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Showing posts from February, 2011

Cure for Kidney Stone and Kidney Pain

Cure for Kidney Stone and Kidney Pain - try any one of the following - Green coconut water - drink green coconut water one daily. Cumin - 1/2 teaspoon of cumin, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, take this with cold water. 3 times a day. Beer - Drink one beer daily. Melon - Drink melon juice or eat melon twice daily. Apple - Drink apple juice 3 times a day. Sugarcane - Drink sugarcane juice twice daily. Cucumber - take cucumber juice, with 2 spoon of honey and one spoon of lemon juice. one time daily.

Cure for Tonsillitis

Cure for Tonsillitis – try any one of the following – Holy Basil / Tulsi Wood Mala – One who’s suffering from Tonsillitis must wear Tulsi Wood Mala in their neck, it cures it naturally. Pineapple – Eat Pineapple twice daily to cure Tonsillitis. Red Carrots – Drink juice of red carrots twice daily.

Cure for Asthma

Cure for Asthma - try any one of the following:- Dates - Eat 5 to 10 dates daily, helps in curing asthma. Vitamin E - It helps in cure of asthma, natural sources for Vitamin E are wheat, pistachio, soyabeen, tomato, dryfruits etc. Lemon juice - 1 lemon juice, 2 large spoon of honey and one teaspoon of ginger juice, mix al l this in warm glass of water. take this twice daily. Grapes - Grapes are used for many centuries to cure asthma, eat grapes daily. Black Coffee- Drink black coffee (without milk and sugar) twice daily to avoid asthma attack. Dried Clove – chew 1 or 2 dried cloves 2 times a day. Onion juice- take 5 to 7 large spoon of onion juice and add 2 large spoon of honey, this helps in curing asthma.

cure for pneumonia

cure for pneumonia - try any one of the following:- Garlic - take 8 drops of garlic oil with one glass of water 2 times a day. Asafoetida - 1/2 teaspoon of powder asafoetida with water 2 times a day. Holy Basil - take 20 leaves of holy basil and 5 black peppers, put them in pan with 1 glass of water, boil them for 3 min utes, one time daily.

Cure for Abdomen Pain

Cure for Abdomen Pain - try any one of the following - Fennel - mix 1/2 teaspoon of fennel and 1/2 teaspoon of salt and take them with warm water. Elettaria - take 2 elettaria with one large spoon of honey. 2 times a day. Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of ginger juice and 1 large spoon of honey with 1  glass of water cures pain in abdomen.

cure for severe cough, sore throat, cold & mild hypothermia

cure for severe cough, sore throat, cold & mild hypothermia - take 2 glass of water in pan and start boiling it, put 2 large spoons of organic honey in it. after 3 to 5 minutes, put almonds, raisins (5 each) in it. then boil it for atleast 10 minutes. boil this whole mixture until 2 glass of water remains only 1/2 cup  of water. after that add pinch of saffron in it. this is wat we call kawa for life.

Menstrual Discharge Problems Cure Remedies Treatment Interruption

MENSTRUAL DISCHARGE Climatically India is a hot country and girls here attain puberty after the age of 13. Menstruation begins at this age. Menstrual discharge is the periodical or monthly flow from the uterus of women. The blood strain of menstrual discharge on the clothes can be washed off. If the blood stain is not washed off, it is symptom of a disease. The flow usually lasts three days. During these three days women should not wash clothes, floors, etc. She should eat hot fresh food. Coconut: Eating coconut facilitates menstrual discharge. Peas: Eating peas removes obstruction in menstrual discharge. Mustard: In menstrual disorders it is beneficial to take 2 gms. of ground mustard with the first bite of the meals. Basil: Allow basil root to dry in the shade, grind it into powder and take ¼ tsp. of it with betel leaf. It will check unnecessary bleeding.

cure bald head

aam achar oil / mango pickle oil is best to cure bald head.  just take 5 to 7 large spoon of oil from mango pickle and during night rub it on scalp. within one week results r visible. but regularity must be there.

Tea for Winters

Tea for Winters - Half cup water, Half cup milk, One pinch of Cardamom / Elaichi, Dried cloves / Laung, Fennel / Saunf, Saffron / Kesar, Small piece of Ginger / Adrak, 2 leaves of Holy Basil / Tulsi. Boil all these ingredients for at least 5 to 7 minutes. Consume this tea twice daily. Also helps in curing cough, sore throat and cold.

cure for impotency

cure for impotency - onions are best source to cure impotency and make impotent to a man. one who's suffering from impotency, must take one raw onion everyday. within few months results r there. (one man ali akbar beg whose age was 88 years married to 168th wife, at this age he's sexually active and his wife gave birth  to healthy baby boy) reason for this is raw onions in his diet.

make your lips pink

make your lips pink, take one large spoon of white home made makhan / butter and add one pinch of kesar / saffron in it, make paste of it and rub it during night on our lips. see results within 15 days.