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Showing posts from June, 2013

Padmasan Padmasana Lotus Pose 1 Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Padmasan (Lotus Posture I) Place your left foot on the right groin and the right foot on the left groin in such a way that the heels of both the feet join below the navel, at the abdomen. The soles of the feet should be  fixed on the thighs and should look like lotus leaves. Now keeping your back, neck and head in a straight line, keep the knees firmly on the ground and the gaze at the tip of the nose, place the hands on the heels, making Brahmanjali. Sit calmly. Brahmanjali:- Place the palm of your left hand on the palm of the right hand and keep them between the heels. Benefits :- It cures a number of diseases and especially strengthens the nerves below the waist region and makes them flexible. It keeps breathing normal and helps in concentration by quietening the mind and sense organs. The straightening of the spinal cord helps the free movement of prana in the Sushumna. This is the best posture for breathing exercises and meditation.  The common rule is that spinal cord, neck, head

Siddhasan Siddhasana Perfect Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Siddhasan (Per fect Posture) Place your right heel between your anus and the genitals in such a way that the sole of the foot touches the left thigh. Then fix your left heel at the root of the generative organ. Keep your head, neck in a straight line. Fix your gaze either in the middle of the eyebrows or at the tip of the nose, as may be preferred. Both the knees should touch the ground. Make a Jnan Mudra, placing the hand on the respective knees. Jnan Mudra:- The index finger touches the middle of the thumb of each hand and the other three finger remain straight. Benefits:- Being the most useful posture for mediation, it is so named. The perineum is automatically contracted, thereby directing the Prana (vital breath) and semen upwards towards the brain. Passage of Sushumna opens up, steadies Prana, sense organs and mind; helps in maintaining continence due to the slackening of spermatic nerves caused by the pressure applied by the heel; enables the aspirant to bear the pairs of opposi

Yoga Some Dos and Dont's in the Practice of Asanas & Pranayamas Benefits Beginners Hatha Yogic History

Some Dos and Dont's in the Practice of Asanas The best time for the practice of Asanas in the morning time If there is time, one may practise them in the evening also. However, The Asanas to the practiced in the evening must not be strenuous because at evening time the stomach is not so light and empty as it is in the morning time the stomach is not so light and empty as it is in the morning after defecation. The best hours of practice during morning and evening are between five and seven o’ clock. During winter, the morning session may extend upto eight o’ clock. The hours of practice should be fixed after taking into consideration the climate and weather. In the cold countries of Europe, U.S.A.,etc., these may be practised only during the evening hours because are not accustomed to get up so early in the morning. The Asanas may be practised by men and women of all ages between 12 and 60 or even 70 without any fear of ill effects. However, Strenuous postures may not be attempted b

Yoga Principles Ten Fundamentals Learning Diet Food Sex Sleep Breathing Relaxation Pratice Living Discipline Meditation Hatha Asanas Benefits History

Ten Principles of Yoga DISCIPLINE To succeed in yoga one must have discipline. Regular, systematic practice is essential. Discipline also means yama and niyama - restraints on behaviour through universal moral commandments and self-purification through spiritual discipline. Swami Sivananda says “To achieve the goal of yoga one must have constant spiritualization of all activities and cultivation of virtues such as non-violence, truthfulness and celibacy.” If you are not religious try to maintain mindfulness and constantly be in the present moment aware of all actions and thoughts. FOOD Eat a nourishing and well balanced diet, based on natural foods. Avoid over-eating. Avoid fasting too much. Avoid over-processed foods. Eat only foods that are easily digestible. This keeps the body light and supple and the mind calm, giving a high resistance to disease. It is essential to drink plenty of water between meals, especially during periods of intense practice. Take natural remedies for illnes

Zoisite Ruby Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Zoisite with inclusions of Ruby, that often are attached like small crystals to the green Zoisite, positively influences angina pectoris, blood circulation and the sexual organs. It may also be used to treat infertility, but it is suited for the treatment of bronchitis and cold shivers as well. Zoisite-Ruby gives its wearer energy and harmonises.

Zoisite Green Pink Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Green Zoisite is an excellent healer for problems related to sexuality, it strengthens the central nervous system and stimulates the healing of bones. Next to that it strengthens the kidney function and vitality. Also this stone can be used to heal headaches, especially those in the back of the head.

