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Showing posts from January, 2012

Cure Severe Constipation Remedy Online Treatment

CAUSES & CURE OF CONSTIPATION Constipation is a more common problem than any other disease among the intellectuals. Constipation means not being able toe ease the bowels at fixed hours, insufficient evacuation of the bowels, hardening of stool, persistent non clearing of bowels, not passing the stool dialy, non clearance of digested food, not feeling relived after visiting the toilet, etc.        What cause constipation  : Frequent meals  eaten and different times do not facilitate assimilation of food, as a result there is no full clearance of bowels in a single visit to the toilet. After partial clearance of the bowels the remaining faeces get deposited in the intestines. In this way there is lot of retention in the bowels. Even though there should be no formation of mucus during a fast, t there is lot of excretion during of usual call of nature or when enema is taken after the fast.        Diseases caused by constipation :  the stool deposited in the stomach rots because of the

Essential Elements To Eat

ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS TO EAT In order to keep our body healthy and strong we should eat things which contain the following elements: 1.      Protein : It builds the body, imparts agility, vigour and energy. It compensates the body losses. It is found aplenty in pulses, cereals, gram, peas, milk, butter milk, cottage cheese, fatless milk, fruits, dry fruits, tec. Protein is responsible for the production of new cells and regeneration of dead cells in the body. Protein also provides energy like carbohydrates. Pulses contain about 20-25 percent protein. 2.      Fat : It gives heat and energy to the body. It is found in milk, curd, ghee, butter, oil, almonds, walnuts, cashewnuts, ground nuts, etc. The oiliness in things indicates the presence of fat. Oils and vegetable ghee are the food stuffs full of fat. 3.      Minerals salts : Minerals preserve the body, strengthen the bones and protect the body from disease. They are found in fresh vegetables, fruits, wheat, rice, milk, etc. 4.      Carb

Benefits of Cold Water Bath Ice Water Bath Cold Water Showers

TAKE A COLD WATER BATH Doctors suggest that we should not take a hot that even in winters. We should bathe everyday in winter with cold water, i.e. ordinary tap water. It is not necessary that the water should be ice cold. We can see that most of our fairs and holy bathing festivals fall in winter. In the beginning, most of us would begin to shiver at the very sight of cold water but once you take to bathing with cold water you would overcome the fear. How to bathe:   The easier way to take a cold bath is first to pour water on the head. You might have watched that people first immerse their head in water while bathing in a river. If  you wet your head, while taking a bath the heat from the head travels down the body and escapes through the feet. But if you wet your feet and legs or the lower portion of the body first, the body heat escapes through the head. This should not be allowed to happen form health point of view. You should not hurry through your bath. Rub with your palms the d

Golden Rules For Health Protection Benefits

RULES FOR HEALTH PROTECTION After you wake up in the morning rinse your mouth and drink fresh water. Get up before sunrise, get yourself free and sit down quietly and meditate. This way you will lead a cheerful day. To continue sleeping even after sunrise is not good for health.        Take your meals before sunset:   Food is digested by the heat from the sun. While you are asleep the digestive system gets weakened. Therefore, you should not go to sleep three hours after the meals during the day or at night. People from Jain community and some others take their meals before sunset. This way food gets digested before you go to sleep. It is indeed a good practice. Eating late at night does not allow the food to be properly digested. If you indulge in it before that, it upsets the stomach. Before going to sleep, offer joint prayers and worship God. Do not sleep straight on your back. During summers, wash your hands and feet with cool water before going to bet. It will induce good sleep an

When To Eat What

WHEN TO EAT WHAT A patient suffering from malaria should be given milk and the juice of mausambi, oranges and sugarcane. After recovery form fever he should be given thin soup of pulses and porridge. He should not be given solid food for few days.           For swollen and painful tonsils, put some common slat and alum into lukewarm water and gargle for a few seconds. Gargling with water boiled with tea leaves is also useful.           Diarrhoea: Curd, rice, khichadi, butter mild, ripe bananas and apples should be given. Milk should be avoided.           Nutmeg scoured with water and given thrice a day cures diarrhea.           Jaundice: sugarcane juice, juicy fruits or their juice and glucose should be given. Warts: Warts can grow anywhere on the body. If you take homeopathic medicine they dry up and fall. Take four parts of lime used by paanwala and one part of washing soda and put in a glass bottle. Seal the bottle with a cork and shake well. It should be a plastic or glass cork and

Characterstics Of Good Health

                  CHARACTERSTICS OF GOOD HEALTH The main characteristics of good health are : cheerful appearance, slim and straight waist, firm body, clean and white teeth, sharp appetite, good digestive system, capacity to do hard work without exhaustion, a zest for work, stamina to face hot and cold weather, healthy parts of the body, soft skin, no dryness on the face, no cracking of the lips, brigth eyes, sharp eyesight, clean pink tongue, broad chest, no bulging stomach, soft hair, deep breath free from foul smell, dreamless sleep, odourless sweat, refreshed mouth, no frequent spitting or coughing, regular stool, feeling of freshness in the mourning, agility, warm stomach, cool head, pinkish nails, etc. good health is essential to life because only a healthy person can enjoy the blessings of life. 

