Menstrual Discharge Problems Cure Remedies Treatment Interruption


Climatically India is a hot country and girls here attain puberty after the age of 13. Menstruation begins at this age. Menstrual discharge is the periodical or monthly flow from the uterus of women. The blood strain of menstrual discharge on the clothes can be washed off. If the blood stain is not washed off, it is symptom of a disease. The flow usually lasts three days. During these three days women should not wash clothes, floors, etc. She should eat hot fresh food.

Coconut: Eating coconut facilitates menstrual discharge.

Peas: Eating peas removes obstruction in menstrual discharge.

Mustard: In menstrual disorders it is beneficial to take 2 gms. of ground mustard with the first bite of the meals.

Basil: Allow basil root to dry in the shade, grind it into powder and take ¼ tsp. of it with betel leaf. It will check unnecessary bleeding.
