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Showing posts from May, 2013

GoldStone Blue Brown Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Goldstone is a manmade stone, this stone has been manufactured by Italian monks since the 16 th   century. Although this stone was not grown by Mother Nature it does hold strong healing properties. Blue Goldstone Blue Goldstone is a stone that connects us to the Divine, it is a stone of wisdom and teaches us that no matter what happens there will always be light in the darkness. It is a very strong generator of energy and may be used whenever you need extra energy. This stone will also diminish and heal psychosomatic ailments, and can also be used to conquer illnesses like bulimia and anorexia. It may also be used to heal ailments of the throat like tonsillitis and angina. Brown Goldstone   Brown Goldstone positively influences those that are suffering from depressions, because of its colour and the golden specks it reminds us of   Sunstone , and it also influences the psyche in a similar way. This stone will provide you with energy, inner strength and a positive outlook. On the physic

Girasol Blue Opal Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

This   Opal   variety distincts itself from all other members of this family because it does not display a spectre of iridescence colours. Girasol positively influences the stomach and the intestinal tract, which is why it supports digestion and aids in it. This pretty stone also strengthens the function of the pancreas, liver and gall bladder. The speech centre is positively influenced by this stone, it makes sure that communication flows and stimulates friendship.  Girasol is also called Blue Opal.  

Garnet Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

When a Garnet is obtained unlawfully, the stone will curse its wearer until it is returned to its rightful owner. Gives willpower and perseverance, strengthens the ego. Not suitable for hot tempered or stressed people. A great stone for those who suffer from depressions, intestinal problems and heart problems. Against infections, especially those that occur in combination with skin disorders. Improves imagination, self esteem and success. Makes one see clearer, shows hidden places and treasures, fights evil and protects against impure thoughts. Use in cases of anemia, herpes, infections, venereal diseases, skin disorders, headaches, liver, kidneys, metabolism and thyroid. In magic Garnet can be used to obtain extra energy, Garnet strengthens the aura and creates a shield of positive vibrations around its wearer that will reject all negative energy.  

Fluorite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Fluorite promotes creative thinking and lifts the mind. This stone gives rest and helps in case of disturbances in the brainwaves, enhances concentration, clears the mind and environment, inner peace and quiet, helps fulfill wishes, promotes love for others and total love. Promotes joy, this is the stone of the future and is suited for spiritually highly developed people. A protection stone. Use in case of arthritis, infections, flu, the early stages of cancer, lungs, liver, Down's syndrome, for ears, skeleton and viral infections, sexual problems and all sorts of fears, strengthens teeth and bones, for spleen and veins.

Flint Flints Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

In the past Flints were used to protect one against the magic of elves and faeries, and small pieces of Flint were placed in the house to protect it against lightning because this stone was/is sacred to the God Thor (or Donar). The healing powers of the Flint concentrate on the hormones, the kidneys and the nerves. It protects its wearer against inflammations and infections of the kidneys and the urinary tract. Also all endocrine glands that produce the hormones are strengthened by wearing this stone. Depressions are diminished and it helps its wearer through extremely stressed situations. Flint also relieves shyness.  

Falcon's Eye Tiger Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Falcon's Eye protects its wearer against the evil eye and demons. The stone 'points out' the person that is trying to steal something in one way or an other. Place seven pieces of Falcon's Eye near your cash register or a place where you hide your valuables; the culprit shall make himself known to you in one way or another. Helps breathing techniques, enhances will power and self confidence, protects against negativity. Cools anger, rage and aggressive behavior.  

Epidote Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Epidote is a stone that teaches us to focus on the outside world and also teaches us understanding, it stimulates interactions with others and teaches one to be less critical. Epidote may also use to heal and diminish ailments of the thyroid and brain. Next to that Epidote relieves coughing and dissolves phlegm.  