Zircon Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Zircon helps its wearer during astral projection and on an astral level, the stone strengthens the union with astral beings and protects in the spiritual world. Zircon can break spells and protects against all negative spiritual influences. Against allergies and poisoning, strengthens the liver, gives strength when one is infected with the HIV virus, against depressions, strengthens nerves. Strengthens the pinneal gland, promotes the 'working order' of both female and male genitalia. For the nervous system, against problems of the saliva glands, eye and ear problems, strengthens the bladder, prostate and testicles. Helps one to remember dreams.  

Watermelon Tourmaline Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Watermelon Tourmaline guides its wearer to find his/her spiritual balance, to find his/her own course. This gemstone is positive during meditations. Watermelon Tourmaline also shows its wearer his/her own powers and strengthens them. Watermelon Tourmaline supports and harmonizes the endocrine system and gives energy to the sex organs. It also balances the female and male powers. It protects against changing influences from the outside world.  

Verdite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Verdite is the opaque green brown variety of   Serpentine , this stone therefore contains all good properties of Serpentine, and next to that it also contains its own properties. This stone will help you to stabilise and harmonise your hormones. Verdite also strengthens the memory and concentration. This stone may be used to heal diseases of the heart and purify the blood, but also to cleanse the body of toxins. It is an excellent stone to stimulate the movement of the Kundalini.  

Verdelite Green Tourmaline Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Verdelite stimulates meditation and spiritual work, enhances the intuition and stimulates concentration during meditation excersizes. Against diabetes, it promotes the energy flow to the pancreas and quenches abnormal thirst. The stone promotes the absorbation of fats. Stimulates the heart, the cells and food absorbation. It promotes recovery after illness and deminishes anemia and paleness. It usually aids painfull menstruation. The stone is inspiring and attracts abundance and well being for its wearer.  

Unakite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Unakite brings balance into our bodies, it balances the function of all organs, bodily fluids and glands. Unakite diminishes cramps especially in the lower belly and genitals. This stone stimulates a healthy pregnancy. Next to that this stone can aid you in the re-birthing process and also helps you to work through traumas from the past.  

Ulexite TV Rock Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Ulexite is also known under the name TV Rock and it thanks its name to the fact that the thin crystals of this stone act as optic fibres. You will see when you place a piece of Ulexite on a piece of paper that has been written on, that the text is projected on the top of the crystal. This property of Ulexite may also be used in gemstone therapy, you can use a piece of Ulexite to bring deep rooted problems to the surface and start dealing with them from the ground down and solve them. Also the antiseptic properties of this stone are used in gemstone therapy, Ulexite protects against and dissolves tetanus infections, and this is why it is a stone that should be in everyone's gemstone pharmacy.  

Turquoise Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Turquoise is a protective stone, it protects humans and animals against outside negative influences. It is also an excellent protector for travellers and in your car, you can keep a piece of Turquoise in your car as protection stone. Turquoise promotes relationships and gives its wearer wealth. It absorbs damaging vibrations and dispells the evil eye. It protects young children and helps deal with negative experiences. It promotes faithfullness in love and protects the virtues, promotes meditation and fulfills wishes. The stone will change colour when its wearer is sick or in danger, brings its wearer good luck. It is a friendship stone. Enhances good taste, gives happiness, makes content, promotes deeds, against hot flashes, protects against negative influences and attracts good things. Strengthens the immune system during viral contaminations, like flu, mono (kissing disease) and injuries. Against artritis, inflammation of joints (not connected to artritis), cramps and muscular tensi

Turitella Agate Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

This   Agate   variety is also called Snail Agate. Turitella Agate positively influences the stomach, the intestines and the pancreas. It also promotes digestion and stimulates stomach and pancreas functions. Turitella Agate is a protective stone and may also be used to dispel fatigue. Turitella Agate is a stone that promotes youth and keeps one young at heart, it also makes sure that you do not lose track of the child inside.  

Tourmaline Quartz Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Tourmaline Quartz breaks through vicious circles, against back problems, muscle aches, hernia, warts, emotional tension and hyperventilation. Tourmaline Quartz can be used for astral projection and is suited for meditation.  

Tourmaline Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Tourmaline keeps the soul young and enhances spiritual possibilities up to a high age. This stone helps one to transform negative thoughts into loving thoughts and actions, promotes self confidence and concentration, against dizziness, falling and tripping, use when you have equilibrum problems and nervousness, comforts when you are sad. Tourmaline heals all forms of infections and poisonings, is soothing and calms, The stone lessens neuralgia, against shingles and throat problems. Has a positive influence on the thyroid. Because of its variety in colours Tourmaline can be used for many things in magic.  

