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Showing posts from February, 2013

Healthy Eyes How to Get Nutrition For Proper Eye Eyes Health

HEALTHY EYES Triphala : Soak overnight 2 tsp. of triphala in a glass of water in a clay pot. The following morning strain it and splash the water on the eyes. It cures almost all the diseases of the eyes. Rose water : Putting a cotton swab soaked in rose water on the eyes provides relief from the eye ailments caused by heat. Almonds : Soak 8 almonds in water  overnight. The following morning grind them, add water and drink it. Follow it with a glass of milk. It will provide relief from eye diseases such as oozing of fluid from the eyes, sore eyes, weakness and tiredness of the eyes, etc. Milk : If the eyes have got hurt or burnt, chilli powder or spices have been put into them, some insect has got into them or bitten them or if the eyes have become red, sore, muddy and are not able to tolerate light, put a cotton swab soaked in milk on them. It is beneficial. Keep the swab on the eyes for the entire night for better results. Put two drops of milk into the eyes also. Coconut : Eating dr

Squint Strabismus Eyes How to Cure Relief What are Causes Symptoms Diet Treatment Therapy

SQUINT Squint is the uncoordinated action of the eyeball, so that the visual axes of the two eyes fail to meet at the objective point. Squint can be corrected by practicing looking straight and in a coordinated way. For this, use spectacles without power. Paint the glasses black leaving a circular spot at the centre unpainted. Put the spectacles on and try to see with the squinted eye through unpainted portion in the glass. It will rectify the squint. Watching the Finger : I t is an  easy way of curing squint. Place the index finger of the right hand on the fore part of the nose and try to look at it with both eyes. Turn the finger towards the right temple and again look at its tip with both eyes.  Turn the finger towards the right temple and again look at its with both eyes. Bring it back between the eyebrow and try to look at it. Then move it towards the left temple and look at it. Repent the exercise exercise several  It help in straightening the nerves and veins of the eyes. While

Eye Eyes Diseases How to Cure Relief What are Symptoms Causes Remedies Home Natural Treatment Therapy

EYE DISEASES Clear bowels are necessary for healthy eyes. While bating in the morning immerse your face in a bucketful of water and repeatedly open your eyes. Keep the mouth full of water. Wash your hands, feet and eyes and rinse your mouth before going to sleep. Massage the soles of the feet with mustard oil. It keeps the eyes healthy and cures several disorders of the eyes. Massaging the head with mustard oil and walking barefoot on green grass  given the eyes stamina. When the eyes are tired and stressed, cover the eyes with your palms and feel the darkness. The use of nutritious food makes the eyesight sharp. Never look at the sun during an eclipse; it damages the eyes. Water : Cold fomentation is required in eye diseases. It is essential for conjunctivitis. If the eyes have become red, hot and swollen, repeated splashes with cold water, rose water or fomentation with a piece of ice in a piece of cloth are helpful. With this treatment the smaller veins get contracted and the eyes g

Throat Pain How to Relief Cure What are Causes Symptoms Remedies Diet Treatment Therapy

THROAT PAIN Pin in the throat is caused by rating hot and spicy food, the use of medicines, cold, flu and swelling in the throat. Do not take cold drinks if you have pain in the throat. Coriander seeds : Chew 2 tsp. of coriander seeds every three hours. It is beneficial in all types of throat pain. Salt : Gargling with hot saline water is beneficial. Tamarind : Rinsing the mouth with tamarind relieves throat pain. Lemon : Squeeze a lemon in a glass of water and rinse the mouth and gargle. Drink hot water lemon juice. Spinach : Boil 250 gms. of spinach leaves in two glass water and strain. Gargle with hot spinach water. It will relieve pain. Mulberry : Taking mulberry syrup removes dryness of throat and relieves pain.

Dryness Of Throat How to Cure What are Remedies Causes Symptoms Treatment Therapy Diet

DRYNESS OF THROAT Dried dates : In case of a dry throat sucking a stone of a dried date is beneficial. Plum : Eating plums relieves dryness of the throat.

Health benefits of grapes

Health Benefits of Grapes Grapes are rich in polyphenolic phytochemical compound resveratrol. Resveratrol is one of powerful anti-oxidant, which has been found to play protective function against cancers of colon and prostate, coronary heart disease (CHD), degenerative nerve disease, Alzheimer's disease and viral/ fungal infections. Resveratrol reduces stroke risk by altering the molecular mechanisms in the blood vessels. It does so firstly by reducing susceptibility of blood vessels damage through decreased activity of angiotensin (a systemic hormone causing blood vessel constriction that would otherwise elevate blood pressure) and secondly, through increased production of the vasodilator substance, nitric oxide (a beneficial compound that causes relaxation of blood vessels). Anthocyanins are another class of polyphenolic anti-oxidants present abundantly in the red grapes. These phyto-chemicals have been found to have anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, as well as an

Hoarseness Aphonia How to Cure What are Remedies Causes Symptoms Diet Treatment Therapy

