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Cure Treatment for Prickly Heat Miliaria

CURE / TREATMENT FOR PRICKLY HEAT Henna :- During the summer season prickly heat appears on the neck and the tender skin of the body. Application of henna paste is beneficial and relieves pain. It is a proven formula. Bitter Gourd :- Application of the juice of bitter gourd is helpful in prickly heat during the summer season. Mix 1 tsp. of baking powder in ¼ cup of the juice of bitter gourd. Two or three applications will provide relief from prickly heat. Email:-

Dysmenorrhoea Menorrhagia How to Cure Relief What are Remedies Diet Causes Treatment Therapy

CURE / TREATMENT FOR MENORRHAGIA Menstrual discharge is natural activity of the female body. But in some cases menstruation is painful. It is called dysmenorrhea. It usually happens to women who have a sedentary life –style and are physically inactive between the ages of 18-25 year. It is of two types: (1) Congestive dysmenorrhea, and (2) Spasmodic dysmenorrhea. Congestive Dysmenorrhoea.: Married women suffer from it and the pain is located in the parts around the uterus. The pain starts three-four days before menstruation and is relieved after menstruation starts. Women who do not do much physical work usually suffer from it. One gets relief by eating more of sugar and taking exercise. Spasmodic Dysmenorrhoea: Out of the women with menstrual problems visiting hospitals, a large number of them suffer from spasmodic dysmenorrhea.. Usually unmarried women suffer from it. It usually begins with menstruation and lasts till the first child is born. The pain is located in the uterus. Acute p

Cure for Napkin Rash

CURE FOR NAPKIN RASH Napkin rashes are common in first year of the child’s birth. The child develops whelks on the rectum because of defects in mother’s milk, or not cleaning it properly after passing the urine and stools or leaving it wet after a bath. The whelks are red in colour. In an aggravated condition, ulceration and bleeding take place. Apply any one of the following paste on the affected part:- 1.      Grind Basil leaves and make the paste. 2.      Mix turmeric powder with butter and prepare the paste. 3.      Grind green grass and apply the paste. Email:-

Self Urine Therapy

SELF URINE THERAPY Drinking your own urine and applying it on your body is called Urine Therapy. If it is taken or used in a proper manner, it can cure several diseases. How to use it :- Early in the morning while passing the first urine, allow the urine to flow out for a moment, then collect it in a clean bottle. In the beginning, drink around 25 ml. of urine, then gradually increase the quantity to two cups (200 ml.). You have to take your own urine, not somebody else. If you cannot digest the idea of drinking urine, at first only rinse your mouth with it and spit it out. After that, gargle with urine. Then one day shut your eyes and take a sip or two. Gradually, you will have no hesitation in drinking urine. You will see its effect in about 15 days. You will overcome the aversion to drinking urine. Those who suffer from Dysuria should not drink urine. It has to be taken only once in the morning. External use of Urine :- Drinking of urine is to be accompanied by its external applicat

Cure for Swelling of Fingers in Winters

CURE FOR SWELLING OF FINGERS IN WINTERS Peas :- During winters, an inflammatory swelling of toes, feet or fingers occurs due to influence of cold. To get relief, boil peas in water and use the water to wash toes and fingers. Turnip :- Boil 50 gms. Turnip in 1 litre of water. Immerce the hands and feet in this hot water. It will provide relief from swelling. Alum Salt :- If your fingers have got swollen or developed itch on account of working in water for a considerable time in winter, boil alum salt in water. Use the water to wash your fingers. It will bring relief from chilblain. Mustard Oil :- Mix 4 tsp. of mustard oil with 1 tsp. of finely ground rock salt. Then heat it. Apply the oil on the toes before bed time and wear socks. It will bring relief from swelling. Email:-

Cure prevention from Mosquito Bites

CURE FOR / PROTECTION FROM MOSQUITO BITE Orange :- Put some orange peel on live burning coal. The smoke will be bright and fragrant. It will not allow flies and mosquitoes to come near you. If there are bed bugs, place some orange peel there, bed bugs will disappear. Caraway Seeds :- Grind caraway seeds, mix with equal quantity of mustard oil, smear some pieces of cardboard with it and hang them in all the four corners of the room. It will scare away the mosquitoes. Basil Leaves :- Smear your body with the juice of basil leaves. Mosquitoes will ot bite you. Garlic :- Put some dried garlic cloves and asafetida on burning coal. The smoke will scare away flies. Email:- onlineremedies @

