the left heel at the navel and the foot on the right groin. Left the right sole touch the ground on the outside of the left knee. Placing the left hand outside the right knee and pressing the knee to the left side, hold the right toe with the left hand. Now turning the right hand towards the back, get hold of the left ankle. Twist the spine and turn your face and body towards the right side. Gaze straight at your back. This posture should be practiced on both sides by turns. The posture is somewhat difficult but by gradual practice, it will become easy. Great Yogis like Gherandanath and Atmaram have prescribed the technique. Benefits:-It improves digestion and thereby makes the body healthy, symmetric, radiant, strong, free from wrinkles and agile. Old age is delayed; helps in continence and yogic practices

Prishthabadha-padaprasaranasana Spread-legs Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Prishthabadha-padaprasaranasana (Spread-legs Posture) Sit spreading the legs about six feet apart exhale. Take both hands to your back and hold each elbow with the other hand. Then, bending from the waist, place the head on the ground. Benefits:-Nerves and muscles of waist and thighs becomes strong. Constipation is relived. Kidneys and excretory system work efficiently.

Shirshapadasana Head-feet-balance Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Shirshapadasana (Head-feet-balance Posture) First lie down on your back. Raise the knees about a foot from the ground. Join the hands across the chest holding the elbows. While inhaling, raise the whole body in the from of a semi-circle, resting only on the head and feet. Bear in mind that while resting on the head, the weight is taken by the forehead and not the cranium. Now return to the rest position, exhaling. Benefits:-This posture should be performed only after the Shoulderstand because the throat and neck regions are exercised in the opposite direction. This posture, like the Shoulder-stand, also exercises all the neck muscles as well as thyroid and para-thyroid glands. There are four para-thyroid glands which are on the sides of the cervical adenitis. These glands are important for the growth of the body. When the ’Manya Nadi’, attached to these glands, gets swollen, one gets tubercular adenitis. This disease in its acute form makes breathing difficult and the only alternative

Dvikonasana Bridge Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Dvikonasana (Bridge Posture) Stand straight on the toes with feet placed together and exhale. Place the hands on the knees. Bend forward and place the head on the ground at a distance of about three feet. Keep the posture as long as you can. Benefits:-The nerves of the neck are purified and strengthened; circulation of blood improves and the limbs become strong.

Supta-padangushthasana Head-toes-elbows Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Supta-padangushthasana (Head-toes-elbows Posture) Lie down on your back. Raise the right leg and bring it over the chest. Take the right hand behind the neck and hold the toes of the right foot. The left leg remains straight and the left hand on the ground on the left side. Remain in this posture as long as comfortable. Repeat the posture with the left leg and left hand. In the beginning do it twice on each side and then increase the frequency gradually. Benefits:-The joints of legs and hands are exercised, making them strong and supple. Very useful in relieving lumbago.

Hastapada-vistritasana Extremities-stretched Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Hastapada-vistritasana (Extremities-stretched Posture) Adopt the posture of Halasana (Plough Pose). Stretch the legs to your left and right as wide as possible. Stretch the arms, like-wise, to the sides from the shoulders. Now touch the big toes with the fingers of the hands. Do the posture with the breath retained in. Benefits:-It keeps head, neck and brain healthy; toes up digestive system.

Shirsha-chakrasana Head-circle Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Shirsha-chakrasana (Head-circle Posture) Spread a blanket. Resting your head on it, stretch the legs backwards and raise the body. Take your arms to the back and hold each elbow with the other hand. Now, keeping the head fixed, walk on your feet in a circle, first in one direction and then in the while moving in a circle the head must remain unmoved; it should not revolve. This posture is somewhat more difficult than the earlier ones. However, gradual practice will make it easy. Benefits:-It strengthens head, neck, chest and legs; tones up brain and memory; makes the muscles flexible.

Ulukapada-prasaranasana Strectched-leg-owl Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ulukapada-prasaranasana (Strectched-leg-owl Posture) Sit with the legs stretched in front of you. Take the arms below the respective calves and place the palms on the ground. Now, putting the legs and calves on the arm’s elbows, balance the body on the hands. Then, wind the left leg around the left hand. Stretch the right leg back fully. Afterwards, wind the right leg around the right hand and stretch fully the left leg. Benefits:-This posture strengthens the chest and arms; when practiced with breath retained in, it makes the Prana strong. The legs also become strong.

Supta-padangushthasana Head-toes-elbows Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Supta-padangushthasana (Head-toes-elbows Posture) Sit straight. Bend the knees, keeping the feet by the side of hips in such a way that the heels are up and toes on the ground. Now inhale, bend backward, place the head on the ground and hold the ankles with hands. Keep the position for some time. Benefits:-Removes disorders of joints of legs; makes stomach, thighs and knees strong and flexible.