HOARSENESS, APHONIA Hoarseness is caused by swelling in the vocal cords, too much of shouting, catarrh, coryza, excessive coughing, wounds in  the throat, etc. Cancer of the throat, hysteria and paralysis also make the throat hoarse. If the throat remains hoarse for a prolonged period, great care should be taken in treatment. Specialists should be consulted.      The following recipes remove disorders of the throat and make voice clear. Even if the patient is taking some other treatment, e.g., homeopathic or allopathic, the use of above  recipes will expedite relief and will not have any harmful effect. Also use the recipes mentioned in Catarrh and Coryza. Clarified butter : Mix 1 tsp. each of clarified butter and sugar candy with 15 ground black pepper corns and lick in the morning and evening. It will provide relief from hoarseness. Do not take water for water for a few hours after licking it. Amla : A tsp. of amla powder take with hot water clears the throat. The voice also becomes

Do Not Brush Wet Hair

Do Not Brush Wet Hair Never use a brush on wet hair, and do not over-brush wet hair. Wet hair is more easily damaged than dry hair (when hair is wet, its hydrogen bonds have been broken and the hair is therefore in a more vulnerable state).   On wet hair, it is best to use either a wide-toothed comb or a wide- bristled brush with rounded tips..

Foul Smell Bad Breath Mouth How to Cure What are Causes Symptoms Remedies Diet Treatment Therapy

FOUL SMELL/BAD BREATH Pomegranate : If foul smell emanates from your mouth and there is too much of salivation, take½ tsp. of ground pomegranate rind with water twice daily in the morning and evening. Boil the rind in water and rinse the mouth. Cumin seeds : Eating roasted cumin seeds removes smell. Basil :Basil leaves provide relief from all types of foul smell. Chewing basil leaves after meals checks bad breath. Lemon : Gargling with fresh lemon water is beneficial. Also drink a glass of it. It will remove bad breath. Mint leaves : If you suffer from bad dissolve ground mint leaves in water and rinse the mouth with it twice or thrice daily. It will freshen up the breath. Coriander : Eating coriander leaves freshens up the breath. Ginger : For freshness of breath mix a tsp. of ginger juice in a glass of hot water and rinse the mouth. Cardamom : Chewing cardamom or liquorice removes bad breath. Water : Whenever you drink water, wash hands if water is available and rinse the mouth repea

Unclean Tongue How to Cure What are Causes Symptoms Remedies Diet Treatment Therapy

UNCLEAN TONGUE Tomato : Eating red tomatoes with rock salt cleanses the tongue.

Pyorrhoea How to Cure What are Remedies Causes Symptoms Diet Treatment Therapy

PYORRHOEA Salt : Grind finely rock salt and sieve it through a muslin cloth. Mix one part salt and four parts mustard oil ad massage the gums daily to cure pyorrhea. Continue with this treatment for a prolonged period. Besides curing pyorrhea, it will also provide relief from general dental problems like toothache and hyper sensitivity of the teeth. Also eat carrots or drink carrot juice. Avoid sugar, tea and coffee. It will keep your teeth healthy. Oranges : Eating oranges is beneficial for the patients of pyorrhea. Grind dry rind of oranges and massage the teeth and gums with it daily. Mango :Grind finely mango kernel and massage the teeth and gums with it. It will cure pyorrhea and other diseases of the teeth. Cabbage : Eating raw cabbage provide provides  relief from pyorrhea and other diseases of the teeth. Camphor : In case of pyorrhea, apply camphor mixed in clarified butter four times daily and let the saliva drip out. Then rinse the mouth. Castor oil : Mix castor oil and camph

Diseases Of The Gums How to Cure What are Causes Symptoms Remedies Treatment Therapy Diet

DISEASES OF THE GUMS Lemon : Squeeze a lemon in fresh water and rinse the mouth with it and drink some of it. It checks the swelling of gums and foul breath. Alum salt : Grind finely one part salt and two parts alum salt. Massage the gums with it thrice daily. Then mix 5 gms. of alum salt in a glass of hot water and rinse the mouth. It will strengthen the gums and mouth with hot saline water. The gums will remain healthy. Apple : In case of decay of teeth, cavities and swelling of gums eat an apple daily after meals. It will restore the health of the teeth and gums and prevent their going worse in future. Carrots : Taking 70 ml. of carrot juice daily prevents dental diseases and gum problems. Onion : Put a piece of onion between the teeth to get relief from toothache and pain in the gums. Turnip : Chewing a raw turnip with the teeth helps solve dental and gum problems and cleanses the teeth. Henna : Boil henna leaves in water and rinse the mouth with it. It cures incurable of the teeth

Toothache Swelling Of Gums How to Cure What are Causes Symptoms Remedies Treatment Therapy