Topaz Blue Golden Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Topaz strengthens and sharpens the mind, against heart disease and varicose veins, exhaustion, stimulates blood circulation and pancreas, strengthens liver and kidneys, stimulates taste, strengthens the vital strength. Against insomnia and fatigue, promotes the 'good working order' of ovaries and testicles, against osteoporosis and tooth decay, stimulates the thyroid and thymus gland. Topaz can be used in money magic and is an excellent protector against negative magic and insanity. Blue Topaz Blue Topaz positively influences the throat area and therefore can be used as a therapy stone against sore throats, thyroid problems and goiter. This stone also cures angina, tonsillitis and laryngitis. Blue Topaz can also be used in the treatment of varicose veins and haemorrhoids, because it strengthens the veins. Blue Topaz is a stone that inspires the human psyche, and it gives its wearer a harmonious connection to the environment and nature. Golden Topaz Golden Topaz strengthens the

Tiger's Eye Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Tiger's Eye is a strong protector against black magic and negativity in general, dispells the evil eye and demons. This stone sends all negativity back to its sender... a small piece of Tiger's Eye placed near an entrance of a house will keep the negativity out. Tiger's Eye warms, gives self confidence and promotes responsability, against asthma, bronchitis and head colds, protects agains jealousy and negativity from others. Against eye diseases, helps one to recognize ones own faults and think clearly, against bacteria, strengthens joints, bones, liver and mobility center, protective. Tiger's Eye is used in protective magic and money magic. A Tiger's Eye especially programmed for this task and kept in your wallet will make sure that you always have enough change on you.  

Thulite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Thulite is the reddish pink variety of   Zoisite , and it is an excellent stone for children. It protects young children and teenagers against infections, the flu and head colds. Thulite strengthens the immune system and the heart as well. This pretty reddish pink stone aids in overcoming examination fright and strengthens the insight. It is a loving stone, and of course it is also suited for adults.  

Tektite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Just like   Moldavite , Tektite is a glass meteorite and this stone has come to this planet by meteor showers. This mineral helps you to gain knowledge here in your time on earth, it is a stone of growth and development. Next to that you may use Tektites to lower fevers and to protect yourself against infectious diseases. This stone will also help you to dispel aggressive moods and depressions.  

Tanzanite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Tanzanite is the rare blue variety of   Zoisite . This stone stimulates the throat chakra, but also the crown and third eye chakras. Tanzanite makes sure that there is a connection between communication and clairvoyance, so that all that is seen in a vision can be put into clear wording. This stone also aids in depression, and teaches us how to use our logic. On the physical level this stone diminishes and heals skin disorders, but also against ailments of the eyes, like glaucoma and nearsightedness. Also use in case of migraine and hearing problems.  

Drinking Drink Water on Empty Stomach Benefits

Sunstone Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Sunstone is an excellent companion during meditation. Against allergy, hernia, osteoporosis, tooth decay and stimulates the healing of bones. Strengthens the heart, back, the eyes and kidneys, against gloom and melancholy, rejuvinates vital strength. Against anemia and abnormal menstruation. Supports pregnancy and promotes breast feeding. Dispells unrest, irritability and over exhaustion.

Sugilite New Age Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Sugilite is the only stone for those that have been infected with the AIDS virus, this stone protects you against the HIV virus, and is the only gemstone that can heal this disease in the first stages. Extraordinary results with HIV patients have been reported in the US! Sugilite promotes rest and calm when someone has strong spiritual experiences. The stone is protective and harmonizing, gives one a deep sleep. Gives power and stabilizes, dispels doubt and teaches self control and humility. For heart and heals scars. Against headaches, anemia, paleness and painful menstruations, promotes healing after illness and enhances the blood flow in the brain. Dispels stress and infections.  Sugilite is also called the New Age Stone.  

Staurolite Cross Faery Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Staurolite is also called Cross Stone or Faery Stone, and has been used for protection for centuries, the name Staurolite is derived from the Greek stauros, which signifies cross. In magick Staurolite is used to symbolise the four elements, but also to attract health, protection and money. On the physical level this stone may be used to heal headaches and diseases of the vegetative nervous system. Staurolite brings its wearer back on earth, with both feet, and therefore it is most suited for those that have the tendency to overdo things in like overactive imagination, phantasma etc.  

Spinel Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Spinel has been confused with Ruby in the past. This stone has a positive influence on the muscles and nerves, which is why it may be used to dispel neuritis and to heal painful and torn muscles. This stone also protects you against fears.  