Chandra-namaskarasana Moon-salutation Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Chandra-namaskarasana (Moon-salutation Posture) A sequence of twelve postures complete this pose. Those who like to practice with mantras under: 1.       Om chandaray Namah 2.       Om Somay Namah 3.       Om Indave Namah 4.       Om Nishakaray Namah 5.       Om Kalabhritay Namah 6.       Om Sudhadharay Namah 7.       Om Nishapataye Namah 8.       Om Shivashekharay Namah 9.       Om Amritadidhitaye Namah 10.   Om Tamandhay Namah 11.   Om Rajrajay Namah 12.   Om Shashankadevay Namah     Stand straight with your feet about a foot apart. Take your hands above your head and bend backward as much as you can.   Keeping the legs stretched, swing the hands down in a circle by bending from the waist and place the palms by the side of the feet, head resting on the knees. Take the left leg backward and keep it straight so that the weight of the whole body is on the right foot. Sit straight with the right knee slightly bend forward so that the weight of the body is now on the toes of the right foo

Dvipada-nasa-gra-sparshasana Toes-touching-nose Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Dvipada-nasa-gra-sparshasana (Toes-touching-nose Posture) Sit on the ground. Inhale and hold the breath. Hold the toes or soles with the hands and bring them towards the head. Lower the head a little and touch the toes with the nose-tip. While exhaling spread the legs on the ground. This posture may be done either with Pranayama or without it. Benefits:-It reduces the belly, makes waist flexible and increases appetite.

Dvihasta-ekapada-utthitasana Palms-balancing Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Dvihasta-ekapada-utthitasana (Palms-balancing Posture) Sit with your legs stretched in front. Place the left foot on the right groin. Bend the right leg and place it on the right shoulder. Fix your hands on the ground in such a way that your left ankle presses against the stomach. Then, raise up the body on the palms. Keep the posture as long as you can. Repeat it on the other side also. Benefits:-It reduces the belly and makes it soft light.

Chatakasana Sky-lark Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Chatakasana (Sky-lark Posture) Sit on the ground normally. Bend the left leg and place the heel under the perineum. Take your right leg back and stretch it fully on the ground. Spread the arms to the sides. Raise the face up towards the sky. Inhale and retain the breath. Benefits:-It removes weakness of waist, spinal cord and stomach; strengthens and broadens the chest.

Khanjanasana Bird Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Khanjanasana (Bird Posture) Sit on the toes with the legs a little spart. Now, from inside around the legs intertwine the arms placing the hands on the instep and toes so that the knees are near the shoulders. Place the palms on the toes covering them with four fingers and the thumbs on the ground pointing at each other. The posture should look like the claw of a bird. Stretch the chest forward and keep the hips raised from the ground. Benefits:-It makes the bowels move easily.

Dvihasta-utthita-padaprasarnasana Palms Balance Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Dvihasta-utthita-padaprasarnasana (Palms Balance Posture) Sit on your toes. Place the palms on the ground firmly between the legs. Now, raise the legs and put the lower part of the thigh on the respective arms so that the body is balanced on the palms. The feet should be about four feet apart. Benefits:-This posture cures all the ailments of the body and makes it healthy and strong.

Sankochasana Contraction Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Sankochasana (Contraction Posture) Lie down on your left side and place the left foot on the right groin and the right foot on the ground near the left groin. Take your left hand to the back and bring it out on the right side. Take the right hand towards the left, encircling the right calf and thigh. Join hands to make a fingerlock. Exhale and place the head on the left knee and raise the head while inhaling. Repeat the posture on the other side also. Benefits:-It makes the whole body flexible and strong. Blood is purified on account of its improved circulation.

Bakapadaprasarnasana Knee-on-arms Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Bakapadaprasarnasana (Knee-on-arms Posture) Stand erect. Bend forward from your waist and place palms on the ground. Put the knees on the respective elbows and balance the whole body on the hands. While maintaining this posture, release the right knee and stretch it backwards and touch the ground with the toes. Practise this posture with the breath retained in Repeat it on the other leg also. Benefits:-It increases the strength of the arms as well as of the vital breath and brings it under control. The limbs become well-proportioned.

Ekapadagrivasana Foot-on-neck-Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ekapadagrivasana (Foot-on-neck-Posture) Sit with your stretched legs straight in front of you. Bend your left knee inward and place the heel near the testicles. Take the right foot around the back and place it on the neck. Place the palms together. Keep the posture for some time. Repeat it on the reverse side too. Benefits:-Strengthens shoulders and chest; muscles of feet become flexible.   