TOOTHACHE Onion : In case of toothache or pain in the gums, place a piece of onion at the exact spot. It will bring relief. Bottle gourd : Grind 24 gms. of bottle gourd and 20 gms. of garlic and boil in 1 litre of water. When it is reduced to half kg. Strain it and rinse the month with it. It will provide relief from pain. Mustard oil : Inhaling the smell of mustard oil from one nostril once twice relieves pain. Mix mustard oil, lemon juice and rock salt and massage the gums. It will clean the teeth, relieve the pain and tighten the gums. Mix very finely ground and sieved salt with mustard oil. Massaging the gums and teeth with it will provide from toothache and swelling  of gums. Asafoetida : If the teeth are rotten and painful, place a little asafoetida beneath the painful ones. It will relief pain. There is a homeopathic medicine made from asafoetida. Pain. The rotten teeth with its mother tincture. It will provide relief from pain. Soak a cotton swab in warm asafoetida water and pu

Bleeding Teeth Gums How to Cure What are Causes Symptoms Diet Remedies Treatment Therapy

BLEEDING TEETH Tomato : Tomato juice taken thrice a day is beneficial and checks bleeding.

Teeth Sensitivity to Cold Water How to Cure What are Causes Symptoms Diet Remedies Treatment Therapy

SENSITIVITY TO WATER Gallnut : It is available at a grocer’s shop. Grind it into a fine powder. Using it as tooth powder and massaging the gums with it daily solves the problem of the sensitivity of teeth to water. The teeth become strong and bleeding stops. It also checks general dental diseases.

Teething Pain How to Cure Causes Symptoms Diet Remedies Treatment Therapy

TEETHING Butter milk : If a child is given butter milk to drink daily he will have no teething problems and it will protect him from dental diseases. Honey : Massaging the gums with honey will facilitate teething without any trouble. Basil : The application of the juice of basil leaves mixed with honey on the gums of the child and making him lick a little of it makes dentition easy. The powder of basil leaves given with pomegranate syrup also makes teething easy. Grapes : During teething period, give the child 2 tsp. of grape juice daily. It helps in taste, honey can be added to grape juice. Aniseed : If teething is painful and the child cries, boil 2 tsp. of aniseed in a cup of water and given him tsp. of it four times a day. It will facilitate teething.

Strong Teeth Gums How to Cure Causes Symptoms Diet Remedies Treatment Therapy

STRONG TEETH The fact that they should remain strong throughout life comes next to cleanliness of teeth. They should not get loose, there should be no cavities and no decay. Eating pungent, hot and cold things like ice – cream or taking only soft things weakens the roots of the teeth. It is, therefore, necessary to be careful about diet. If the teeth are loose and painful, do not get them extracted unless there is no alternative. If there is a cavity, get it filled. Munching  on roasted gram given an exercise to the teeth which makes them strong. Given below are the recipes for making the teeth strong: Mango : Chew fresh mango leaves and spit them out. After a few days, the teeth will become strong. The gums will stop bleeding. Burn dry mango leaves and  turn into ash. Use it as a tooth powder. It will strengthen the teeth and  brighten them. It will also check bleeding. Sesame seeds : Eat 32 gms. of black sesame seeds by chewing them well in the morning on empty stomach after brushing

Cleanliness Of The Teeth How to Cure Causes Symptoms Diet Remedies Treatment Therapy

CLEANLINESS OF THE TEETH Given below are the recipes for homemade tooth powders which not only clean the teeth but also cure some general ailments of the teeth. Cassia leaves : Grind dry cassia leaves in to a fine powder. Use this powder to massage your teeth with, every third day. It will make the teeth bright. Turmeric :Mix 5 gms. of roasted alum salt with 50 gms. of turmeric powder. Massage your gums and teeth with it daily. It will prevent bleeding and toothache. It will cleanse the teeth and make them strong. Lemon : Grind dry lemon rind into a fine powder and use it as a tooth- powder. It will cleanse the teeth and check foul breath. Massage the teeth with lemon juice mixed with salt and mustard oil daily . It will make them strong and cure almost all dental ailments. Cleaning the teeth with small pieces of lemon rind will make them bright. If the teeth have become yellowish and the gums have become weak and blackish, apply on the gums and teeth half tsp. of salt mixed with 5 dro

Dental Diseases How to Cure Causes Symptoms Diet Remedies Treatment Therapy

DENTAL DISEASES People these days develop problem of the teeth at early age. The main reason is that man in the initial stages used to eat hard substances which gave ample exercise to the teeth and gums. But today’s man eats easy to chew, cooked and soft food which does not require much dental exercise. These days the use of sugar, biscuits, toffees, chocolate, ice- cream and ice has increased a great deal. These items are responsible to some extent, for the decay of the teeth. The teeth of some children are very and yellowish from childhood. The chief reason is during pregnancy the mother did not get full nutrition. Pregnant women should take milk and calcium regularly. The child will have healthy teeth. For the protection of the teeth it is essential to clean them well after eating something so that the food particles trapped between the teeth can be cleaned out. Meals should be taken with patience and after thorough chewing.  The health of the body depends upon the health of the tee