Uses Of Fruits Vegetables Skin Rind

USE OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES People with poor digestion should dilute fruit and vegetable juice with water. Diluted juices are easy to digest. Taking them on a empty stomach is highly beneficial.           Fruit and vegetable juices should be taken raw and fresh. The treatment with juices is slow and complete cure takes a long time. Other things can also be taken as supplementary treatment. Juices should be taken in the morning and in the afternoon. 16 ounces of juice can be taken at a time. Seasonal fruits and vegetables should be used. As far as possible, sugar should be consumed in small quantities. Human body is capable of synthesizing sugar from the foods we eat. SKIN/RIND When the skin of a vegetable is not too hard it should be cooked without removing the skin. The skin is a source of energy. It relieves constipation and clears the bowels. Use whole pulses. Eat fruits with the skin on.           The food items mentioned here are beneficial if taken by a patient as an auxiliary t

illness And Diet

ILLNESS AND DIET Three sips of water before meals will cool down the heat in the esophagus and stomach. The ill effects of the heat in the food and the pungency of  spices will also subside. The mental state in which we eat affects our thinking also. While eating, our thoughts should be pious and satvik. The food we eat shapes our mind. Every man has in him a bio-clock which plays an important role in controlling his physical activities. That is how we have a cycle of eating, sleeping and waking up.           These days man has alienated himself from natue.human body has a built in mechanism to keep itself healthy but the man’s alienation form nature has a damaging effect on this mechanism.           A disease cannot be totally cured with the help of medicines. But those who exercise and restraint in matters of food do not fall sick. If you have wrong food habits no treatment can keep you fit. Food and health are closely related. The more a man knows about foods the healthier he will b

Diseases Caused By The Deficiency Of Vitamin C & A

DISEASES CAUSED BY THE DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN C Paleness of face, debility, body ache, swollen gums, bleeding gums, loose teeth, foul breath, bleeding from skin and phlegmatic sources are the diseases caused by the deficiency of vitamin C. Teeth become irregular and defective. The patient suffers from pyorrhea. He loses appetite and dose not get full nourishment.           Bones, cells and arteries get damaged or the wounds do not heal easily and even small hurts and slips cause fractures in the bones. The deficiency of vitamin c causes the terrible disease ‘scurvy’. One becomes debilitated and irritable. One can also suffer from anaemia. Red blood corpuscles become weak and deficient. The blood vessels contract and the heart also becomes weak. The immune system too gets weakened. As a result, the patient is unable to fight infectious diseases. Common cold or severe cold, pneumonia, etc., afflict the body frequently. One suffers from lack of stamina and gets tired easily and even in you

Nourishment Of Life

NOURISHMENT Life is a divine gift, and a disease free sound health is a great blessing. Nourishing food is essential for a sound health. We need to know what to eat, so that the food consumed may not only satisfy our hunger, but also keep us healthy through its medicinal effects.           Food provide a base to live a healthy life. If food is to our taste and easy to digest, it surely keeps us healthy. A number of health food charts based on modern scientific studies are available that prescribe the quantities of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins, etc, to be taken daily through various items of food according to the calorie requirement of our body. But because of defective digestive system, our body is not able to burn fully all the calories we consume, as a result we fall sick. Therefore, we should pay due attention to food and consume such things as would provide nourishment to our body acting as medicines and keep us disease free. The present book prescribes ‘treatment through f

Jal Kunjal Jala Kunjal Kunjal Kriya The Stomach Wash

JAL KUNJAL, JALA KUNJAL, KUNJAL KRIYA, THE STOMACH WASH This technique is for cleanliness and efficiency of the upper digestive system (pharynx, esophagus, stomach) as well as the respiratory system (pharynx, trachea, bronchi). How can we clean out the stomach and lungs you ask? The yogis invented a way of simply back-flushing the stomach, just like Jala Neti does for the nose. The yogis maintain that every morning one should flush the stomach, starting off with a clean digestive furnace, to remove any remnant food and to replace the mucus lining. It is just like washing off the dead skin cells on the outside of the body each day. Just as swimming, saunas and scrubbing helps the skin to function or "breathe" better, flushing out the stomach helps it to digest better. Method About six cups of warm salty water (we are not going to include the exact recipe here) are drunk to completely fill the stomach, and then from either a squatting or a bent forward p