Cure for Pneumonia

CURE FOR PNEUMONIA Pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs. Its incidence is higher in children. Once stricken by the disease, the patient becomes prone to frequent relapses. Garlic :- It is beneficial to take five drops of garlic juice in 2 tsp. of hot water. Asafoetida :- If the child is suffering from pneumonia or asthma, give him a minute quantity of asafetida dissolved in water. It will help in the dilution of phlegm and expectoration. It destroys germs and eliminates foul smell. Basil Leaves :- Grind 20 green basil leaves alongwith 5 corns of black pepper, mix in hot water and drink it. It will prove to be beneficial in pneumonia. Honey :- The digestive system in pneumonia is unable to function properly. Mix honey in warm water and drink it hot. It will have a soothing effect on the intestines. The patient does not feel debilitated. Honey not only energizes but also treats the problem. Salt :- Heat salt, put it in a piece of cloth, tie it and foment the chest with it. Black Pepper

Cure for Stye Styes Problem

CURE FOR STYE Stye is an inflammatory condition of the eyelash. A little whelk appears on the eyelash. Relief comes when it matures and bursts. Sometimes, it appears again and again. Tamarind :- Grind tamarind seeds on a stone slab as we rub sandal-wood. Apply it on the stye. It will have a cooling effect. It is very good treatment for styes. Water :- Foment the affected eyelash with a piece of cloth soaked in hot water for three minutes. Then foment with cold water immediately thereafter. The stye will disappear in two days. Dried Dates :- Grind the stone (kernel) of a dried date in water and apply on the affected eye. It will provide relief. Cloves :- Grind a clove in water and apply on the eye affected with styes. It provides relief from styes and swelling. Email:-

Healthy Diet during Pregnancy

DIET DURING PREGNANCY Orange :- If pregnant mother takes two oranges daily throughout the period of pregnancy, the child will be beautiful. Mausambi :- It contains calcium in a large quantity. Its juice provides energy to both pregnant mother and the infane in the womb. Coconut :- Eating coconut with sugar candy eliminates the chances of pain during delivery. The offspring is also healthy. Honey :- During pregnancy women develop deficiency of blood. During this period they should eat things which lead to increase in blood. Taking 2 tsp. of honey daily prevents deficiency of blood and provides energy to a pregnant women. The infant also becomes healthy. If a pregnant women is given honey mixed in milk from the very beginning or during the last three months of the pregnancy, the child will be healthy and beautiful.  Email us:-

Cure for Dyspepsia

Following are cure for Dyspepsis, try any one of the following:- Lemon:- Cut lemon into 2 pieces, sprinkle some warm salt on lemon juicy side, suck it. Neem  or Azadirachta indica:- 25 Neem leaves, 3 cloves, 3 black pepper, grind them all, take this mixture with one tablespoon of sugar with normal water in morning and evening. Pineapple:- cut pineapple into small pieces, sprinkle some salt and black pepper, eat it 3 time daily. Now find cure for any disease or health problems naturaly contact us now with any of your health problems now:- or call us +91-9811535600

Cure / prevention for dysentery

Cure / Prevention for dysentery, try any one of the following:- Castor seed oil - Drink 2 teaspoon castor seed oil with hot milk daily at night. Water - Drink one glass warm water with every meal three time daily. Black pepper powder - one quater spoon of black pepper powder with warm water 2 times daily. Basil - mix basil green leaves with sugar, have it 3 times daily. Tea - Take 1 table spoon tea, one cup milk, 1 teaspoon sugar. boil it and drink it twice daily. Now find cure for any disease or health problems naturaly contact us now with any of your health problems now:- or call us +91-9811535600

Cure prevent heart arteries cholestrol

One easy step to control cholestrol:- Take 2 cloves of garlic and take them with warm water daily in morning empty stomach. do this regularly. Now find cure for any disease or health problems naturaly contact us now with any of your health problems now:- or call us +91-9811535600

Natural Cure for Constipation

Mustard Oil Massage - Daily in morning and in evening massage your stomach gently with Mustard oil, it prevents constipation. Carrot - eat 250 grams red carrot daily for one week in morning empty stomach, it prevents constipation. Lemon - 1. Drink Lemon with warm water daily at night, it cures constipation.               2. If you have long history of constipation take lemon & sugar 12 gram each with warm water it prevents and cures constipation permanently. Fennel - convert fennels into powder form, take one teaspoon with warm water daily at night. There are many other natural ways for more information contact us:- or +91-9811535600