Supta-ekapada-shirasana Feet-pillow Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Supta-ekapada-shirasana (Feet-pillow Posture) Sit with legs stretched. Place the left foot in the right groin and lie down on the back. Now place the right foot on the neck and take both arms under the waist and join them in such a way that the chest is pressed by the knees and the arms encircle the legs. Repeat it with the other leg also. Benefits:-Regular practice of this posture cures the diseases of liver and spleen; constipation is relieved.

Padaprasarna-sarvange-tulasana Legs-stretched Balance Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Padaprasarna-sarvange-tulasana (Legs-stretched Balance Posture) Stretch the legs straight in front. Knees and heels should be kept together. Place the finger firmly on the ground on both sides near in. Remain in this posture for some time. Benefits:-Shoulders, arms and palms are strengthened. Circulation of blood quickens and the blood is thus purified.

Dvihastabadha-supta-ekkapadajanusparsh-asana Knee-nose Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Dvihastabadha-supta-ekkapadajanusparsh-asana (Knee-nose Posture) Lie down on your back. Inhale. Lock the elbows behind the head. Now bend the right leg and bring it over the chest; then, raising the head a little, touch the tip of the nose with the knee. All the while keep the left leg stretched on the ground. When exhaling, return to the normal position. Repeat it on the other leg also. Do the posture a few times. Benefits:-It keeps liver spleen, waist, spinal cord, neck, lungs and chest healthy.

Naukasana Boat Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Naukasana (Boat Posture) Lie down on your back. Raise the arms and head obliquely and keep the open palms close to each other and the thumbs intertwined. Now raise the legs up above the ground. Keep them stiff and held together. The palms and the feet should be at the same height from the ground so that the posture looks like a boat. The posture is to be performed with the breath retained in While exhaling return to the normal position. Benefits:-It cures belching and hiccups; tones up small and large interstines.

Padanamaskarasana Back-rolling Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Padanamaskarasana (Back-rolling Posture) Sit down with sole placed together and held by the hands. Inhale and retain the breath. Now take your head back with a jerk along with the hands and feet to touch the ground with the head and posture of Namaskar, i.e. the head, hands and feet touching the ground in front of you. Rock backwards and forwards quickly in succession four or five times. Benefits:-It reduces the belly and improves digestion.

Dvipada-nasagrasparshasana Toes-touching-nose Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Dvipada-nasagrasparshasana (Toes-touching-nose Posture) Sit on the ground. Inhale and hold the breath. Hold the toes or soles with the hands and bring them towards the head. Lower the head a little and touch the toes with the nose-tip. While exhaling spread the legs on the ground. This posture may be done either with Paranayama or without it Benefits:-It reduces the belly, makes waist flexible and increases appetite.

Padahastaprishthachakrasana Hands-feet-back-circle Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Padahastaprishthachakrasana (Hands-feet-back-circle Posture) Bend the legs stand on your knees. Inhale and raise both the hands backwards so that you can hold the heels. Put the weight of the body on the elbows and make a semi-circle. Keep the posture stretching upwards as long as you can. When exhaling, get-up. This posture can be practiced even without Pranayam. Benefits:-It makes the body supple and strong.

Ekapada-grivadandasana One-leg-on-neck Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ekapada-grivadandasana (One-leg-on-neck Posture) Sit straight on the ground. First place the right foot on the back of the neck. Then, place both the palms firmly on the ground. Take the left foot back and stretch it. Raise up the waist, pushing it back a little. Gradually bring forward and raise the head and chest after bending them a little in such a way that the waist lowers down. Both the palms and left foot should remain fixed on the ground. Do this Asana with the other leg also While in this posture practice Dandasana a few times. Benefits:-Neck, chest shoulders and arms are strengthened. The whole body becomes stout and strong. Though a little difficult, this posture is very useful for increasing strength.

