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Showing posts from April, 2013

Aragonite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Aragonite may be used to treat sensitive teeth and gingivitis, to do so, you may gargle with Aragonite water on a daily basis. The bones and connective tissue are strengthened by wearing this stone, Aragonite may be used to treat gout but also to heal inflammations of the connective tissue. You may treat liver spots and freckles with Aragonite water and these spots will fade. Aragonite positively influences the skin and hair, and it promotes joy of living. This stone can also be used to diminish nightmares and those that are usually moon-struck benefit tremendously from wearing Aragonite.  

Aquamarine Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Aquamarine, against neuralgia, enlarged glands, illnesses of the throat, cough, stomach, liver and eye diseases. Against sinusitis, teary eyes and all kinds of allergies, even serious hey fever will disappear, asthma. For mucous membranes, jaw, molars and mouth, use in case of toothache, thyroid diseases, promotes the expression of feelings. For heart, blood vessels, bones, spleen, neck, kidneys, metabolism, thymus. Against sadness, poisoning, rash, for youth and fearlessness, promotes a loyal, warm heart. Aquamarine is an excellent stone for people that want to develop their paranormal abilities. This stone can also be used as a cleansing stone, wear or use this stone during your bath or shower before ritual and magical activities.  

Aqua Aura Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Aqua Aura is a stone that is manufactured by human hands, this stone is made up from   Clear Crystal Quartz   that has been treated with a layer of   Gold , these two components are melted together through extreme heat and created a beautiful blue stone. Even though this stone was made by human hands, Aqua Aura has a few important healing properties and it combines the strength of Clear Crystal Quartz and Gold. This stone protects and cleanses the aura and stimulates channelling, the intellect and telepathy. Aqua Aura also stimulates the throat chakra.  

Apophyllite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Against paralysis of the muscles and nerves, against facial paralysis and enormous pains, like colic. Use as a therapy stone in case of Multiple Sclerosis, depression, hallucinations and epilepsy. Strengthens kidneys and bladder. Apophyllite opens the heart chakra.

Apatite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Apatite is composed out of many minerals that are found in our bodies and that is why this stone can be used for many purposes. Apatite stimulates the intestinal system and because of that the nutrients are absorbed into the body. Against obesity and flu, strengthens the immune system. A wonderful stone, it's colour can hardly be described and it's a soft healer.

Apache Tear Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Apache Tear harmonises stress related illnesses like stomach and intestinal disorders, cures ulcers. For diarrhoea and arrhythmia. Apache Tear is also known as the 'Grief Stone' and is a good help during mourning. For example, put four Apache Tears, one for every element, around a candle as help during mourning. Apache Tear is worn as a lucky charm and used for protection.

Apache Gold Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Apache Gold may be used to stimulate digestion and to work up an appetite. Next to that this stone makes sure that stomach and intestines are in good working order and also that nutrients, vitamins and minerals are assimilated by the body. Apache Gold may also be used to dispel diseases of the ear. In magic Apache Gold is used in ceremonial magic and shamanistic travel. In meditation Apache Gold is a grounding stone. Apache Gold is also called Pyrite Agate.  

Andean Blue Green Pink Opal Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

The Andean Opal is found in four different colours: pink, blue, green and white. All these various colours of Andean Opal may be used to cure diseases of the heart, the lungs and the thymus. Also when you are suffering from muscle swelling and if you are retaining water this stone can bring relief and be the cure. The Andean Opal opens us up for our spiritual journey. Blue-green Andean Opal This stone positively influences the respiratory tract, lungs and bronchial tubes. It will also relieve allergies and asthma. Next to that it will cure diseases of the skin and the Blue-green Andean Opal also strengthens the throat and may be used to diminish and heal throat infections and hoarseness. Pink Andean Opal This stone strengthens the enzymes in the body and may be used in combination with all other healing stones. The Pink Andean Opal diminishes and cures depression and helps its wearer find true love. This stone also works on the endocrine system and strengthens the immune system and thi

Andalusite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Andalusite is a great help when you wish to get to know all the facets of your character, but stay with both feet on the ground at the same time. It allows you to be analytical without losing sight of reality, which makes it an excellent stone to examine your problems. Andalusite strengthens the memory and awakens inner knowledge. On the physical level Andalusite is used to treat illnesses of the pulmonary tract and chromosome disturbances.  