Emerald Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Emerald helps one to see ones spiritual life clearly and go ones own way. This stone is capable of healing mental and spiritual wounds and gives positive energy so one can function in a normal manner. Emerald attracts abundance and wealth. Promotes loyalty to ones partner and protects during travel. Emerald strengthens the memory and mind, against epilepsy, bad dreams and insomnia, for eyesight, against glaucoma and cataract. For kidneys and liver, use in case of ear aches and head aches, hemorrhoids, gives one a young appearance, against malaria and flu, makes one eloquent, for pancreas, blood circulation, blood pressure, nervous system and metabolism. Diminishes fears, dejection, over-sensitivity and irritability and gives one inner peace. Emerald can be used in love spells, and is often used in business spells. For the best results, the old magicians recorded, an Emerald should be set in silver or copper.  

Dumortierite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Dumortierite strengthens the bond with the environment, is a good meditation stone. Protects children against infections that are accompanied by fever. Against head aches, neuralgia and neuritis.  

Shilajit Shilajeet What Are Benefits Health Remedies Online Side Effects Best Quality Buy Online

Shilajit is a blessing of god to the mankind. Shilajit is an Amrit of God to the human being to lead the youthful life. Shilajit is found in Himalayas in India in kumaon region, from Arunachal pradesh to Kashmir. Shilajit is also found in Himalayas of Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet. Shilajit is the decomposed plants in the mountain rocks since centuries ago. It is preserved in the rocks due to pressure and sunlight. Shilajit oozes out of the rocks due to the heat of sun. The color of this resin is pale brown to blackish brown and slimy to touch, pure and heavy. Shilajit is having more than 85 minerals including trace elements. The quality of the shilajit also depends on the species of the plants decomposed. The best quality of shilajit is found in India. The other names of shilajit are asphaltum, girij and mineral pitch. Shilajit possesses hot potency and have minerals and bio chemicals including trace elements in the form of fulvic acid, humic acid, uronic acids, hippuric acid, benzopyrones,

Dolomite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Use Dolomite for ailments of the skin and joints. For pancreas, thyroid and ovaries, use in case of allergies. White Dolomite helps aggressive people to cope with temper tantrums and mood swings.  

Dioptase Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Dioptase positively influences the reproductive organs, it even heals sexual transmitted diseases, but should not be worn as the only remedy against these kinds of illnesses. In cases like these it is better to prevent than to heal! If you have been infected with the HIV virus, this stone can prove to be very helpful for you. Even though it will not make the infection go away, you will feel better by wearing this stone. This stone may be worn to diminish and heal potency problems. Dioptase will also protect you against allergic and chronic ailments of the throat, nose and lungs. Dioptase is an excellent healer of migraines, headaches and other pain. It may be worn after operations to diminish pain and you will be up and about sooner. Dioptase can be used to cleanse the chakra system, but also to stimulate the chakras to bring you to the highest level of consciousness. Dioptase also balances the yin and yang energies of its wearer.  

Diopsite Diopside Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Diopsite or Diopside strengthens the intellect and teaches us to respect others, next to that Diopsite is suited for those that keep all their emotions bottled up inside, for it teaches us that crying from time to time relieves and is not a sign of weakness. Stressed pets also benefit from wearing this stone. Green Diopsite heals all kidney and urinary tract problems, but may also be used to heal tuberculosis. Black Diopsite strengthens the blood and may be used as a therapy stone for leukaemia. This stone also harmonises the vitamin C intake into the body and makes sure that you will not suffer from bleeding gums or scurvy.  

Diamond Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

For eyes, blood plasma, against blood poisoning, epilepsy, helps in case of poisoning and for concentration, brain, pituitary gland, blood circulation, cartilage, throat, skull, shoulders, reproductive organs and vitality, against gout, yellow fever, addictions, fear, insecurity and jealousy. Diamond is used as a meditation stone, this stone enhances spirituality and is seen as the highest form of transformation because Diamond consists of pure carbon, a substance that also makes up coal. Diamond is the embodiment of peace and cures insomnia and nightmares.  