Suryanamaskar Sun-salutation Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Suryanamaskar (Sun-salutation Posture) A sequence of twelve postures complete this pose. Stand erect facing east. Join your palms and place them near the chest. Place the feet and heels together and inhale Release the hands and raise the arms up and bend backwards from the waist. The legs, however, should remain straight. Bend forward and place the palms close to the feet. The thumbs should be in straight line with the toes. The legs must remain straight and the head should touch the knees fully. The heels must remain on the ground. Take your right foot back as much as possible. The toes should touch the ground and palms should remain on each side of the left foot. Keep your chest erect and neck slightly tilted back. Gaze at the sky. Take your foot back, placing it close to the right foot. Keep the big toes, heels and knees together. Neck and head should remain in a line. Gaze at the sky. Bend your knees, chest and fore-head and touch the ground with them. The rest of body should be ab

Prishthabadhasana Hands-locked Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Prishthabadhasana (Hands-locked Posture) Sit on the ground. Bend your left knee and place the foot under the left buttock with the sole up. Place on the left side in such in such a way that the heels are brought together. Take the left arm to the back encircling the right knee. Bring the right knee. Bring the right arm around the back from the right side and make a finger lock. Keep the knee straight. Maintain the posture as long as you can. Repeat it on the other side also.  It is a difficult posture; try to master it by gradual practice. Benefits:-All the limbs, especially shoulders, arms and intestines are strengthened.

Padangushtha-sthita-nitambasana Heels-beside-hips Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Padangushtha-sthita-nitambasana (Heels-beside-hips Posture) Sit on the ground your legs backwards and place the feet by the side of the hips in such a way that the toes are on the ground and the heels up, Bring the palms together near the chest. Keep head and waist in straight line. Practise Pranayam (inhalation, retention and exhalation). Benefits:-It strengthens legs, knees, feet and toes.

Kapotasana Pigeon Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Kapotasana (Pigeon Posture) Kneel down, bringing the heels and big toes of the feet together. Inserting the arms between the thighs and taking out your hands cover the sole with your palms. Retain the breath and raise the head. While exhailing, lower the head. Benefits:-It strengthens the nerves of chest, neck, hand and feet.

Ekapada-janubadhasana Ankle-thigh Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ekapada-janubadhasana (Ankle-thigh Posture) Stand erect. Bend your left knee and place the ankle under the right knee. Adopt a half-sitting. Inhale. Raise the arms up over the head placing the palms together. Practise it with the other leg also. Benefits:-It makes all parts of the feet and waist strong.

Prishthapadasthitasana Legs-crossed Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Prishthapadasthitasana (Legs-crossed Posture) Stand erect. Cross the legs so that the knees are one over the other. The ankles should touch the ground and the soles be turned up. Place the palms together and keep them near the chest. Benefits:-It makes knees strong and increases the capacity for walking.

Utthita-dvijanu-shirasparshasana Knee-nose Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Utthita-dvijanu-shirasparshasana (Knee-nose Posture) Sit on the ground with the legs stretched in front. Take your arms to the back of your waist and place the palms on the ground. Exhale. Keeping the legs together raise them up, bring the head forward and touch the knees with the nose. Benefits:- This posture makes neck, chest, stomach, back and spinal cord strong.

Prishtha badha-padangushtha-nasikaspar-shasana Toe-nose Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Prishtha badha-padangushtha-nasikaspar-shasana (Toe-nose Posture) Lie down on the back. Turn your legs so that both the knees touch the ground on either side and the legs are in the armpits. Now lock the knees and waist in your arms. While exhaling, raise the head to touch the nose with the toes. Intertwine the fingers under the waist. Benefits:- As there is great pressure on the stomach, it gradually becomes slim.

Asa Asana Rest or Stay Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Asa Asana (Rest or Stay Posture) Sit and stretch your legs in front of you. Raise the right foot and place its sole in the right armpit. Placing your right elbow firmly on the sole of this very foot, keep the right palm on the right ear. The left foot should be firmly placed on the ground. After this, raise the left knee a little and keep the left palm on it be practiced with the other leg and arm also. Yogis who have to sit for long periods in meditation make use of a stand as a support for their arms and chin. This device is known as Asa or Bairagin. By its use, the yogis do not get tired. This posture is also helpful in relieving the fatigue and serves the purpose of Asa or Bairagin. In the absence of this device, one can rest, without lying down, in this posture. Benefits:-This posture makes the whole body vigorous, especially arms and feet, and is helpful in relieving fatigue.

Chakori Asana Skylark Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Chakori Asana (Skylark Posture) Sit down on the ground. Place the palms firmly in front of you with the fingers pointing backwards. Keep the elbows to the right and left of the navel as in Mayurasana (Peacock Pose). Exhale. Stretch the legs backwards and the head forward Now, raise the body on the hands. Bend the legs so that the soles are together and touch the hips with the heels. Keep the posture foe some time. Then relax and inhale. Benefits:-The benefits are the same as those of Mayur and Mayuri Asana (Peacock and Prahen Pose).

Setubandhasana Bridge Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Setubandhasana (Bridge Posture) Perfrom sarvangasana (Shoulder-stand Pose) and hold the waist firmly with both hands.   Slowly lower the legs and place the feet on the ground. The waist must be kept raised from the ground to look like the span of a bridge.                                                                                         Benefits:-Regular practice of this posture makes spine and waist flexible and strong; improves digestion; cures intestinal disorders; reduces belly and prevents backache.