Sphalerite Blende Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Sphalerite or Blende may be used to heal and diminish ovarian infections and inflammations, but may also be used to dispel other ailments of the female reproductive system. It does not only influence the female sex organs, but also the male reproductive system can be positively influenced by wearing or the laying on of this stone. Because this stone contains Sulphur it also positively influences the skin, especially in cases of eczema and acne. Do you want to spice up your sex life? Sphalerite can help, it is an erotic stone! Sphalerite may also be used in meditations and trances.  

Sodalite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Sodalite sooths restlessness, promotes faithfulness, intuition and the third eye, against high blood pressure. Sodalite harmonizes, strengthens the nerves, is grounding and promotes self faithfulness. Also Sodalite gives one the courage to stand behind ones own opinions and to realize goals. For lymph nodes, brain, against x-ray radiation and promotes vitality. Puts one at ease especially those that suffer from nervous disorders. For pancreas, liver, kidneys, ovaries and testicles. Against ringing ears and dizzy spells. For a healthy sleep, against irritability, exhaustion, fears and strengthens self esteem. In magic Sodalite is used for healing, peace and wisdom. Sodalite is also an excellent meditation stone.  

Soapstone Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Soapstone can be used to diminish and cure itching, eczema and skin rashes, for this it is best to gently rub a piece of Soapstone over the irritated skin. This stone may also be used to diminish irritations and skin rashes caused by stinging nettles and poison ivy, but also for sun burns and allergies. A very interesting property of Soapstone is that it can make wrinkles disappear, for this rub a piece of Soapstone on your wrinkles on a daily basis. Soapstone is also used to stimulate the liver and gall bladder. This stone also assist you to get used to new situations and to embark on new adventures and challenges.  

Smokey Smoky Quartz Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Smokey Quartz is the ideal stone to help someone quit smoking and makes its wearer steadfast in making decisions. Promotes concentration, gives one the strength and power to realize ones dreams. For connective tissue, pancreas, ovaries, testicles, heart, muscles, kidneys, nerves, against depression, whooping cough and is a grounding stone. Smokey Quartz protects against thoughtless actions and connects its wearer to the earth, this is why it is an excellent talisman in difficult situations.  

Serpentine Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Serpentine activates the thymus gland and therefore it stimulates the immune system as well as the hormones in the body. Serpentine activates the production of the red blood cells, the haemoglobin and the plasma. This stone protects the heart, the kidneys and the lungs for illness and infections. This stone also has the ability to regulate blood sugar levels and can therefore be used in cases of hypoglycaemia and diabetes. Other than that Serpentine raises the Kundalini and teaches its wearer that the world does not exist because of material things and opens the heart to spirituality.

Selenite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Selenite is a variety of Gypsum and positively influences the sex organs, like the prostate, uterus and ovaries. Because of this quality this stone is most suited for women during pregnancy, it protects the unborn child, but it also protects the mother against cramps and other ailments during pregnancy, this tone also strengthens the placenta and this makes this stone indispensable for anyone who is pregnant. Also vomiting and nausea in the first trimester will diminish by wearing this stone. Selenite can also be used to correct diseases and malformations of the skeleton, and during pregnancy it may be used to diminish the chances of any of these diseases. On the spiritual level, this stone is used to invoke visions. Please note!   A note is in order.   Never   try to cleanse this stone with water! Because Selenite is a Gypsum variety, this may harm the stone!! Also one should be careful with this stone, because of its scanty hardness it can easily be scratched.  

Schörl Black Tourmaline Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Schörl neutralizes energies that are emitted by electrical suppliances and computer and television screens. It stops the growth of cancerous cells, for nervousness, blood-poisoning and infectious diseases, promotes eloquence and inspiration, reconsiles friends, dispels enemies, protects against flu, for gall, kidneys, lymph nodes, and brings order in ones love life. Protects against all injuries, for self esteem, against nervousness. Also this stone is an excellent helper for those that have dyslexia.

Sardonyx Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Sardonyx is a combination of   Onyx   with reddish brown   Sard   and displays reddish brown and white layers, in some cases also black layers are visible in the stone. This stone was used in the past, and even today, to cut cameos and intaglios. For this the two colours of the stone were used, just like with   Bandonyx ,   Chalcedony   and Onyx. Sardonyx makes its wearer a pleasant person, it attracts friends and promotes self control and marital bliss. This stone also promotes success in legal matters. On the physical level this stone protects against bites, stings, pain, infections and poison. In the past Sardonyx was used to dispel the 'evil eye'. Sardonyx is a grounding stone.