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Showing posts from February, 2012

Dyspepsia cure remedy online remedies treatment

DYSPEPSIA (DYS = HARD, PEPSIN = DIGEST) Weakness of digestion or indigestion leads to pain in the parts related to digestive system and there is flatulene which causes heaviness, restlessness, nausea and vomiting. Loss of appetite, indigestion, feeling of surfeit and stomach derangement all mean that the food eaten is not being digested. The diarrhea caused by dyspepsia is known as sprue. Lemon : (1) Cut a slice of a lemon, heat it, sprinkle salt on it and suck on it to get relief from indigestion. It will improve the digestive system. Lemon is useful in all ailments of the liver. (2) Take half glass of lemon water with sugar daily in case of loss of appetite, indigestion and sour burps. (3) Squeeze a lemon in a glass of water, add salt and a tsp. of ginger juice to it and drink it. Guava: It is a good medicine for dyspepsia, loss of appetite and flatulence. The patient should eat 250 gms. Of guava fruit after meals. Others should eat it before meals. Cauliflower : Taking mixed juice o

Cure allergy remedies diet causes

Allergy An allergy or an allergic reaction is an abnormal immune system response to certain stimuli, like food ingredients or dust. Our immune system normally functions to protect the body against infections and any other threats, but under certain circumstances our immune system can malfunction. Individuals who suffer from allergies have certain abnormalities in their immune system response, causing it to mistakenly react to certain substances as if they were harmful to you. This defensive reaction that is triggered by exposure is known as an allergic reaction, and the substance that triggers the immune response is known as an allergen. There are various allergens that could produce such reactions and they could include certain ingredients in your diet, dust or smoke, pollen, chemicals in certain drugs or certain resins, oils and cosmetics. Before turning to any natural allergy remedies it should be kept in mind that the most important step would be to eliminate or minimize any exposu

Cure Dysentery Treatment Remedy Home Remedies Bacillary Dysentery Amoebic Dysentery

Dysentery Dysentery is a disease of the intestines attended with frequent bloody and mucous stools. The patient does not feel hungry and feels weak. In the beginning, there are frequent stools marked by spasmodic pain in the stomach and passing of a white oily substance called mucous, but gradually the frequency of diarrheic stools increases. There is a bloody flux also. While passing the stool, one feels pain in the stomach. The dysenteric patient should take plenty of rest. The chief reason for dysentery is as inflammation in the lower part of ileum and the large intestine. There are two types of dysentery. 1.      Bacillary Dysentery : The patient feels the urge for passing the stools frequently. The stools are marked by a bloody flux. Sometimes he feels he has passed only blood. The frequency sometimes ranges between 20-30 times in a day and the patient sometimes develops fever. But the patient recovers soon. For prompt relief suck 10 globules of homeopathic medicine Merk cor five

Cure Diarrhoea Home Remedy Natural Online Remedies

DIARRHOEA When the stool is very thin and watery and there are frequent visits to the toilet though there are no spasms, it is known as diarrhea or dysentery. It is not a disease in itself byt symptom of other diseases. Diarrhoea is more common  during the summer season. Causes Heavy fried or oily food, over eating, dirty toxic food, the use of laxatives, consumption of ice, worms, hot spices, keeping awake during night, constipation, etc. are the major factors that cause diarrhea. Nature does not allow the body to retain certain foods in the stomach or intestines, therefore, it results in diarrhea. Other causes that lead to diarrhea are eating either raw or over ripe fruits, sudden fear, sorrow or terror, mental agony, disorders of the digestive system because of sudden changes in the weather, paucity or overflow of bile in the intestines, etc. There is a thin film of mucus on the intestines, which constantly secretes a kind of juice. This is the juice that ffacilitates the digestion