Desert Rose Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

The Desert Rose is a variety of Gypsum and positively influences the reproductive organs, and also oedema may be cured when one wears this mineral. Desert Roses stimulate the metabolism, the stomach and intestine function and also the vegetative nervous system is positively influenced by this mineral. The Desert Rose stimulates vitality and creativity.   Please note!   A note is in order never   try to cleanse this stone with water! Because the Desert Rose is a Gypsum variety, this may harm the stone!! Also one should be careful with this stone, because of its scanty hardness it can easily be scratched.  

Danburite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Danburite is a gemstone that sends out very high vibrations and may be used to stimulate the crown and third eye chakras, and also to cleanse and stimulate the chakras in the etheric body. This stone stimulates lucid dreaming and also stimulates the intellect. On the physical level Danburite may be used to heal diseases of the gall bladder and the liver and also to remove toxins from the body.  

Coral Stone Red Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Coral has a positive influence on the thyroid function, both hyper and hypo function can be stabilized by wearing a piece of red Coral on the throat. Use in case of colic, against infertility, protects against disease. Use in case of anemia, for a healthy bladder function. Geriatric ailments and works positively. Coral helps in case of depression and narcolepsy. Against colon problems, constipation, tooth decay and works positive in case of osteoporosis and promotes the healing of bones. Regulates the pancreatic function and spleen, against hardening of the arteries. In the Renaissance Coral was used to help the teething of babies, usually children of rich families received a Coral teething ring. Coral is used as a protective amulet. It is used against the evil eye, demons, furies, succubi, incubi and phantasma. It guards against accidents, acts of violence, poison, theft, possession and sterility.   Coral is a natural product, they are the skeletal remains of small creatures that inha

Clear Crystal Quartz Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Clear Crystal Quartz stops bleeding and diarrhea. Against back aches, menstrual problems, depression and problems related to menopause, gives confidence. Quenches thirst, cleans the body after illness, for skin, gives energy. Use in case of car and sea sickness, dizziness, against fear, diseases of the glands, fever, poisoning, gout, yellow fever, ailments of kidneys, bad dreams. Use in case of athletic injuries, prevents strokes and addiction. Good for the heart, lymph nodes, lungs, blood circulation, metabolism and colon. Against leukemia and hormonal problems. Use in case of suppurating wounds, inflammation of the bone marrow, abscesses on tonsils and all sorts of fistulae. Lung diseases, tuberculosis and all ailments of the airways. Relieves pain caused by arthritis and rheumatism, against high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Use in case of morning sickness and for nursing mothers. Clear Crystal Quartz helps one to enhance ones intuitive insights. Place to pieces of Clear Crys

Citrine Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Makes one happy, against fatigue, strengthens self confidence, use in case of fear of exams. Helps one cope with mental exertion. Promotes a positive outlook. For glands, diabetes, appendix, colon, liver, kidneys, immune system, gall bladder, heart and blood circulation, muscles, and mood swings, gives one self esteem and clarity. Promotes positivity and clear thoughts. Against depression, melancholy and stimulates the mind and soul if you can't detach from grief and anxiety. Citrine gives one an intellectual control of ones emotional life. Also Citrine enhances spiritual powers.  

Chrysoprase Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Stabilizes blood pressure, strengthens eyes and the heart, makes one practical and balanced. Eases childbirth. Chrysoprase cleans the arteries, use in case of blood circulation problems, angina pectoris, this is an excellent stone to use after bypass surgery. A protective stone for people that are overweight and heavy smokers. Use Chrysoprase water when you have prostate problems or problems with ovaries. This stone gives its wearer rest and fidelity. Chrysoprase is a stone that attracts good luck, makes one eloquent and attracts success in business and good friends. Wear a Chrysoprase to protect yourself against negativity.