Ametrine Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Ametrine cures headaches and harmonises both sides of the brain, next to that Ametrine cures extreme blushing and protects against meningitis. Ametrine also helps one achieve a higher meditative state and changes negative emotions into positive deeds. Ametrine combines the properties of   Amethyst   and   Citrine .  

Amethyst Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Amethyst calms and gives inner peace, works wonders against insomnia, stress related headaches and migraines. Relaxes the muscles of the neck and shoulder blades, against venereal diseases, hysteria, hallucinations, puerperal fever, rage, hatred and anger, fear, pain and homesickness. Amethyst cures impurities of the skin, against dropsy and colour blindness, strengthens kidneys and eyes. Works against all kinds of addictions, alcoholism, pulls the negativity out of its wearer, gives energy, clears the mind, for flexibility and openness, against concussions and related head aches. Against infections, strengthens stomach, liver and gives love of mankind and friendship, strengthens pancreas, thyroid, thymus and metabolism. Use to regain strength after illness, paleness and painful menstruation. Amethyst is an ideal stone to decrease fear, sorrow and homesickness. Also it's an ideal stone to use for sprains. Amethyst can be used to sharpen the sixth sense and that's why a lot of p

Amber Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Amber cures and protects the bronchial tubes, helps the teething of babies. Against fears, phobias, depression, hysteria, asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, infections, fevers, yellow fever and malaria. Strengthens teeth, stops bleeding, against rheumatism, laryngitis, fatigue, for a trouble free pregnancy, against shingles, intestinal problems, poisoning, good for bladder and heart, metabolism, spine and viral diseases. Amber prevents goitre because it stimulates the energy flow in the thyroid. Works fantastic against Graves' disease (formerly known as Basedow disease). Amber is a stone that attracts love. As an amulet Amber protects against negativity, sorcery and witchcraft. Amber has always been associated with witchcraft. Put a large piece of Amber on your altar to enhance your magic. This is also one of the reasons why many wiccans wear necklaces of Amber and Jet during rituals. Amber is used for all magical purposes.

Alexandrite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Alexandrite heals the central nervous system. Harmonises the co-operation of the organs, especially the spleen, stomach and pancreas. Also works especially well in leukaemia cases. Alexandrite attracts good luck. Also used in love spells. Note:   Alexandrite is a very rare stone and therefore an extremely expensive one. However it is one of the most exquisite stones I've ever had the pleasure of seeing, because of one of its wonderful property of changing colours: in daylight this stone appears to be green and in artificial lighting this stone appears to be red.

Agate Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Against pain and deafness, headaches, protective, gives courage, lowers fevers, calms, comforts and harmonises, against insanity, enhances vitality, against epilepsy, makes one well spoken, helps difficult deliveries, against meningitis, tumours, for a good digestive system and bladder function. Agate heals ailments of the bronchial tubes and asthmatic problems. Agate makes its wearer serious, well balanced, loved and amiable. Also Agate shields children against falling. In magic Agates are used in rituals that concern love, healing, protection, strength and courage. It is said that one can only tell the truth when looking onto an Agate. Apricot Agate Apricot Agate is the most suitable stone for pregnant women and young children. This stone protects both mother and child during the pregnancy. Apricot Agate also protects the foetus against all kinds of illnesses like harelips and Down's syndrome. Black Agate Black Agate is a protective stone; it provides its wearer with courage an

Multiple Miscellaneous Remedies Online Home Natural

HEAVINESS OF STOMACH Aniseed: Eating aniseed soaked in lemon juice after meals relieves heaviness of the stomach, improves appetite and clears the bowels. ERUCTATION Asafotida: If belching persists take a minute quantity of asafoetida with jiggery or a banana. Cumin seeds:  Grind roasted cumin seeds and take 1 tsp. of the powder with a tsp. of honey. It is beneficial in belching. EXCESSIVE THIRST Banana: Thirst can be controlled by eating two bananas at a time thrice a day. The dryness of the throat disappears. Millet: Eat millet flour rotis with butter milk daily. It reduces thirst.  People with body and those who are rheumatic should not take millet flour rotis. Salt: It evaporates glandular juices, therefore, one feels thirsty after taking salt. Those who feel too much thirsty, should take very little of salt. Barley: Pound one cup of barley and let it soak in water for eight hours. Then boil it. Gargle with hot barley water. It will reduce the feeling of thirst. Water-melon: It red