Daily Balaced Diet for Healthy Living

Rice, Wheat, Corns,                                       450 Grams Milk, Yogurt, Milk Water                               250 Grams Pulses                                                             100 Grams Without Leaf Vegetables                                 200 Grams Butter, Oil, Fat                                                  50 Grams Mango, Watemelon, Orange, Banana, Guava     50 Grams Total                                                             1100 Grams

Buy Ajwain / Carom Seed Online

CALL US NOW:- +91-9811535600 Buy Ajwain / Carom Seed Online For queries email us:- Ajwain is a seed or fruit from an annual plant related to fennel, caraway and dill. Its growth habit is similar to parsley and, like parsley, ajwain plants put out several flat flower heads that produce the fruit. It is believed to have originated in Egypt where it is still widely cultivated. Ajwain is also a common crop in Iran , Afghanistan and India where it is valued for cooking and medicinal use. Ajwain is also known as ajowan, carom, and wild parsley. Ajwain In Cooking Ajwain seed has a strong thyme flavor due to the presence of thymol. Actually, the flavor is quite a bit stronger than thyme. It is classified as hot and bitter. If used in its raw form, ajwain can overwhelm the flavor of a dish. In most dishes ajwain is roasted or fried, usually with other spices like cumin, before it is added to the dish being made. Roasting or frying ajwain tempers the flavor, releasing

Cure Ear pain during winters or with loud sound

CALL US NOW:- +91-9811535600 Best way to cure ear pain:- Take 1 table spoon of Mustard oil and keep it on high flame for 5 to 7 minutes. put 2 cloves of garlic in it and fry them till it turns black. after that take out that garlic cloves and filter that mustard oil. at night daily put two to three drops of mustard oil daily for 5 to 7 days along with cotton. ear pain disappears within week.

Cure / Remedies for Osteoporosis

Remedies for Osteoporosis If Osteoporosis has been diagnosed in the early stages one can follow a simple routine to regain health naturally.   Here are some simple tips to tackle osteoporosis sans medication:   -Exercise to build strong bones: Exercise for atleast thirty minutes comprising of weight-bearing exercise such as walking or jogging, three times a week. This regime has been proven to increase bone mineral density, and reduce the risk of falls by strengthening the major muscle groups in the legs and back. -Water Walking: is another suggested exercise to combat osteoporosis. Walking in chest-deep water for about 30 minutes at least three times a week is a suggested remedy as water helps support the body weight and take stress off bones and joints. -Dandelion Tea: Drink dandelion leaf tea to help build bone density -Higher intake of Soy products: As Hormonal imbalances can contribute to bone loss, eating more soy products or taking a supplement that contains soy isoflavones, the

Importance of Solar Plexus / Nabhi Talna

CALL US NOW:- +91-9811535600 Solar Plexus which is located behind the  belly  button or the Navel is the central location of the body according to various theories. This is known as  Nabhila  in Sanskrit and Nabhi in Hindi and Bengali. This is located approximately at the center of the body. Importance of the Solar Plexus increases due to the fact that one of the chakras also known as Manipur  Chakra  is also located at this location. Navel center is associated with the  balance  in emotions. You might have seen that when you get afraid or hear some sudden sad or shocking news you tend to feel hollowness in the stomach  as if that region has lost  strength  and sensitivity. This is beause of the imbalance created in the Solar Plexus. Depending the situation or the type of imbalance created different people can suffer from different  symptoms . Some people start having loose motions also while other suffer from  constipation . Apart from these physical symptoms there can be emotional di

Cure for Kidney Stone and Kidney Pain

Cure for Kidney Stone and Kidney Pain - try any one of the following - Green coconut water - drink green coconut water one daily. Cumin - 1/2 teaspoon of cumin, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, take this with cold water. 3 times a day. Beer - Drink one beer daily. Melon - Drink melon juice or eat melon twice daily. Apple - Drink apple juice 3 times a day. Sugarcane - Drink sugarcane juice twice daily. Cucumber - take cucumber juice, with 2 spoon of honey and one spoon of lemon juice. one time daily.

Cure for Tonsillitis

Cure for Tonsillitis – try any one of the following – Holy Basil / Tulsi Wood Mala – One who’s suffering from Tonsillitis must wear Tulsi Wood Mala in their neck, it cures it naturally. Pineapple – Eat Pineapple twice daily to cure Tonsillitis. Red Carrots – Drink juice of red carrots twice daily.