Chrysocolla Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Promotes kindness and tolerance, against back aches, cramps and depressions, trust giving, helps work through experiences and utter them, balances emotions. Calms the nerves, lowers fevers, sooths throat aches, use in case of burns and thyroid diseases, it will balance your metabolism, use in case of menstrual problems. Harmonizes intense emotions and temper tantrums. Promotes sensitivity, kindness and tolerance and strengthens intuition. Use in case arthritis, sores, rheumatism,, osteoporosis, strengthens heart, lungs, bone marrow, promotes solving problems. A protective stone, against negative influences. This green stone can be used for love spells. Place a Chrysocolla in a small red or pink vase. Fill the vase half full of water and place three red roses in the vase. Replace the roses if necessary and love will soon enter your life.  

Chrysoberyl Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Chrysoberyl is used for ailments of the eyes, especially nearsightedness. Wash your eyes with an Chrysoberyl water if your eyes are tired or if you have pink eye or an eye infection. Chrysoberyl water also heals asthmatic problems, throat infections and laryngitis. Against ailments of the colon and ulcers.   Use Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye in case of glaucoma and cataract, inflammations of the connective tissue and it brings harmony into your family life, also with friends and colleagues.  

Chiastolite Cross Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

In the past this variety of   Andalusite   was used to dispel the 'evil eye', because of the cross on the stone it is seen as a sign of God and is given religious and spiritual significance. The energies of Chiastolite harmonize and teach mankind to accept their mortality. Next to that this stone is used in astral travel and helps its wearer work through important changes. Chiastolite lessens fevers and stimulates blood circulation. This stone can be used to prevent illnesses of the bones, like rachitis, and should be worn during pregnancy. Next to that Chiastolite lessens gout and nerve paralysis and beneficially influences the central nervous system.  

Charoite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Charoite is a stone full of extreme powers, this stone hasn't been known for a long time in the Western world because Charoite is only found in Siberia. Charoite stabilizes the immune system and strengthens the human defences against disease. Sooths the central nervous system. Against infections and strengthens the family bonds and protects against evil forces. Protects against all kinds of radiation. Against phobias and irrational fears.

Celestite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

A great stone to use after operations, Celestite will help heal wounds so they will close without hardly leaving a scar. Celestite works on the throat area, especially on the thyroid function. Against fears, phobias and makes the bond between mind, body and soul stronger. This stone binds us to the earth and gives us love for the earth and the people and animals that live on it. Also this stone makes one eloquent.   Also known as Celestine.  

Carnelian Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Carnelian strengthens the nervous system, eases pains of the joints, lowers fevers, use in case of low blood pressure, against stubbornness. This stone promotes warmth and positivity, keeps nightmares away and promotes good dreams, courage, perseverance and strength. Use in case of infections, diabetes, blood poisoning, wounds and sores, for the blood circulation, protects against storms and lightning and regulates the weight; wear a Carnelian to prevent others from reading your mind and thoughts. Carnelian strengthens the voice and is a great help when you have to speak in public.  

Calcite Blue Green Honeycoloured Orange Pink White Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Because of the presence of calcium in this stone, Calcite has a tremendous influence on bones and teeth, protects man against breaking bones and osteoporosis. Against bandy-legs and knock kneed legs.   This property is present in all Calcites, but of course every color has its own healing properties: Blue Calcite Placed underneath a pillow Blue Calcite protects against evil spirits, enemies in the night and fires and lightning strikes. Blue Calcite has a heals ailments of the throat, against goiter and thyroid diseases. Place a Blue Calcite between two blue candles in healing rituals. Green Calcite Use in case of arrhythmia and diseases of the heart, low blood pressure. Diminishes fear. This stone can be used in rituals and spells to attract money and prosperity. Honeycoloured Calcite Use for elixirs and mineral baths. This stone enhances the healing properties of all other Calcites. Orange Calcite A Sunstone that gives one energy! Against split ends and fragile nails. Use in case of

Bronzite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Bronzite protects its wearer against cysts throughout the body, but especially in the brain. This stone also makes sure that the brain receives sufficient oxygen. bronzite protects against muscular cramps, sciatica and lumbago. bronzite stimulates love and actions, and this stone also protects against depression and anguish.

