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Showing posts from December, 2013

Science of Breathing Pranayama The Fourth Constituent of Yoga

                      Science of Breathing (Pranayama)                         The Science of Breathing (Pranayama) is very helpful in making mental and spiritual progress. It is equally important for physical improvement and maintaining health. Like food, medicines also are important gifts of nature. While food is meant for sustaining and strengthening the body. Medicines are necessary for curing or preventing ailments. But the popular medicines, particularly the allopathic drugs, just suppress the diseases temporarily and do not eradicate them. The sages of old, therefore, discovered from their experience and intuition the science of breathing which cures diseases completely and helps in maintaining health. It is, therefore, necessary that the scientific way of breathing should be practiced. Breathing is the most essential means of sustaining human life. We can live for some time without food and water, but without inhaling and exhaling air, it is not possible to live longer than