Cure for Asthma

Cure for Asthma - try any one of the following:- Dates - Eat 5 to 10 dates daily, helps in curing asthma. Vitamin E - It helps in cure of asthma, natural sources for Vitamin E are wheat, pistachio, soyabeen, tomato, dryfruits etc. Lemon juice - 1 lemon juice, 2 large spoon of honey and one teaspoon of ginger juice, mix al l this in warm glass of water. take this twice daily. Grapes - Grapes are used for many centuries to cure asthma, eat grapes daily. Black Coffee- Drink black coffee (without milk and sugar) twice daily to avoid asthma attack. Dried Clove – chew 1 or 2 dried cloves 2 times a day. Onion juice- take 5 to 7 large spoon of onion juice and add 2 large spoon of honey, this helps in curing asthma.

cure for pneumonia

cure for pneumonia - try any one of the following:- Garlic - take 8 drops of garlic oil with one glass of water 2 times a day. Asafoetida - 1/2 teaspoon of powder asafoetida with water 2 times a day. Holy Basil - take 20 leaves of holy basil and 5 black peppers, put them in pan with 1 glass of water, boil them for 3 min utes, one time daily.

Cure for Abdomen Pain

Cure for Abdomen Pain - try any one of the following - Fennel - mix 1/2 teaspoon of fennel and 1/2 teaspoon of salt and take them with warm water. Elettaria - take 2 elettaria with one large spoon of honey. 2 times a day. Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of ginger juice and 1 large spoon of honey with 1  glass of water cures pain in abdomen.

cure for severe cough, sore throat, cold & mild hypothermia

cure for severe cough, sore throat, cold & mild hypothermia - take 2 glass of water in pan and start boiling it, put 2 large spoons of organic honey in it. after 3 to 5 minutes, put almonds, raisins (5 each) in it. then boil it for atleast 10 minutes. boil this whole mixture until 2 glass of water remains only 1/2 cup  of water. after that add pinch of saffron in it. this is wat we call kawa for life.

Menstrual Discharge Problems Cure Remedies Treatment Interruption

MENSTRUAL DISCHARGE Climatically India is a hot country and girls here attain puberty after the age of 13. Menstruation begins at this age. Menstrual discharge is the periodical or monthly flow from the uterus of women. The blood strain of menstrual discharge on the clothes can be washed off. If the blood stain is not washed off, it is symptom of a disease. The flow usually lasts three days. During these three days women should not wash clothes, floors, etc. She should eat hot fresh food. Coconut: Eating coconut facilitates menstrual discharge. Peas: Eating peas removes obstruction in menstrual discharge. Mustard: In menstrual disorders it is beneficial to take 2 gms. of ground mustard with the first bite of the meals. Basil: Allow basil root to dry in the shade, grind it into powder and take ¼ tsp. of it with betel leaf. It will check unnecessary bleeding.

cure bald head

aam achar oil / mango pickle oil is best to cure bald head.  just take 5 to 7 large spoon of oil from mango pickle and during night rub it on scalp. within one week results r visible. but regularity must be there.

Tea for Winters

Tea for Winters - Half cup water, Half cup milk, One pinch of Cardamom / Elaichi, Dried cloves / Laung, Fennel / Saunf, Saffron / Kesar, Small piece of Ginger / Adrak, 2 leaves of Holy Basil / Tulsi. Boil all these ingredients for at least 5 to 7 minutes. Consume this tea twice daily. Also helps in curing cough, sore throat and cold.

cure for impotency

cure for impotency - onions are best source to cure impotency and make impotent to a man. one who's suffering from impotency, must take one raw onion everyday. within few months results r there. (one man ali akbar beg whose age was 88 years married to 168th wife, at this age he's sexually active and his wife gave birth  to healthy baby boy) reason for this is raw onions in his diet.

make your lips pink

make your lips pink, take one large spoon of white home made makhan / butter and add one pinch of kesar / saffron in it, make paste of it and rub it during night on our lips. see results within 15 days.

Health Benefits of Almonds

The health benefits of almonds include getting relief from constipation, respiratory disorders, cough, hearth disorders, anemia, impotency, and diabetes. It also helps in hair care, skin care (psoriasis), and dental care. Found in places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Israel, almond is a very nutritious nut.  It is a rich source of vitamin E, calcium, phosphorous, iron and magnesium. It also contains zinc, selenium, copper and niacin. Almonds contain the most nutrients in comparison to all other nuts. Both sweet and bitter almonds are available. Usually, sweet almonds are edible and bitter almonds are used to make  almond oil , which is used to add flavor to food. Almonds are usually eaten raw, but people also add them as ingredients in salads. Almond milk is a delicious drink. You can eat almonds directly, preferably eat it empty stomach to ensure absorption of their nutrients. You can soak them in water overnight and eat in the morning. You can also garni