Hastotthita-Urdhvapadatala-Samyuktasana Joined-soles-tree Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Hastotthita-Urdhvapadatala-Samyuktasana (Joined-soles-tree Posture)

Sit with your weight on the toes and place the palms firmly, a little apart, in front of you. Now put the weight of the body on the palms and raise the body up fully stretched. Place the soles of the feet together and try to bring the heels near the buttock. Keep the posture for two to three minutes.

Benefits:- Regular practice of this posture makes the body strong and well-proportioned; cures stomach ailments; tones up appetite; strengthens arms and keeps the mind calm.
