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Showing posts from March, 2011

Cure / Remedies for Osteoporosis

Remedies for Osteoporosis If Osteoporosis has been diagnosed in the early stages one can follow a simple routine to regain health naturally.   Here are some simple tips to tackle osteoporosis sans medication:   -Exercise to build strong bones: Exercise for atleast thirty minutes comprising of weight-bearing exercise such as walking or jogging, three times a week. This regime has been proven to increase bone mineral density, and reduce the risk of falls by strengthening the major muscle groups in the legs and back. -Water Walking: is another suggested exercise to combat osteoporosis. Walking in chest-deep water for about 30 minutes at least three times a week is a suggested remedy as water helps support the body weight and take stress off bones and joints. -Dandelion Tea: Drink dandelion leaf tea to help build bone density -Higher intake of Soy products: As Hormonal imbalances can contribute to bone loss, eating more soy products or taking a supplement that contains soy isoflavones, the

Importance of Solar Plexus / Nabhi Talna

CALL US NOW:- +91-9811535600 Solar Plexus which is located behind the  belly  button or the Navel is the central location of the body according to various theories. This is known as  Nabhila  in Sanskrit and Nabhi in Hindi and Bengali. This is located approximately at the center of the body. Importance of the Solar Plexus increases due to the fact that one of the chakras also known as Manipur  Chakra  is also located at this location. Navel center is associated with the  balance  in emotions. You might have seen that when you get afraid or hear some sudden sad or shocking news you tend to feel hollowness in the stomach  as if that region has lost  strength  and sensitivity. This is beause of the imbalance created in the Solar Plexus. Depending the situation or the type of imbalance created different people can suffer from different  symptoms . Some people start having loose motions also while other suffer from  constipation . Apart from these physical symptoms there can be emotional di