Botswana Agate Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Botswana Agate is a perfect stone for toddlers and infants. Also this stone makes labour pains bearable during the delivery and protects mother and new-born. Use Botswana Agate in case of fevers and childhood illnesses, promotes physical and mental growth of babies and small children, enlightens the mind and promotes the intake of new impressions and prevents intellectual overload therefore it's an excellent help when studying.  

Bornite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Bornite is known as Peacock Ore in the gemstone trade, because this stone produces a rainbow of blues, turquoises, gold and greens in its copper red colour. Bornite aids the flow of adrenaline in the body and protects against cerebral haemorrhage and heart attacks. This stone may also be used to lower fevers and diminish swelling. Its healing powers spread out to the female reproductive organs, and protect pregnant women and their unborn children, and it also harmonises menstruation. Bornite protects its wearer against negative energy and can be an incredible help during the re-birthing process. This stone stimulates happiness and communication as well.  

Bloodstone Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Strengthens spiritual energy and can help one see into the past or future. It is said that if one inherits a Bloodstone it will give the help and support of its previous owner. Soothes in case of downfalls, against haemorrhoids, gingivitis, stomach and intestinal problems, urinary tract infections and nosebleeds, strengthens bladder. Promotes selflessness, stops bleeding, in case of ulcers, cleanses, promotes the discharge of waste emitted by liver, kidneys and spleen. Stimulates the oxygen supply, gives its wearer wisdom, idealism and compassion. In magic Bloodstone is worn to increase physical strength. Because of its colour it is used in money, wealth and business related spells. Keep a Bloodstone in your cash register to draw money to your business. Also you can carry it in your pocket or purse to attract wealth. Worn by women during their pregnancies to prevent miscarriage and later on to ease childbirth. Also known as Heliotrope.  

Bixbite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

The rare red variety of   Beryl   is called Bixbite, not to be confused with an oxide of manganese and iron called Bixbyite. Bixbite is used in gemstone therapy to heal diseases of the heart and also for ailments of the liver, diseases of the mouth, throat and stomach. Just like all red stones Bixbite may be used to give one physical energy and also gives its wearer creativity. Bixbite also harmonises relationships and can be used for to get through the grieving process and depressions.  

Biotite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Biotite activates the metabolism and helps relieve constipation and regulates the stool. This stone also diminishes diseases of the joints, like rheumatism and gout, and protects the veins. Biotite may also be used to heal ailments of the eyes. Next to that Biotite diminishes sleeping disorders, insomnia and depression, put a slab of Biotite underneath your pillow and you will awake rested and refreshed the following morning.  

Beryl White Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

White Beryl is a soft healer, use in case of gastro-enteritis and haemorrhoids. Take Beryl with you on vacations because this stone is an excellent aid in case of motion sickness, diarrhoea and homesickness. Against biting nails and thumb sucking. Beryl protects on trips, especially on sea voyages it protects against storms. Also Beryl protects its wearer against drowning. In the 16th century Beryl was prescribed to win debates. In magic Beryl is used for spells involving health, love, energy and psychism. Also this stone is used against gossip.  

Band Onyx Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Bandonyx is the black and white variety of   Onyx   and is also called Layer stone. This stone contains a good balance in itself and will promote this in its wearer as well. This stone may be used to heal diseases of the liver like yellow fever and hepatitis, but also liver cirrhosis may be treated by wearing this stone. This stone helps its wearer to find the truth and may be worn in court cases where one has the law on his/her side. Bandonyx promotes tolerance and accepting others as they are, which is why this stone can be very useful treating xenophobia.