Ekahasta-shariro-thana-Asana Balancing-on-one-hand Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ekahasta-shariro-thana-Asana (Balancing-on-one-hand Posture) Lie down on your belly keep the left palm on the ground and place the navel on the left elbow. Stretch the right hand in front touching the right ear. Now balance the body as in Mayurasana (Peacock Pose). Maintain the posture as long as you can. Repeat it on the other hand also. Benefits:-This posture is useful in curing gastritis and disorders of the liver, spleen and intestines. It keeps the three humours in balance prevents obesity and keeps the body agile.

Mayurasana Peacock Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Mayurasana (Peacock Posture) Place your hands flat on the ground. Bring elbows together. Rest your navel on them. Inhale. Take the feet behind and the head forward Balance the body on the elbows. The whole body should be straight like a staff. Retain the breath in and keep the posture as long as you can. Gradually increase the duration. Benefits:-According to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the benefits are: Cures chronic gastritis, dropsy and the disorders caused by phlegm, bile and wind. Enlargement of stomach, liver and spleen is arrested; digestion improves and kidneys work more efficiently; blood is purified by increased circulation; the whole body becomes radiant and handsome; youth is prolonged and the span of life increases. Technique 2: Sit in Vajrasana (Bolt Pose). Spread the knees. Place your hands on the ground so that the palms of both hands are spread forward. Now, place the navel on the elbows and balance the whole body on them as in the first technique Benefits:-The benefits

Uthita-hasta-prasaranasana Streched-arms-bending Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Uthita-hasta-prasaranasana (Streched-arms-bending Posture) Stand straight with your feet about two feet apart. Stretch the arms to the sides. Holding the breath your right side so that the right hand touches the toe of the left foot and the left hand remains stretched upwards. Repeat it on the other side. Benefits:- It keeps the stomach in particular and body in general healthy

Utthita-eka-padakar Toe-pull Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Utthita-eka-padakar (Toe-pull Posture) Stand straight with feet placed together. Keep the legs stretched, bend forward and hold the big toes with the respective hands. Inhale and retain the breath in. Now, pull the right toe with the right hand and bring it up to touch the right ear. Maintain the posture as long as you can. Repeat it with the left leg also. Benefits:-The nerves of legs become flexible and strong. The muscles also develop well.

Viparita-hasta-padasana Full-bend Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Viparita-hasta-padasana (Full-bend Posture) Stand on your feet about two feet apart. Bend the body backwards gradually so that the hands eventually touch the ankles or place the palms on the ground close to the heels. Maintain this posture as long as you can. This is a difficult pose. Benefits:-There are several benefits of this pose. It makes the spinal cord flexible and strong and prevents hunchback. It delays old age and keeps the body young and handsome; cures disorders of stomach and intestines.

Urdhwapadm-asana Inverted-lotus Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Urdhwapadm-asana (Inverted-lotus Posture) Adopt the posture of Shirshasana (Head-stand Pose). Make Padmasana with the raised legs. Technique 2:-Adopt the posture of Sarvangasana (shoulderstand Pose). Then, doing Padmasana (Lotus Pose) remain in the inverted position. Benefits:-It relives constipation; improves digestion; cleanses the intestines and tones them up.

Urdhwapada-tala-samyuktasana Half-tree Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Urdhwapada-tala-samyuktasana (Half-tree Posture) Sit on the ground, fixing the hands firmly in front of you about one and a half feet apart. Place the head between the hands, raise the body up. Now spread the legs to the right and left, bend them at the knees and place the soles together near the anus. Remain in this posture for some time. Benefits:-The whole body is exercised.

Utthitapada-hastabadha-bhunamaskarsana Half-inverted Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Utthitapada-hastabadha-bhunamaskarsana (Half-inverted Posture) Stand straight with your feet about three feet apart. Exhale Bend forward, entwine the arms from around the legs and hold the toes with the respective hands. Now, bend further from the waist so that the head touches the ground. When inhaling. Raise the head. Benefits:-It makes joints flexible and strong and tones up lungs and Prana.

Hansasana Swan Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Hansasana (Swan Posture) Sit on your placing the palms firmly on the ground. Now press the knees on the elbows from the outside and balance the body on the palms. The posture should look like a swan. Push the neck forward and touch the ground with the nose repeatedly. Benefits:-Aversion to foot indigestion and enlarged tonsils are cured. The other benefits are the same as those of Vakasana (Heron Pose).